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Эффект Ганна - Левинштейн М.Е.

Левинштейн М.Е., Пожела Ю.К., Шур М.С. Эффект Ганна — М.: Советское радио, 1975. — 288 c.
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capacitance electrode.-"Proc. IEEE", 1969, v. 57, № 2, p. 154-155.
52. Kataoka S., Tateno H., Kawashitna M. Two-dimensional computer
analysis of dielectric-surface-loaded GaAs bulk element. - "Electron.
Lett.", ! 970, v. 6, № 6, p. 169-171.
53. Freeman K. R., Sozou C., Hartna-ge! H. L. Two-dimensional Gunn-do-
main growth in bulk GaAs. - "Phys. Lett.", 34A, № 2, p. 95-96.
54. Shoji M. Theory of transverse extension of Gunn-domains. - "J.
Appl. Phys.", 1970, v. 11, № 2, p. 774-778.
55. Microwave oscillation and amplification in a long bulk GaAs with
ВаТЮз sheets on the surface. - In: Proc. 7th. Int. Conf. Microwave
Optical Generation and Amplification,
1968, Hamburg, VDE Verlag Gmbh., Berlin, p. 454.
56. Kataoka S., Tateno H., Kawashitna M.
Improvements in efficiency and tuna-bility of Gunn oscillators by dielec-
tric-surface loading. -¦ "Electron.
Lett.", 1969, v. 5, № 20, p. 491-492.
57. Kozdon P., Robson P. N. Two-port amplifiers using the transferred
electron effect in GaAs.- In: 8th Int. Conf. on Microwave and Optical
Generation and Amplification (MOGA). Amsterdam, 1970, paper 16.2.
58. Kumabe K. Suppression of Gunn oscillations by a two-dimensional
effect. - "Proc. IEEE", 1968, v. 56, N" 12,- p. 2172-2173.
59. Левинштейн М. E. О влиянии диэлектрических покрытий на параметры
генерации планарных ганновских диодов". - "ФТП", 1973, т. 7, № 10, с.
60. Hoffman К. R. Some aspects of Gunn oscillations in thin dielectric-
samples. - "Electron. Lett.", 1969, v. 5, № 11, p. 227-228.
61. Kuru J., Tajima Y. Domain suppression in Gunn diodes.-¦ "Proc.
1969, v. 57, № 7, p. 1215-1216.
62. Vlaardingerbroek М. Т., Acket G. A., Hofmann K-, Boers P. M.
Reduced build-up of domains in sheet-type gallium-arsenide Gunn
oscillators. - "Phys. Lett.", 1968, v. 28A, № 2, p. 97-99.
63. Hartnagel H. L. Gunn domains in bulk GaAs affected by surface
conditions.- "Phys. Stat. Solidi (a)", 1971, v. 7, № 2, P.K99-КЮЗ.
64. Kataoka S., Tateno H., Kawashi-ma M. Observation of current
instabilities in a dielectric-surface-loaded и-type GaAs bulk element.,
"Electron. Lett", 1969, v. 5, № 6, p. 114-118.
65. Kawashima М., Kataoka S. Observation of multiple high-field domains
in a dielectric-surface-loaded GaAs bulk element. - "Electron Lett.",
1969, v. 5, № 19, p. 455-456.
66. Hashizuma N., Kawashima М., Kataoka S. Nucleation and control of
departure of a high-field domain by a gate electrode. - "Electron.
1971, v. 7, № 8, p. 195-197.
1. Ридли Б. К-, Шишияну Ф. С. Исследование механизма образования
медленных доменов и отрицательного сопротивления в арсениде галлия. -
"ФТП", 1973, т. 7, № 5, с. 905-910.
2. Hartnagel Н., Weiss В. L. A lifetime Limitation of High-Field GaAs
Devices.- "Proc. IEEE", 1973, v. 61, № 9, p. 1369-1370.
3. Костылев С. А., Погорелая JI. М., Привалова В. Н. Эффекты сильного
поля в диодах Ганна с глубокими центрами*-"ФТП", 1974, т. 8, № 1, с. 87-
4. Костылев С. А., Прохоров Е. Ф., Бровкин Ю. Н. Бистабильное
переключение в планарных диодах Ганна в условиях захвата. - "ФТП",
1974, т. 8, № 2, с. 423-425.
5. Teszner J. L., Boccon-Gibod D. Influence of electron trapping on
domain dynamics in epitaxial Gunn diodes.- "J. Appl. Phys.", 1973, v. 44,
№ 6, p. 2765-2774.
К главе 6
1. Gunn J. B. Instabilities of current in III-V semiconductors. - "IBM
J. Res. Dev.", 1964, v. 8, № 2, p. 141 -
2. Gunn J. B. Properties of a free, steadily travelling electrical
domain in GaAs. - "IBM J. Res. Dev.", 1966, v. 10, № 4, p. 300-309.
3. Chynoweth A. G., Feldmann W. L., McCumber D. E. Mechanism of the
Gunn effect. Proc. Intern. Conf. Phys. Semicond. Kyoto, 1966. - "J. Phys.
Soc. Japan", v. 21, Suppl., p. 514- 521.
4. Kennedy W. K. High-frequency generation and amplification.- In:
Proc. First Biannual Cornell Conf. Eng. Appl. of Electronic Phenomena,
1967, p. 94-108. Cornell Univ. Ithaca, №4.
5. Hasty Т. E., Stratton R., Jones E. L. Effect of nonuniform
conductivity on the behavior of Gunn effect samples.- "J. Appl. Phys.",
1968, v. 39, № 10, p. 4623-4632.
6. Thim H. Experimental verification of bistable switching with Gunn
diodes.- "Electron. Lett.", 1971, v. 7, № 10, p. 246-247.
7. Thim H. Stability and switching in overcritically doped Gunn
diodes. - "Proc. IEEE", 1971, v. 59, № 8, p. 1285-1286.
8. Sham M. P., Solomon P. R., Gru-
bin H. L. The influence of boundary
conditions on current instabilities in
GaAs. -¦ "IBM J. Res. Dev.", 1969, v. 13, № 5, p. 587-590.
9. Shaw M. P., Solomon P. R., Gru-
bin H. L. Circuit-controlled current instabilities in га-GaAs.- "Appl.
Phys. Lett.", 1970, v. 17, № 12,
p. 535-537.
10. Thim H. W., Knight S. Carrier gene ration and switching phenomena
in и-GaAs devices.-"Appl. Phys. Lett.",
1967, v. 11, № 3 (August), p. 83.
11. Gunn J. B. Effect of domain and circuit properties on oscillations
in GaAs. - "IBM J. Res. Dev.", 1966, v. 10, № 4, p. 310-320.
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