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Физика полупроводниковых приборов - Зи С.М.

Зи С.М. Физика полупроводниковых приборов — М.: Энергия, 1973. — 656 c.
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McWhorter A. L" Zeiger H. J. "Semiconductor Maser of GaAs", Phys. Rev.
Letters, 1, 91, (1962).
14. Holonyak N. Jr., Bevacqua S. F. "Coherent (Visible) Light Emission
from Ga(Asi_xPx) Junction", Appl. Phys. Letters, 1, 82
15. For a comprehensive review see (a) G. Burns and М. I. Nathan, "Р-N
Junction Lasers", Proc IEEE, 52, 770 (1964) and (b)
М. I. Nathan "Semiconductor Lasers", Proc. IEEE, 54, 1276 (1966).
JO. For a general reference on various lasers see W. V. Smith and P. P.
Sorokin, The Laser, New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1966.
17. Levine A. K. "Lasers", American Scientist, 51, 14 (1963).
18. For a lucid discussion, see A. Yariv, Quantum Electronics, New York,
John Wiley and Son, 1967.
19. Lasher G., Stern F. "Spontaneous and Stimulated Recombination
Radiation in Semiconductors", Phys. Rev., 113, A553 (1964).
20. Kane E. O. "Thomas-Fermi Approach in Impure Semiconductors", Phys.
Rev., 131, 79 (1963).
21. Stern F. "Effect of Band Tails on Stimulated Emission of Light in
Semiconductors", Phys. Rev., 148, 186 (1966).
22. Fox A. G., Li T. "Resonant Modes in a Maser Interferometer", Bell
Syst. Tech. J., 40, 453 (1961).
23. Arnold К. М., Mayburg S. "Cylindrical GaAs Laser Diode", J. Appl.
Phys., 34, 3136 (1963).
24. Ladany I. Some Observation on Tringular GaAs Lasers", Proc. IEEE, 52,
1353 (1964).
24a. Laff R. A., Dumke W. P., Dill F. H., Burns G. "Directionality Effect
of GaAsLight-Emitting Diodes: pt II", IBM J. Research and Development.,
7, 63 (1963).
25. Marinace J. C. "Diffused Junctions in GaAs Injection Lasers", J.
Electrochem. Soc., 110, 1153 (1963).
26. Pikuhn М. H" Rupprecht H. S. "Diffusion Problems Related to GaAs
Injection Laser", Trans AIME, 230, 296 (1964).
27. Dyment J. C., D'Asaro L. A. "Continuous Operation of GaAs Junction
Lasers on Diamond Heat Sinks at 200 TO>, Appl. Phys. Letters. 11, 292
28. Nelson H. "Epitaxial Growth from the Liquid State and Its Application
to the Fabrication of Tunnel and Laser Diodes", RCA Rev., 24, 603 (1963).
29. Winogradoff N. N., Kessler H. K. "Light Emission and Electrical
Characteristics of Epitaxial GaAs Lasers and Tunnel Diodes", Solid State
Commun., 2, 119 (1964).
30. Burrell G. J. "Semiconductor Injection Lasers and Lamps", Tech.
Report i№ '66095, R-oyal Aircraft Establishment (May 1965).
31. Pilkuhn M" Rupprecht H., Blum S. "Effect of Temperature on the
Stimulated Emission From GaAs p-n Junctions", Solid State Electron., 7,
905 (1964).
32. Pilkuhn М. H., Rupprecht H. S. "Influence of Temperature on Radiative
Recombination in GaAs p-n Junction Lasers", 7th International Conf. on
the Physics of Semiconductors, Radiative Recombination in Semiconductors,
Paris (1964). Paris: Dunod, pp. 195-199
33. Pilkuhn М., Rupprecht H., Woodall J. "Continuous Simulated Emission
from GaAs Diodes at 77 °K", Proc IEEE, 51, 1243 (1963).
34. Burns G., Levitt R. S., Nathan М. I., Weiser K. "Some Properties of
InP Lasers", Proc. IEEE, 51, 1148 (1963).
35. Zachos Т. H., Ripper J. E. "Resonat Modes of GaAs Junction Lasers",
IEEE Trans. Quantum Electronics (1968).
36. Dyment J. C. "Hermite-Gaussians Mode- Patterns in GaAs Junction
Lasers", Appl. Phys. Letters, 10, 84 (1967).
37. Zachos Т. H. "Gaussian Beams from GaAs Junction Lasers", Appl. Phys.
Letters, May 1968.
38. Ryan F. М., Miller R. C. "The Effect of Uniaxial Strain on the
Threshold Current and Output of GaAs Lasers", Appl. Phys. Letters, 3, 162
39. Melngailis I., Rediker R. H. "Properties of InAs Lasers", J. Appl.
Phys., 37, 899 (1966).
40a. Dyment J. C., Ripper J. E. "Temperature Behavior of Stimulated
Emission. Delays in GaAs Diode and a Proposed Trapping Model", IEEE
Quantum Electronics, Special Semiconductor - Laser Issue
40b. Fenner G. E. "Delay of the Stimulated Emission in GaAs Laser Diodes
Near Room Temperature", Solid State Electron, 10, 753
41. Kressel H., Mierop H. "Catastrophic Degradation in GaAs Injection
Lasers", J. Appl. Phys., 38, 5419 (1967).
42. Basov N. G., Fitz Tverd Tela, 8, 2816 (1966); Soviet
Solid State S. 2254 (1967).
43. Phelan R. J., Rediker R. H. "Optically Pufflped Semiconductor
Lasers", Appl. Phys. Letters, 6, 70 (1965).
44. Hoionyak N. Jr., Sirkis M. D., Stillman G. E., Johnson M.
"Laser Operation of CdSe Pumped Mi'th -a Ga(AsP) Laser Diode",
Proc. IEEE, 54, 1068 (1966).
45. Melngailis I. "Optically Pumped Indium Arsenide Laser", IEEE J.
Quantum Electronics, QE-1, 104 (1965).
46. A la Guillaume С. B., Debever J. M. Solid State Comm., 2, 145 (1965),
also in Symposium on Radiative Recombination, Dumond, Paris, 1964, p.
47. Hurwitz С. E. "Efficient Ultraviolet Laser Emission in Electron- Beam
- Excited ZnS", Appl. Phys. Letters, 9, 116 (Aug. 1966).
48. Popov Y. M. "Semiconductor Lasers", Appl. Optics, 6, 1818
49. Lax B. "Progress in Semiconductor Lasers", IEEE Spectrum, p. 62 (July
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