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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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LUCILLE: All right, if it will make you any happier, tell us.
HOB: Well, an optimist is a man who says, "The bottle is half full" and a pessimist is a man who says, "The bottle is half empty."
OLAF: Oh! I had heard that a pessimist was a man who wore braces- and a belt. What will you be doing for Christmas, Hob?
HOB: I shall be going to Uncle Albert's for Christmas-and what a time it will be! There is no one who keeps Christmas better than Uncle Albert. All the holiday I shall be having the time of my life. I shall be telling you all about it when we meet again.
FRIEDA: Well, on Thursday morning I shall be starting on my journey to Switzerland with Jan.
OLAF: What time does the train go?
FRIEDA: Nine-five from Victoria Station.
OLAF: I'll come and see you off.
HOB: Well, I can't promise to be at Victoria Station by nine o'clock in the morning; it means getting up at half past seven; that's practically the middle of the night. I don't know what the speed of light is; I only know that it comes too quickly in the morning for me. But if I wake up in time, well,-I shall be thinking about you.
LUCILLE: Oh, Hob, make an effort for once.
HOB: All right, I'll be there; but you'll realise what an effort I shall be making when I tell you what one of my favourite poems is. LUCILLE: Oh!. What is it?
HOB: This is it:
There aren't many things upon this earth That make it seem like Heaven,
But one is to wake at half past six,
When you thought it was half past seven.
OLAF: Good old Hob!
1. Вставьте пропущенные слова:
1. This time on Friday I be flying to Spain. 2. What you be
doing, Lucille? 3.1 shall be to a dance. 4. They say that they all
be waiting at the station on Christmas_. 5.1 hope you_be looking
___to the holiday. 6. The boys _ be____wood for the fire. 7. I'll come
to the station and see___.
2. Придумайте предложения со следующими словами: start, coast, pack, spend, welcome, enjoy, gather, optimist, effort,
3. Придумайте предложения со следующими словосочетаниями:
this time next week; a friend of mine; too much; too little; looking forward; get in everybody's way; for once; What a time!; the time of my life; see (someone) off
4. КакХоб объяснил значение слов a) optimist, б) pessimist? Как Олаф объяснил значение слова pessimist?
5. Расскажите своими словами стишок Хоба или выучите его наизусть.
The Future Continuous Tense
В Уроке 15 вам встретились предложения, подобные следующим:
This time on Friday I shall be flying to Spain.
A friend will be taking me in his car.
You will be looking forward to the holiday.
They will all be waiting at the station.
What will you be doing?
Все они иллюстрируют употребление будущего продолженного времени.
Оно образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в форме будущего времени (/shall, you will и т.д.) и причастия настоящего времени.
Вот все формы глагола to take в будущем продолженном времени:
Future Continuous Tense
Affirmative Interrogative Negative
I shall be taking You will be taking He will be taking We shall be taking They will be taking Shall I be taking? Will you be taking? Will he be taking? Shall we be taking? Will they be taking? I shall not (shan't) be taking You will not (won't) be taking He will not (won't) be taking We shall not (shan't) be taking They will not (won't) be taking
Будущее продолженное время употребляется для выражения действия, которое все еще продолжается в будущем.
* * *
В предложении "I am so glad you are getting a holiday" so означает very. Обратите внимание на конструкцию с so: "I'll come to see you off." "So will I."
Подобная конструкция была в Уроках 17 и 25 Книги I:
" I get up at half past seven-and so does my husband."
"I walked here." ''So did I."
Эта конструкция может использоваться лишь со "специальными" глаголами be, have, сап и др.
Идиоматические выражения
(1) "You will be looking forward to the holiday."
Фраза looking forward означает expecting with pleasure.
(2) "Let me see; it's six o'clock now. Yes, at six o'clock tomorrow I shall be going to a dance."
Здесь let me see не означает allow me to see. Мы используем это выражение, когда мы думаем о чем-либо, но не уверены в ответе. После глагола let инфинитив употребляется без частицы to. Сравните:
Не let me drive his car.
He allowed me to drive his car.
(3) To keep Christmas означает "делать все то, что люди обычно делают на Рождество".
(4) I shall be having the time of my life означает having a time of great happiness or excitement.
Со словом time существует множество идиом. Вот некоторые из них:
He's been studying English for a long (for a short) time.
He's been doing that for some time.
They've spent a lot of time over that work.
All the time we were working, Hob was sleeping.
He read a book, just to pass the time.
Railways were built in England in the time of Queen Victoria.
¦ 220
We have lived through hard times.
1 haven't much time for games.
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