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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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The nitrate is taken up (or absorbed) by the plants.

Аварийная остановка

There must be provision for emergency stopping of the machine. Аварийная ситуация


Аварийная ситуация

To shut a reactor down in an emergency,...

Аварийный [см. Запасной].

Аварийный ремонт

Both periodic and casualty (or emergency) repairs ...

Авария [см. Безаварийный].


Automated inspection...


An automatic(ally operated) direction

Автоматическое (или Автоматизированное) оборудование

Automated equipment.

Автомобилестроение [см. В области автомобилестроения].


Automotive fuel (pumps, etc.).


Professor B. is an authority on radiobiology.


Expert (or Authoritative) information ...

Автором которого является [см. Выведенный].

Автором является [см. Выведенный, Принадлежать].

Адсорбироваться на

The molecules are adsorbed on (or by) the catalyst.

Ажиотаж [см. Вызывать значительный ажиотаж]. Азот воздуха

Nitrogen oxides result from the reaction of atmospheric nitrogen (or nitrogen of the air) with oxygen.

Активно заниматься

Many geologists have been deeply involved in this research.

Активно участвовать в

We were too busy to take an active part in the new venture.


The study of this aspect is one of the "hottest" (sl.) areas in current research.


The above account outlines the topical (or urgent, or currently central, or pressing, or burning) problems.

Алгебраические выкладки

To avoid much algebraic manipulation, we used a simple shortcut method.

Алгебраическое действие над

Algebraic operations on numbers of... Алфавитный порядок [см. В алфавитном порядке].


Алфавитный порядок [см. В алфавитном порядке]. Амбулаторные условия [см. В амбулаторных условиях]. Амортизировать удар [см. Воспринимать удар, Предохранять от ударов]. Анализ

Satisfactory analysis (or assay) can be performed (or made, or done) on these samples. Blood examination.

This may be determined from an analysis of moonrock. Test (or Analysis) for alkalinity (or for beryllium)... Medical tests (such as specimen analyses)... Urinalysis (an analysis of urine)...

Анализ на присутствие

This compound is used to test for the presence of glucosamine.


To analyze the blood for malaria,...

The samples were analyzed for lactic acid.

Mouse interferon mRNA was assayed bio-logically.

Анализируемый [см. тж. Подлежащий анализу]

The substance (to be, or being) analyzed...

Аналогичен [см. тж. Весьма аналогичен]

This multiplier is identical in design to (or with) the first. The shock waves are analogous to the surface waves. This equation is similar (or akin) to Eq. 3.

Аналогичен по конструкции

The apparatus is similar in design to that described elsewhere.

Аналогичен по (своему)

Comparators that depend on contact are similar (or analogous) in physical arrangement.

Аналогично [см. тж. Совершенно аналогично]

In a similar (or like) manner (or Along similar lines), design equations may be derived from the general formula.

This type of door can be folded in a manner like the operation of the camera bellows.

The device would operate in much the same way (or manner, or fashion) as (or similarly, or

analogously, to) a core array.

The retina cells transform the light image into a spatial pattern of electrical signals, much as a television camera does.

Gases behave similarly (or in a similar way) in all directions.

The components of strain are specified in a similar way to the stresses.

Аналогично тому, как

The lines of force represent the strength of the field, much as the lines on a geologist's map represent the height of the land.

Аналогично этому

In a like (or similar) manner (or Similarly), the length of a crossed belt is cut down accordingly.

Аналогичного размера

We have found similar-sized intermediates for both ribosomal particles.

Аналогичного характера

Proteins of a similar nature have now been isolated. Аналогичные [см. Близкие (друг к другу)].


Аналогичные [см. Близкие (друг к другу)].

Аналогичные рассуждения приводят к выводу о том, что Similar reasoning shows that...


This is something akin to the previously described model. To have analogy to (or with)...

Kindred pumping services are grouped together wherever possible with a common driving unit.

The carrier and the cruiser will be powered by like plants.

Like atoms are at minimum separations.

Later trials subjected glucose to like temperatures.

Related work on two-photon ionization of NA2 and BaCl beams was carried out by... Related bimolecular reactions show the same result. A related explanation has been advanced for... Elements with similar (or analogous) properties... Another suggestion along similar lines is that...

Аналогичный по химическому составу
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