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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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Four times three equals twelve.
"Am I late?" "No, you are just in time."
The train came in on time (i.e. it wasn't late or early).
I have told you many a time not to say that.
Dancers must keep time to the music.
There's a time-table on the railway station (time-table = a list showing the times when trains come into and go out of the station). I'll give you some more idioms from time to time.
1. Найдите все примеры употребления будущего продолженного времени в Уроке 15 (всего 30).
2. Напишите утвердительную, вопросительную и отрицательную формы глагола to walk в будущем продолженном времени.
3. Перепишите предложения, заменив форму 1-го лица (I, we) на форму 3-го лица (he, she, it, they):
1. I shall be thinking about you. 2. I shall be flying to Spain. 3. I shan't be driving the car. 4. We shall be starting on our journey. 5. We shan't be flying to Spain.
4. Замените формы 2-го или 3-го лица на форму 1 -го лица:
1. You will all be coming back to school. 2. She will be feeling
excited. 3. He won't be driving the car. 4. They will be doing their packing.
5. Придумайте предложения со следующими выражениями:
looking forward; so will he; so pleased; in time; on time; for some time; all the time; to pass the time; spend time; hadn't time; first time; before my time; in the time of; keep time; from time to time
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IJpOK 17
The Railway Station
Here we are at the station from which Frieda and Jan are going to Switzerland. None of the students are here yet, so we look round the station and watch the busy life that is going on. There are a lot of platforms (seventeen of them) from which trains come in and go out. Frieda's train goes from platform 2 so let us walk in that direction. There's the booking office where you can buy a ticket for your journey. Let's listen to that man buying a ticket.
MAN: 1 want a ticket to Brighton, please, second-class.
BOOKING CLERK: Single or return?
MAN: Return, please.
We'll have a look at the waiting-room and see if Jan and Frieda or the other students are there. No, they've not come yet. We'll walk to the bookstall and get a morning paper.
The porters are very busy carrying luggage to the train or pushing it on their trucks. They are taking those trucks and suitcases to the luggage van. Look at the labels on them-Paris, Berne, Brussels. Quite a lot of people are going abroad for Christmas. There's a through train to Paris; it's due out at 8.50; the signals are already down. Those porters will have to hurry to get that luggage in the luggage van before it starts.
• Here's a train that has just come in, with crowds of people getting off it. It has had a long journey. Those are sleeping-cars in the front of the train.
That man is the station-master. There's his office next to the booking-office. There aren't many people in the restaurant, just a few having breakfast, but there are rather more people getting "light refreshments". Can you see them? They are drinking cups of tea or coffee, eating sandwiches, buns or biscuits.
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Here's Frieda's train coming slowly into the platform. I think we had better get platform tickets; the ticket-collector won't let us go on to the platform without a ticket. Ah! There's Frieda and there are Jan and the other students-all except Hob. Let's join them.
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1. Придумайте предложения со следующими словами: ticket, hurry, catch, abroad, signal, van, bag
2. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. Where does one buy a ticket?
2. Mention two kinds of tickets.
3. Where can you wait for a train?
4. Where can you buy a newspaper?
5. What do porters use to wheel luggage to the train?
6. What is put on a suitcase to show where it is going?
7. Who is the chief man at the station?
8. What do you call food and drink like tea, sandwiches, buns, biscuits?
9. What is a sandwich?
10. What is a platform ticket?
Подробно опишите картинку на с. 223.
Прок 18
Plurals of Nouns
MR. PRIESTLEY: There are, as you know, two grammatical numbers in English: (a) Singular, (b) Plural.
There are several ways of writing the plural. The essential ones are:
1. By adding s to the singular, e.g. boy, boys; school, schools.
2. By adding es (a) to most words that end in o, e.g.
negro, negroes; potato, potatoes; hero, heroes; cargo, cargoes but note
piano, pianos
(b) to words that end in the sounds: [s], [/], [tj], [ks], [z], e.g. kiss, kisses; brush, brushes; church, churches; box, boxes; size, sizes
3. Words ending in y, with a consonant immediately before it, change the у to ies, e.g.
lady, ladies; fly, flies; story, stories; city, cities; army, armies Words ending in у with a vowel immediately before it simply add s, e.g.
valley, valleys; donkey, donkeys
4. Words ending in f or fe generally change this to ves, e.g.
leaf, leaves; wife, wives; loaf, loaves; shelf, shelves; thief, thieves but note
roof, roofs; cliff, cliffs; handkerchief, handkerchiefs
5. Some words form their plural by a change of vowel, e.g.
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