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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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(2) Дата. Для написания дат обычно используются порядковые числительные: 1st March, 3rd April, 21st May, 22nd December.
Однако иногда используются и количественные числительные. Например: March 1, 1955 (1 March, 1955), April 3, 1955 (3 April, 1955). Написание даты только цифрами может привести к недопониманию. В Англии 6/10/55 означает 6th October 1955; в Америке это означает June 10th 1955. Поэтому любая из следующих форм написания даты правильная:
1. October 16th, 1955. 3. October 16, 1955.
2. 16th October, 1955. 4. 16 October, 1955.
(3) Обращения:
Деловые письма (a) Business letters Dear Sir,
Dear Sirs,
Dear Madam,
Частные письма (b) Friendly letters: Dear Mr. Priestley, Dear Miss Smith, Dear Mrs. Smith, My dear Lucille,
(4) Заключительная формула вежливости:
(a) Business: Yours truly, Yours faithfully.
(b) Friendly:
Yours sincerely, I remain,
With best wishes and
kindest regards, Yours sincerely,
(5) Адрес (для конверта):
Mr. H. Chapman,
10, Northbank Rd.,
G. Smith, Esq., Byron House, High St., Liverpool.
Внимание: в Англии порядок написания адреса следующий:
Для дома с номером: (1) name of the person, (2) number of the house, name of the street, road, etc., (3) town, (4) country.
Для дома с названием: (1) name of the person, (2) name of the house, (3) name of the street, road, etc., (4) town, (5) country. Внимание: Так писать нельзя Mr. Н. Chapman
Esq. (= esquire) обычно используется при написании деловых писем. Esq. никогда не пишется полностью на конверте.
Mr. Smith может также использоваться, как и Esq., однако нельзя писать: Mr. Smith, Esq.
Существуют и другие формы обращений:
Mrs. Smith (жена г-на Смита)
Miss Smith (старшая дочь)
Miss Mary Smith (младшая дочь)
Master G. Smith (сын)
Mr. And Mrs. Smith (г-н и г-жа Смит)
Dr. R. Smith (доктор)
Southport, Northbank Rd., 10. Lancashire.
¦ 214
The Rev. (=reverend) Charles Smith1 (священник)
Sir William Smith (рыцарь)
Messrs} H. Smith and Co. (фирма)
The Weanwell Woollen Co. Ltd. (фирма с ограниченной ответственностью)
Фонетическая тренировка
м [i] [e] [a]
heat become empty army proverb
freeze besides essay march frosty
[л] [u:] M [ei] [эи] [ai]
become prove around blaze ghost besides
gloves roof manner fade wholesale dying
1. Используйте следующие слова а) как существительные,
б) как глаголы:
dance, run, wash, drive, help, hope, kiss, laugh, light, look, pay, play, pull, push, rain
2. Придумайте предложения, используя разные значения следующих слов:
mind, notice
3. Начертите конверт и напишите на нем адрес вашего друга в Англии.
1 Мы никогда не говорим The Rev. Smith. Должно стоять или имя или инициалы
2 Messrs. - (фр.) краткая форма, полная форма никогда не употребляется.
Holidays Have Started
All the students. Tuesday evening. Dec. 21st.
PEDRO: Well, no more lessons now until after Christmas. It's nice to think that holidays have started. This time on Friday I shall be flying to Spain. I shall be just about leaving the French coast and getting over the Bay of Biscay. What will you be doing, Lucille?
LUCILLE: Let me see; it's seven o'clock now. Yes, at seven o'clock tomorrow I shall be going to a party at a friend's house in Canterbury.
OLAF: Are you going by car?
LUCILLE: Yes, but I shan't be driving; a friend of mine will be taking me in his car.
OLAF: And I shall be packing my luggage, and if it is like my usual packing, I shall be trying to get too many things into too little space. What will you be doing this time on Friday, Hob?
HOB: I shall be wondering what 1 am going to get for my supper.
JAN: 1 am going to Switzerland to spend Christmas with Frieda's family. She has just had a letter from her mother and father inviting me to stay with them. They say that they will all be waiting at the station on Christmas Eve to welcome us.
LUCILLE: Oh! Isn't that nice! I'm so glad you are getting a holiday. You will be looking forward to it, I know.
JAN: I am, very much.
FRIEDA: So am 1.1 shall be thinking about that homecoming all the way to Switzerland.
OLAF: I hope you won't be feeling too tired after your journey to enjoy the welcome.
FRIEDA: I shall be feeling too excited to be tired. I know mother will be cooking and baking now as hard as she can go. Ruth and
Gretchen will be cleaning and dusting the rooms (though I am sure the rooms don't need it); the boys will be gathering wood for the fire, and father will be looking for a Christmas tree.
LUCILLE: And what will little Fritz be doing?
FRIEDA: If I know little Fritz, he will be getting in everybody's way as he generally does when they are all busy.
HOB: Have none of you thought that this time next month we shall all be coming back here, and Mr. Priestley will be waiting for us with more grammar?
LUCILLE: Oh, Hob, don't be so pessimistic; it's not like you.
HOB: That reminds me of something. Do you know, the difference between a pessimist and an optimist?
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