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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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you make that box_____? 6. Yes, 1 made it all by_.
Прок 8
One Glorious Hour
We have heard a lot about cats in this book, so here, for a change, is a story about a dog, a "story without words." The man here is Mr. Priestley's brother, David, and his dog, Kim. David Priestley thinks Kim is the best dog in the world. He believes it is quiet and obedient, always behaves perfectly and couldn't do anything wrong. But, as you will see from these pictures, there is a lot that David doesn't know. Let us look at the pictures.
PICTURE 1. Is David Priestley's car a big one or a small one, a new one or an old one? Where is Kim sitting?
PICTURE 2. Mr. David Priestley is an insurance agent. He has to call and see people who want to insure themselves or their houses, and so on. He has stopped at the office because he has about an hour's work to do before paying his first visit. H e is leaving the dog in the car. What do you think he is saying to the dog?
PICTURE 3. Where is Mr. David Priestley now? Does Ют look a nice, quiet, obedient dog?
PICTURES 4, 5, 6. You may find these words and phrases useful for describing these pictures: walk past, jump out, run after, round the comer, knock over, lose his hat.
in front of a car, run into, bus, van, crash
What has the car run into? What has the van run into? How did that happen: can you explain?
Where has the cat gone? Can you see it? But Kim has now seen a new enemy.
fight, to separate. Does Kim look like a nice, quiet, obedient dog?
PICTURE 9. This man is a postman. The words on his bag are ROYAL MAIL. What will be inside the bag?
PICTURE 10. pork pie, ham, sausages, chicken Can you describe the expression on the man's face?
PICTURE 11. back again. Can you describe the expression on Kim's face?
PICTURES 12,13. Mr. David Priestley has been in the office for about an hour. Picture 13 is nearly the same as another one. Which? What is the only difference?
PICTURE 14. What is Mr. David Priestley doing now?
to pat
What do you think he is saying? Does Kim look like a nice, quiet, obedient dog?
Однокоренные слова
quiet (adj) - quietly (adv) - quietness (noun)
"Be quiet." "Keep quiet."
The little girl sat reading her book; she was as quiet as a mouse. Mr. Priestley speaks quietly and dresses quietly in quiet colours. Mr. Priestley's father enjoys a quiet old age.
I enjoy the quietness of the country.
Мы часто употребляем слово quiet как существительное:
I enjoy the peace and quiet of the country.
Внимание: различайте слова quiet ['kwaiat] (тихий) и quite [kwait] (совсем):
I want you to be quite quiet for five minutes.
obey - obedient - obedience - disobey - disobedient - disobedience Ют sometimes obeys his master, and quite often disobeys him. His master thinks he is always obedient; we saw that he could be disobedient. His master patted him on the head and praised him for his obedience. He didn't know about his disobedience.
behave - behaviour
The soldier behaved with great courage.
David praised Ют for his good behaviour.
insure - insurance
I have insured my house against fire and robbery.
Mr. David Priestley is an insurance agent; he works in an insurance office. He tries to persuade people to take out an insurance on their lives and property.
separate (adj) - separate {verb)
Прилагательное произносится как f'separit] ['seprit] (отдельный).
Глагол произносится как ['separeit] (разделять).
All the boys have separate bedrooms.
The man tried to separate the two dogs that were fighting.
post (verb and noun)-postman-post office-postcard-postage I am going to post a letter.
Has the morning's post arrived yet?
The postman has just brought some letters and a postcard.
I will ask at the post office what the postage is on a letter to Santiago.
glorious - glory
Ют had a glorious hour.
There was a glorious sunset last night.
In those days many men went away to win honour and glory.
Ha c. 189 вам встретилось слово pork (свинина). Вот еше слова, обозначающие разновидности мяса:
lamb (young sheep) calf (young ox)
Meat pork, bacon beef mutton
¦ 190
1. Придумайте предложения со следующими словами: without, world, believe, glory, quite, quiet, obedient, obey, behave,
behaviour, insure, insurance, separate (v), separate (adj)
2. Придумайте предложения со следующими словосочетаниями:
for a change; in the world; there is a lot; before paying; looks like; jump out; walk past; run after; comer of the house; knock a man over; in front of; run into; inside the bag; in his mouth; looks angry; back again
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Kinds of Nouns
MR. PRIESTLEY: In the examples I gave you of the noun in Lesson 5 there were desk, John, London, Italy, happiness, glory, crowd, navy. You perhaps feel that though all these names are similar because they are names of things, nevertheless there are differences. Thus, man and country can be used for all men and all countries, but John and Italy are names of particular persons or places.
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