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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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___lie there, and pull the_round him. Mr. Priestley_has a cold_,
and then he___and goes down to___at____eight o'clock.
3. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. How do you greet someone at Christmas? 2. What reply do you get to that greeting? 3. What do you say when you are introduced to someone? 4. What do they reply? 5. What do you say on someone's birthday? 6. What do you say if you haven't heard a remark and you want someone to repeat it? 7. What animal does pork come from?
8. What meat do we get from a calf?
4. Скажите, к какой части речи принадлежат выделенные курсивом слова, и обоснуйте свой ответ:
1. The boy springs into the water. 2. I like spring weather. 3. Hob does not work very hard. 4. Frieda is a hard worker. 5. The boy did not copy my work. 6.1 should like a copy of this poem. 7. Pass me a paint brush. 8.1 am going to paint.
¦ 198
5. Придумайте предложения со следующими словами и словосочетаниями:
comfortable; welcome; for a change; pyjamas; blow; for instance; run into; apologise; decide; fried; disobedient; believe; bad-tempered; lend; forget
6. Образуйте абстрактные существительные от следующих прилагательных:
true, high, weak, noisy, good
7. Вставьте возвратные или усилительные местоимения и назовите их:
1. Hob told the story . 2. The cat washed . 3. Frieda enjoyed _
in Scotland. 4. I don't smoke_____. 5. He built his house all by__.
6. They helped___to the chocolates. 7. We always please__. 8. Frieda
and Jan washed the dishes____.
8. Употребите глаголы в скобках в прошедшем продолженном времени:
1. The ceiling fell down, while aunt Aggie (eat) dinner. 2. The dog opened its mouth, just as if it (talk). 3. While the soldiers (march), the rain began to fall. 4. We (work) hard yesterday morning.
Употребите глаголы в скобках в прошедшем совершенном времени:
5. When we (finish) dinner, Susan took the dishes away. 6.1 (bring) a box of chocolates for you. 7. John (ask) a friend to come for a chat.
9. Вставьте when, if, because:
1. They sat near the fire,_it was cold. 2. We will'have dinner,_
he comes. 3.___you don't like the coffee, throw it away. 4. I like this
pen, it writes well. 5. Olaf played football he was at school. 6.
it rains, I will not come. 7. Have a bath before breakfast_you feel like
it. 8._will you come for a chat? 9.__you have worked hard, you may
have a holiday. 10.__you have done this, there will be no more ques-
(Jpok 11
Two Poems
Do you remember the book of poems that Margaret got for her birthday, A Child's Garden of Verse by Robert Louis Stevenson? Here are two of the poems from that book:
THE WIND I saw you toss the kites on high,
And blow the birds about the sky;
And all around 1 heard you pass,
Like ladies' skirts across the grass-
О wind, а-blowing all day long,
О wind, that sings so loud a song!
I saw the different things you did,
But always you yourself you hid.
1 felt you push, 1 heard you call,
1 could not see yourself at all-
О wind, а-blowing all day long,
О wind, that sings so loud a song!
О you that are so strong and cold,
О blower, are you young or old?
Are you a beast of field and tree,
Or just a stronger child than me?
О wind, а-blowing all day long,
О wind, that sings so loud a song!
It is getting dark and the little boy is looking into the coal fire, and, as the flames and the red or black coals change their shape, he imag-
ines he sees all these things happening. That is one reason, perhaps, why English people, especially English children, love their "open fires."
The lamps now glitter down the street; Faintly sound the falling feet;
And the blue evening slowly falls About the garden trees and walls
Now in the falling of the gloom The red fire paints the empty room; And warmly on the roof it looks.
And flickers on the backs of books.
Armies march by tower and spire Of cities blazing, in the fire;-
Till as I gaze with staring eyes,
The armies fade, the lustre dies.
Then once again the glow returns; Again the phantom city bums;
And down the red-hot valley, lo!
The phantom armies marching go!
Blinking embers, tell me true Where are those armies marching to, And what the burning city is That crumbles in your furnaces!
ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON is one of the best-loved of British writers. He was bom in Edinburgh in 1850. He wrote poems, bobks of travel, and essays, but his best-known works are his novels, especially Treasure Island, Kidnapped, and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Owing to his bad health he was unable to live in England and in 1890 he went to live to Samoa in the South Sea Islands, and it was there that he died (in 1894) and there he is buried.
1. Придумайте предложения со следующими словами: toss, kite, skirt, push, beast, flame, glitter, roof, army, march, spire,
blaze, stare, return, blink, crumb, furnace, novel
2. Ответьте на вопросы:
(1)1. What did the wind "toss on high"? 2. What did it do to the birds? 3. What was the sound of the wind like as it went across the grass? 4. What did the boy feel the wind do and hear it do? 5. What questions does he ask the wind?
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