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Эффект Ганна - Левинштейн М.Е.

Левинштейн М.Е., Пожела Ю.К., Шур М.С. Эффект Ганна — М.: Советское радио, 1975. — 288 c.
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Phys.", 1968, v. 39, № 8,
p. 3897-3904.
18. Jeppsson В. 1., Jeppesen P. LSA relaxation oscillations in a
waveguide iris circuit.-"IEEE Trans.", 1971, v. ED-18, № 7, p. 432-439.
19. Taylor В. C., Fawcett W. Detailed computer analysis of LSA
operation in CW transferred electron devices.- "IEEE Trans.", 1970, v.
ED-17, № 10, p. 907-915.
20. Butcher P. N., Hearn C. J. Theoretical efficiency of the LSA mode
for gallium arsenide at frequencies
above 10 GHz. - "Electron. Lett.",
1968. v. 4, № 21, p. 459-461.
21. Nakamura M. Frequency limit of
LSA-mode oscillations estimated from the hot electron problems in the
high frequency electric field. - "Japan. J. Appl. Phys.", 1969, v. 8,
№ 7,
p. 910-916.
22. Прохоров Э. Д., Белецкий H. И., Дядченко А. В. О возможности
увеличения высокочастотного предела работы диодов Ганна. - "Радиотехника
и электроника", 1972, т. 17, № 5, с. 1103-1106.
23. Curtice W. R., Purcell J. J. Analysis of the LSA mode including
effects of space charge and intervalley transfer time.-"IEEE Trans.",
1970, v. ED-17, № 12, p. 1048-1060.
24. Hanson D. C., Rowe J. E. Microwave circuit characteristics of bulk
GaAs oscillators. - "IEEE Trans.", 1967, v. ED-14, № 9, p. 469-476.
25. Copeland J. A. LSA oscillator waveforms for high efficiency. -
"Proc. IEEE", 1969, v. 57, № 9, p. 1166- 1167.
26. Chilton R. H., Kennedy W. K. Jr.
Multiple frequency operation associated with the LSA mode. - "Proc.
IEEE", 1968, v. 56, № 6, p. 1124- 1125.
27. Camp W. O. Jr. Computer simulation of multifrequency LSA
oscillations in GaAs.-"Proc. IEEE", 1969, v. 57, № 2, p. 220-221.
28. Jeppesen P., Jeppsson В. I. LSA relaxation oscillator principles.-
"IEEE Trans.", 1971, v. ED-18, № 7, p. 439- 449.
29. Абкевич И. И. Автоманипуляция генерируемых СВЧ-колебаиий в диодах
на эффекте Ганна. - В кн. Физика электроннодырочных переходов и
полупроводниковых приборов. М.-Л., "Наука", 1969, с. 230.
30. Quine J. P. A LSA-mode transferred-
electron-diode oscillator for microstrip.-"Proc. IEEE", 1970, v. 58, № 8,
p. 1291__1292
31. Monroe J. W.', Camp W. O., Jr. LSA operation of a gallium arsenide
device in microstrip. - "IEEE Trans.",
1971, v. ED-18, № 1, p. 69-70.
32. Spiwak R. R. Frequency conversion and amplification with an LSA
diode oscillator. - "IEEE Trans.", 1968, v. ED-15, № 8, p. 614-615.
33. Dienst J. F., Thomas J. J. An oversize cavity of exciting the LSA
mode in п-GaAs. - "IEEE Trans.", 1968, v. ED-15, № 8, p. 615-617.
34. Matsuno K- Calculation of LSA oscillator noise.-"Proc. IEEE", 1968,
v. 56, № 1, p. 75.
35. Spiwak R. R. Getting LSA started.- "Electronics", 1969, v. 42, № 4,
p. 89.
36. Bulman P. J., Hobson G. S., Taylor В. C. Transferred electron
devices. London-New-York, Acad. Press,
37. Dizhur D. P., Levinstein M. E.b Shur M. S. Computer calculations of
the efficiency of the Gunn generator. - "Electron. Lett.", 1968, v. 4, №
21, p. 444-446.
38. Kuznetsov К. V., Levinstein М. E., Shur M. S. The investigation of
the Gunn diode operation in a resonator using the computer model. -
"Sol.-St. Electron.", 1971, v. 14, :№ 3, p. 207- 220.
39. Huang H. C., MacKenzie L. A. A Gunn diode operated in the hybrid
mode. ¦- "Proc. IEEE", 1968, v. 56, i№ 7, p. 1232-1233.
40. Christensson S., Woodward D. W., Eastman L. F. High peak-power LSA
operation from epitaxial GaAs. - "IEEE Trans.", 1970, v. ED-17, (№ 9, p.
41. Taylor В. C., Gibbs S. E. Fundamental microwave oscillations in
epitaxial GaAs by control of space-charge growth.-"Electron. Lett.",
1968, v. 4, № 22, p. 471-472.
42. Taylor В. C., Howes. LSA operation
of GaAs layers in large-scale tunable microwave circuits. - "IEEE
1969, v. ED-16, № 11, p. 928-934.
43. Califano F. P. High efficiency X-band Gunn oscillators. - "Proc.
1969, v. 57, p. 251-252.
44. Edridge A. L., Myers F. A., David-
son B. J., Bass J. C. Pulsed J. band (12.4-18 GHz) Gunn-effect
oscillators.-"Electron Lett.", 1965, v. 5, № 5, p. 103-104.
45. Monroe J. W., Briggs F. H. Experimental investigation of hybrid
mode operation in oversized Gunn effect devices.-"Proc. IEEE", 1968, v.
56, № 11, p. 2066.
1. Прохоров Э. Д., Дядченко А. В.
Расчет характеристик генератора Ганна в режиме ОНОЗ на "10 ГГц. -
"Радиотехника", 1973, № 26, с. 78-84.
2. Wilson W. L., Jr. Precise frequency
and phase control of LSA occilators - "1ЕЕЕ Trans.", 1973, v. MTT-21, №
3, p. 146-149.
3. Eastmen L. F. Bulk gallium arsenide
sources at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths. - In.: Proc. Symp.
Submillimeter Waves, New-York, 1970, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1971, p. 41-51.
К главе 10
1. Thim Н. W. Linear negative conductance amplification with Gunn
oscillators.- "Proc. IEEE", 1967, v. 55, № 3, p. 446-447.
2. Aitchison C. S. Possible Gunn-effect parametric amplifier. -
"Electron. Lett.", 1968, v. 4, № 1, p. 15-16.
3. Hashizume N., Kataoka S. Transfer-red-electron negative-resistance
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