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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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A chemically similar body of water would appear to be a likely environment.

Аналогичным образом [см. тж. Точно так же]

Micelles also have been explored along comparable (or similar) lines.

In an analogous way [or Analogously, or Likewise, or In a similar way (or manner, or fashion), or Similarly] it is sometimes useful to consider alternatives.

Aliphatic hydrocarbons containing a large number of double bonds are named in analogous (or similar) fashion.

In a similar spirit it is easy to prove that... Gases behave approximately in a like manner.

Аналогия [см. тж. По аналогии]

A common analogy to the above-mentioned effect is given by ... The analogy with (or The similarity to) helium is fairly close. The parallels between electrical and magnetic phenomena ...


We compute rotation matrices that approximately undo the effect of the sensor position. Анод [см. На катоде]. Апогей [см. В апогее].


Temperatures in electrical apparatus ...

Аргумент [см. Приводить аргумент].

Арифметическое действие

This requires thousands of arithmetic operations.

Армированный стекловолокном

Fiberglass-reinforced polyester (or Polyester reinforced with fiberglass) withstands years of use.


The laboratory workers revealed another interesting facet (or aspect) of this reaction.

Ассортимент [см. тж. Большой выбор]

Ferric oxides are available in a broad range of particle sizes and shapes.

We have a wide variety (or assortment, or choice, or selection) of standard packages. Атмосфера [см. тж. В верхних слоях атмосферы, Верхние слои атмосферы, Выбрасывать в атмосферу] 7(996)

The physiotherapist can try out the full range of aids and appliances.

Атмосфера [см. тж. В верхних слоях атмосферы, Верхние слои атмосферы, Выбрасывать в атмосферу]

World-wide pollution of the atmosphere is a threat to life.

Атмосферное влияние [см. Воздействие атмосферы].

Атмосферное давление [см. Находиться под атмосферным давлением].

Атмосферные условия [см. Находиться под действием атмосферных условий].

Атомы, расположенные в узлах

The atoms embedded at specific sites in the lattice of a crystal.


База [см. Подводить базу под теорию].

Балл [см. Землетрясение в 8 баллов].

Баллистическая траектория

Nonpowered phase (or Coasting). Ballistic trajectory [or flight path (or course)].

Баллистический полёт [см. Свободный полет].


^ bubble the gas through the solution, ...

Барьер для

There is an energy barrier to rotation.


An array of photomultiplier tubes is directed at the night sky. A bank of capacitors (or counters, etc.) ...

Беглое ознакомление

Even a cursory examination showed that the samples were of histological thinness.

Беден [см. тж. Богат]

The sample was lean (or low, or poor, or deficient) in carbon 13. The Moon is low in sodium and potassium.

Беден кобальтом

In these countries a cobalt deficiency exists in the soil and natural vegetation.

Беден электронами

Carbonium ions are electron deficient.

Бедная растительность

The area is characterized by scanty vegetation.

Бедный [см. тж. Богатый]

Metal-poor clusters ...

Бедный кислородом

An oxygen-poor (or -deficient) environment was a major obstacle in the path of... Без [см. тж. Минус, Не содержащий]


Без [см. тж. Минус, Не содержащий]

Figure 10 shows the energy level diagram for a semiconductor p-n junction with no applied potential.

Transmission yielding excellent quality television pictures was also made with the transmitter lens removed.

Now, with both the zeroth- and first order terms missing, the control system is unstable. The drag exclusive of (or minus, or less) the induced drag of the aircraft can now be estimated.

The shank must be free of burrs (or must be burr free).

A rubber sheet free of pinholes is required.

The lapping tool, minus the handle, is inserted into the opening.

Без аварий [см. Безаварийный].

Без видимой причины

Such attacks occur in older people and occasionally for no apparent reason.

Без вреда для [см. тж. Без ущерба для]

This part can be omitted without damage to the study of plate tectonics.

This compound can be added without destroying the superb qualities of this glass.

The gas can be breathed for a short time without ill (or adverse) effects to man.

Без герметической оболочки

Never take a naked light into a fuel-oil tank.

Без движения

Fouling arises when the propeller is stationary (or idle) for long periods.

Без дефектов

The objective glass must be flawless.

Без доказательства

If this simplification is accepted without proof,...

Без допплеровского смещения (ушире-ния)

Doppler-free techniques have been developed for...

Без доступа солнечного света

H2O2 must be stored away from sunlight.

Без единого

The atom crosses the chamber without a single collision.

Без затрат

Both raw materials can be conveniently obtained directly from the atmosphere without cost. Без затруднений
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