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Времена в английском языке - Шмелев В.М.

Шмелев В.М. Времена в английском языке — Казань, 2000. — 148 c.
ISBN 5-7579-0386-4
Скачать (прямая ссылка): vremenavanglyazike2000.djv
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7.The driver of that car (sound) his horn for the last ten minutes.
8.Mr Smith, you (whisper) to the student on your right for the last five minutes. You (help) him with his exam paper or he (help) you?
9.Why you (make) such a terrible noise?- I have lost my key and I (try) to wake my wife by throwing stones at her window.- You (throw) stones at the wrong window. You live next door.
10. We (fish) for two hours.
11.1 (know) that for a long time.
12.She (drive) the same car since 1990.
13.The central heating (be) on since October.
14.The strike (last) for six months.
15.They (quarrel) ever since they got married.
16.The police (look) for me for four days.
1 7.He had a bad fall last week and since then he (not leave) the house.
18.He (be) under water for half an hour.
19.He (be) Minister of Education since 1985.
20.1 (try) to open this door for forty-five minutes.
Упр.16. Объясните употребление форм Present Progressive или Present Perfect Progressive в следующих предложениях:
1.’’There’s a man sitting at the first table near the door. He is looking at us,v she said. ”He is, but what of it?” k‘I have been meeting him everywhere of late.”
2.Ever since my University days I have been studying the history of Russia. Now I am reading books on the Civil War.
3.1 know you have been asking for somebody with experience on your staff. There is a doctor in our laboratory who might interest you. But he is now finishing an experiment.
4.1 am visiting with, friends. - How long have you been staying with your friends?
5.The door was opened by Mrs Pitt. ’’Well, well, you’re just in time. I have been making some cakes. And your father is having breakfast.”
6.Where’s my daughter?- She is talking to a policeman.- What’s happened?- She has been driving without a licence.
7.1 hope you are doing well?- Splendid, I was very sorry that you left us. We have been doing better ever since.
8.”Hello,” she said. ”I’m glad you‘re having lunch here. I have been wanting to talk to you.”
9.We have been staying here nearly a week.- I hope you’re not thinking of leaving.
10.The girl is waiting to see you, doctor.- How long has she been waiting?
Упр.17. Раскройте скобки, используя формы Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect или Present Perfect Progressive.
1 .He (live) in London? - No, he (live) in Paris.
2.This is my house. - How long you (live) here? -1 (live) here since 1970.
3.Не (not smoke) for three weeks. He (try) to give it up.
4.You (lock) the door before you (leave) the house?
5.It (be) very cold this year. 1 wonder when it is going to get warmer.
6.Mr Pound is the bank manager. He (be) here for five years.
7.Her phone (ring) for ten minutes. I wonder why she (not answer) it.
8.Have you seen my bag anywhere?- I,(look) for it for ages.
9. We (argue) about this for two hours now. Perhaps we should stop.
10.That helicopter (fly) round the house for the last hour; you (think) it (take) photographs?
I l.I’m sorry for keeping you waiting. I (try) to make a telephone call to Rome.
12.The radio (play) since 7 a.m. I wish someone would turn it off.
13.How long you (drive)?- I (drive) for ten years.
14.The car (make) a very curious noise ever since it ran out of oil.
Упр.18. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, используя соответствующую форму глагола-сказуемого.
1.Какую статью вы переводите?- Я перевожу статью о климате Англии. Я перевожу эту статью с тех пор, как вернулся домой. Перевожу её уже целый час, но перевела только половину. Наши студенты часто переводят английские статьи.
2.Что с ним? Он странно ведёт себя за последнее время.
3.Мы дружим с ним с тех пор, как поступили в университет.
4.Какой-то француз вот уже пять часов дожидается лошадей.
5.Завтра я уезжаю на пост.
6.”Ты идёшь с нами гулять?44- спросил я его.
7.Я от женщин балдею. Просто они мне нравятся. И вечно они ставят свои дурацкие сумки посреди прохода.
8.Я слышал, у вас (имеются) неприятности.
9.Жду тебя со вчерашнего дня.
10.”А ты мне как раз нужен, Коллинс,”- сказала она торопливо, словно пытаясь скрыть смущение. -
II .Я люблю его с первого дня нашего знакомства.
12.Я начинаю сердиться.
13.Почему ты кричишь на меня?
14.Я с самого утра пытаюсь вытащить тебя в Нью-Йорк.
15.Радиоволны распространяются по прямой линии.
1 б.Они прибыли в два часа ночи и всё ещё отдыхают.
17.0н всё ещё пишет свою курсовую работу? Сколько же времени он её пишет?
18.Мальчишке нужна порка. Он уже много месяцев напрашивается на неё.
19.Последние несколько месяцев я занимаюсь на курсах по истории музыки.
Упр.19. Подберите ситуации, которые соответствовали бы следующим предложениям.
1.We’re having a good laugh over everything.- We’ve been having a good laugh over everything.
2.I’m doing it just this way.- J’ve been doing it just this way.
3.What’s going on in here?- What has been going on in here ?
4.He is saying funny things about you. - He has been saying funny things about you
5.What are you doing?- Wha< have you been doing?
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