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Эффект Ганна - Левинштейн М.Е.

Левинштейн М.Е., Пожела Ю.К., Шур М.С. Эффект Ганна — М.: Советское радио, 1975. — 288 c.
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12. Guetin P. Contribution to the experimental study of the Gunn effect
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1967, v. ED-14, № 9, p. 552-562.
13. Ohtomo M. Nucleation of high-field domains in /г-GaAs. - "Japan J.
Appl. Phys.", 1968, v. 7, № 11, p. 1368- 1380.
14. Guha S., Karulkar V. T. Domain propagation in n-type gallium
arsenide in the presence of a localised copper-doped region. - "Phys.
Lett.", 1970, v. 31A, № 4, p. 199-200.
15. Kroemer N. Non-linear space-char-ge domain dynamics in a
semiconductor with negative differential mobility.-"IEEE Trans.", 1966,
v. ED-13, № 1, p. 27-40.
16. Thim H., Barber M. R. Observation of multiple high field domains in
п-GaAs. - "Proc. IEEE (Correspondence)", 1968, c. 56, № 1 (January), p.
17. Бонч-Бруевич В. JI., Звягин И. П., Миронов А. Г. Доменная
электрическая неустойчивость в полупроводниках. М., "Наука", 1972.
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19. Boer K. W., Voss P. Stationary high-field domains in the range of
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21. Boer K. W., Dohler G. Influence of boundary conditions on high-
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22. Kroemer H. The Gunn effect under imperfect cathode boundary
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23. Conwell E. M. Boundary conditions and high-field domains in GaAs. -
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26. McCumber D. E., Chynoweth A. G. Theory of negative-conductance
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27. Butcher P. N. The Gunn effect. -¦ "Repts. Progr. Phys.", 1967, v.
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28. McCumber D. E. Numerical studies of a two valley model of the Gunn
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29. Robrock R. B. Analysis and simula-
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30. Siiga М., Sekido K. Effects of doping profile upon electrical
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31. Thim H. W. Computer study of bulk
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2. Murayama K., Ohmi T. Static negative resistance in highly doped
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3. Irving L. D., Pattison J. E., Colliver D. J. The control of the
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4. Tomizawa K-, Tateno H., Kataoka S. Computer analysis on the static
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К главе 7
1. Cohen M. G., Knight S., Elward J. P.
Optical modulation in bulk GaAs using the Gunn effect. - "Appl. Phys.
Lett.", 1966, v. 8, № 11 (June 1),
p. 269-271.
2. Грехов И. В., Колчин А. М., Левин-штейн М. Е., Шур М. С. Краевой
электрооитический эффект.-"ФТП",
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3. Guetin P., Boccon-Gibod D. Franz- Keldysh effect with Gunn domains
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4. Southgate P. D., Pager H. J., Chang К. K. N. Modulation of infrared
light by holes in pulse-ionized GaAs.-"J. Appl. Phys.", 1967, v. 38, № 6.
p. 2689-2691.
5. Shur M. S. The effect of the shift of the absorption edge by
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6. Southgate P. D. Field-dependence of bulk electroluminescence.-"J.
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