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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Большое количество [см. тж. Водиться в больших количествах, Иметься в изобилии, Много, Присутствовать в большом количестве в] A rich variety of schemes have been suggested. The shale contains abundant (or a great quantity of) fossil organisms. A great deal of energy might be stored in...

Small black holes were created in great numbers in the early universe.

Большое количество данных

Ample (or Considerable, or Abundant) geological evidence shows that climate has changed greatly during ...

A great body of information (or data).

Большое преувеличение

This is a gross overestimate (or overstatement, or exaggeration).

Большое разбавление High dilution.

Большое разнообразие [см. тж. Ввиду широкого разнообразия] A wide variety of (different) products are formed.

Большое увеличение [см. тж. При большом увеличении]

Because of the high magnification the tiniest details are clearly seen.

Большое число

Once these variables have been calculated a wealth of (or a great many) dependent quantities can be derived.

A wide range of metals could be mined here.

Большой [см. тж. Значительный]

Amply-dimensional flywheels...

This small grader is built to handle those jobs for which a full-size grader would be an extravagance.

A major installation such as our laboratory...

Profound (or Gross) changes occur in the physical and chemical properties of the substance. The cells draw current from the battery at a very significant (or substantial) rate. A sizable arc forms between the contacts.

The solar system may remain in existence without major changes for ... additional years. Metal is not believed to make much (of a) contribution to the interior material of the mantle.

Большой вклад в

The book is a major contribution to the current literature.

Большой выбор

You have a wide selection (to pick from).

Большой допуск

Generous allowance must be made for unscheduled changes in ...

Большой износ

Heavy wear(-and-tear) is produced by violent pressure changes. Большой процент брака


Большой процент брака Rejects were high.

Большой разброс

The wide scatter of the published data is illustrated in the following graph.

Большой спрос [см. В большом спросе].

Большой шаг вперед

This steel is a leap [or a (great) stride] forward in metal working.

Большой шаг на пути к

A major step (or A great stride) toward our present concept of covalent bonding...

Большую часть времени

Many channels of desert streams are dry most of the time.

Бороться с

Galvanic action is combatted (or controlled, or prevented)in either of two ways.

Бороться с болезнями

There are three ways in which virus diseases can be controlled in man.

Бортовое оборудование

Shipborne equipment. Airborne equipment. Spaceborne equipment.


In-flight measurements are currently being made. An onboard sensor...

Борьба с

Methods for combatting corrosion (or corrosion control)...

Борьба с болезнями

Disease control.

Борьба с загрязнением среды [см. Организация по борьбе с загрязнением среды].

Борьба с пожарами

Fire control (or Fighting).

Брак [см. тж. Большой процент брака]

Unsoundness occurs more frequently in the middle cavities.

There are no scrapped parts [or rejects, or reject(ed) parts] now, scrappage (or rejection) has

been completely eliminated.

Браковать [см. Забраковать, Отбраковывать дефектные детали].

Брать I [см. тж. Взять на себя]

These data are borrowed (or taken)from...

Брать II

Often the tool in such an operation is a costly diamond wheel, since nothing else will attack the hard material.

Брать в скобки

To bracket (or enclose in brackets, or put in parentheses).

Брать интеграл

The integral is taken along the magnetic lines of force. Брать крутые повороты


Брать крутые повороты

Sharp bends are more easily negotiated with leaning front wheels.

Брать на себя задачу

They undertook to identify these particles.

Брать на себя функции управления

Once the workpiece has been loaded and the computer has been informed that it is ready to enter the system, the computer takes over.

Брать начало в

The ray originates at P.

Брать начало в... и впадать в

The Rio Grande rises in Colorado and empties into the Gulf of Mexico.

Брать образцы [см. тж. Отбирать образцы]

Samples were withdrawn (or taken, or obtained) from an artery (or from a fer-mentor, etc.). Oceanographers have been sampling the sediments of the ocean floor. Gas analyzers sampled the Martian soil for signs of life.

Брать предел [см. В пределе].

Брать пример из

The example is drawn from my own laboratory experience.

Брать пробу [см. Брать образцы].

Брать производную по

Take the derivatives of these expressions with respect to time.

Брать свое название от

The Mississippian system takes its name from the river along which strata of this age are exposed.

Бремя [см. Ложиться бременем на]. Бросать в
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