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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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man, men; tooth, teeth; foot, feet; mouse, mice; woman, women ['wimin]
6. Two words form their plural differently from all the others. They are
child, children; ox, oxen
225 ¦
7. Some words have the same form for singular or plural, e.g. sheep; deer
With compound nouns, if they are made of two nouns-as they very frequently are-only the last part takes the plural form, e.g.
housemaid, housemaids; shoemaker, shoemakers; classroom, classrooms; armchair, armchairs
There is one exception to this rule. If the first part of the word is man (or woman), then both words take the plural form, e.g.
manservant, menservants; woman-teacher, women-teachers
If the compound noun is made with a preposition, then only the first part takes the plural form, e.g. father-in-law,' fathers-in-law
There are one or two other things that are rather unusual and should be noted.
1. Some words are never used in the plural, e.g.
news, advice, information, knowledge, furniture, luggage
So we say:
The news is (not are) good; the furniture is (not are) new.
So, too, names of substances, like water, air, bread, wood, things that can't be counted (we can hardly speak of two or three airs, four or five waters), naturally can't have a plural. Sometimes we have plural forms for these "uncountables", but with a different meaning.
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The desk is made of wood (material).
There are some pretty woods in England (collection of trees).
The mountain is maid of rock.
The ship ran on the rocks.
Fire is a good servant but a bad master.
There were several big fires in the city last week.
The engine is made of iron.
We have two electric irons to iron the clothes.
There is glass in the window.
There are two wine-glasses on the table.
II. Some words, on the other hand, have no singular, e.g., people. We must say,
"People are pleased at the news"; it can never be "people is". If you want a singular you must use some word like person.
Then there are words like,
trousers, scissors, clothes, goods, thanks, police, which have no singular.
We must say
My trousers are new; the scissors are sharp; his clothes are good; the police were there, etc.
Фонетическая тренировка
[i:] [i] [e]
teeth behave enemy
veal pretend flesh
[Э] [A] [з:]
honour sunset church
balloon bunch furnish
[D] [o:] [IE]
knock call balloon
honour glorious blew
[ei] [эи] [ai]
agent obedient inside
behave load knife
1. Образуйте форму множественного числа:
house, mouse, potato, piano, dish, baby, valley, knife, thief, roof, cliff, woman, tooth, child, box, ox, sheep, brother-in-law
227 ¦
2. Напишите следующие существительные в единственном числе
heroes, kisses, flies, donkeys, loaves, feet, deer, sisters-in-law
3. Выберите глагол в соответствующей грамматической форме:
1. The news (is, are) heard on the radio at nine o'clock.
2. Some people (is, are) coming today.
3. Hob's trousers (is, are) torn.
4. The furniture in the room (is, are) of good quality.
5. His information (is, are) not correct.
4. Образуйте форму множественного числа сложных существительных:
toothbrush, railway-carriage, pocket-knife, housemaid, shoemarker, workman, manservant (be careful here), classroom, bedroom, inkstand, armchair, table-cloth, windmill, matchbox, woman-teacher (areyou sure?), teapot, snowball, bookshop, watchmaker
5. Объясните разницу между:
a wineglass and a glass of wine; a matchbox and a box of matches; a teacup and a cup of tea.
Для иллюстрации ответов приведите примеры.
Прок 19
Jan and Frieda leave for Switzerland
FRIEDA: Well, here we are at last! When I get into the boat-train,1 I feel that holidays have really begun. Have you got the tickets, Jan?
JAN: Yes, here they are. I booked seats for you and me; trains at Christmas-time are usually crowded. We have numbers A 26 and A 30, two comer-seats in a non-smoker, one seat facing the engine, one back to the engine. Is that all right?
FRIEDA: That's very good, Jan. I don't like going a long journey in a smoker. May I sit facing the engine?
JAN: Of course! You take whichever seat you like. As a matter of fact,
I really prefer sitting with my back to the engine. Here's our carriage [A], and here's our compartment. You can get into the train now.
FRIEDA: Lucille, won't you come into the carriage with me? You will be warmer inside.
LUCILLE: Thanks, I will.
JAN: I'll go and see that our luggage has been put into the guard's van, and I'll book two seats in the dining-car for lunch. I'll get some newspapers at the bookstall and some chocolate on my way back. (He goes away.)
OLAF: Jan is a good fellow for getting things done, isn't he?
FRIEDA: He is. I don't know anyone better. I'm very glad he is coming with me. I know that I shall have a very comfortable journey. Jan will see to everything-find the seats on the train and in the dining-car, tip the porters, see that my luggage is all right, get it through the customs and be generally useful. I shan't have to do anything at all except sit back and enjoy the journey.
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