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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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Man, country, town are Common Nouns.
John, Italy, London are Proper Nouns.
You will note that proper nouns begin with a capital letter; common nouns, unless they are at the beginning of a sentence, do not.
Again, words like happiness, whiteness, sweetness are not quite like boy, chalk, sugar. I can see and touch the happy boy, but hardly his happiness. I can put a spoonful of sugar in my tea but not a spoonful of sweetness. I can hold a piece of white chalk in my hand but I can't hold the chalk in one hand and its whiteness in the other. The happiness, sweetness, whiteness have no existence apart from the boy, sugar, chalk: they are qualities of these people or things; they are abstractions and so they are called Abstract Nouns.
Finally we have words like crowd, navy, army, class. They are names of a group or collection of things, of men, ships, students, etc., but are regarded as one, so we speak of a crowd, a navy, an army, etc. These nouns are Collective Nouns. A collective noun is usually singular, and if we regard the thing that it represents as one whole, we use a singular verb with it. Sometimes, however, we regard the things or people that it represents not as one but as a number of separate people or things, e.g. The football team is (singular) playing very well.
The singular is used because I am thinking of the team working as one whole together. But after the game is over I say:
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The football team are (plural) having baths and are (plural) coming back here for tea.
because now I am thinking of the team as eleven different men having eleven baths and afterwards eating eleven teas.
The idea in my mind is a plural one, and so 1 use a plural verb.
Собирательные существительные Collective Nouns
people is a crowd.
people listening to music, a play, etc., is an audience.
teachers of a school, officials, etc., is a staff.
sticks is a bundle.
relations is a family.
people of the same origin is a race.
nations under one ruler is an empire.
1 Единственное число wolf.
2 Единственное число fly.
sheep is a flock.
footballers, etc., is a team. books is a library.
flowers or keys is a bunch.
flies2 (or other insects) is a swarm.
rulers of a country is a government.
people chosen to direct some work is a committee.
cattle (cows, bulls, etc.) is a herd.
Bunch ofkeys
1. Найдите существительные и определите их тип:
Н.М. Stanley finds Dr. Livingstone1
"I pushed back the crowd and, passing from the back, walked down between the lines of people until I came in front of the group of Africans where stood the white man with the grey beard. I wanted to run to him but I was a coward in the presence of such a crowd; I wanted to put my arms around him, only as he was an Englishman I did not know how he would receive me; so I did what cowardice and foolish pride suggested. I walked up to him and said, "Doctor Livingstone, I presume?"
2. В предложениях "A man who is wise has wisdom," "When you choose make a good choice," слова wisdom и choice являются абстрактными существительными. Слово wisdom образовано от однокоренного прилагательного wise; choice - от однокоренного глагола choose. Таким же образом образуйте абстрактные существительные от: прилагательных - lonely, bad, beautiful, black, bright, careful,
clever, cold, dark, dead, friendly, gay, good, hard, helpful, hungry, kind, noisy, quiet, sleepy, weak, young, absent, high, deep, long, wide, wonderful, hot, glad, anxious, comfortable, happy, easy, true, various, present, courageous, ready, terrified, excited, hopeful, angry глаголов - believe, live, enjoy, oppose, lend, describe
3. Назовите собирательное существительное для следующих словосочетаний:
a large number of soldiers; people listening to music; a number of cows; a number of sheep; a number of flowers; a number of people in church; eleven men playing football as a body; a number of battleships; a number of sticks; a number of flies
1 David Livingstone, famous religious teacher and explorer, had gone into the heart of unknown Africa, and nothing had been heard of him for three years. Stanley, who himself afterwards became a great explorer but at this time was a newspaper man working for the New York Herald, was sent on the seemingly impossible task of finding him.
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Дрок ю
Margaret Priestley's Birthday Morning
MRS. PRIESTLEY: Margaret is coming downstairs-I can hear her.
LILIAN: Don't forget to say "Many Happy Returns," Andrew.
ANDREW: Of course I won't; I will say it as soon as I see her.
LILIAN: And have you put your present by the side of her plate?
AN DREW: Yes, can't you see it there, next to yours?
LILIAN: Here she comes.
ALL: Good morning, Margaret, Many Happy Returns, Many Happy Returns of your birthday.
MARGARET: Thank you everybody. Oh! What a lot of parcels. Shall I open them now, Mummy?1
MRS. PRIESTLEY: Yes, dear, you had better. I am sure no one will be able to get on with breakfast until you have done so.
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