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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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1. Напишите письмо другу и сообщите в нем, что вы будете делать и смотреть, когда поедете в Стратфорд, или что вы смотрели и делали в Стратфорде, если уже были там.
2. Опишите место, в котором родился один из знаменитых людей вашей страны.
Дрок ю
Наклонение - это форма глагола, показывающая, каким образом совершается действие.
До сих пор вам встречалось два наклонения: 1) изъявительное (Indicative), в котором выражаются утверждения и вопросы; 2) повелительное (Imperative), в котором выражаются команды и просьбы.
Существует и третий вид наклонения - сослагательное (Subjunctive), которое используется для выражения пожелания или надежды на совершение действия. Например:
God save the Queen.
что означает: "I hope and pray that God will save the Queen." Очень часто сослагательное наклонение выражается при помощи одного из "специальных" глаголов, таких как may (might). Например:
Long may she reign.
A happier time is coming. May I live to see it.
He wished that he might see happier times.
Сослагательное наклонение употребляется и в других случаях; оно употребляется в придаточных предложениях условия, подразумевая отрицание (implying a negative).
OLAF: Excuse me, sir, but I don't understand what "implying a negative" means.
MR. PRIESTLEY: I am quite sure you don't, and I was just going to explain it.
Suppose, Olaf, I say to you: "If I were captain of a ship, I would take you on a voyage round the world." What do you know about me from that sentence? Do you know that I am the captain of a ship or not?
OLAF: I know that you are not a captain of a ship.
MR. PRIESTLEY: But I didn't say so.
OLAF: No; but anyone could gather that from the sentence.
MR. PRIESTLEY: I quite agree. The remark "implies" that I am not the captain. Now, Jan, here's a sentence for you:
"If John were here, he would help me with my work."
From that sentence could you say whether John is here or not?
JAN: He is not here.
MR. PRIESTLEY: But "not" is a negative word and there wasn't a "not" in my sentence.
JAN: No, there isn't a negative in it, but you gather the negative idea from the sentence.
MR. PRIESTLEY: Oh, I see. You mean that the negative is implied but not actually expressed. Let us take just one more sentence. There is a children's song that goes:
"If I were King, you should be Queen."
What is the "implied negative", Frieda?
FRIEDA: The implied negative is "... but he is not King" and "she is not Queen".
MR. PRIESTLEY: Now I think you all understand the point, so I will repeat what I said at first:
The Subjunctive Mood is used in Conditional Clauses implying a negative.
Conditional Clause
Implied Negative
If I were captain of the ship If John were here If I were King
I am not the captain John is not here I am not King
And I want you to look again at the verbs in these conditional clauses.
If I were captain; if John were here; if I were King. With the pronouns / and he-both singular number-you would expect a singular verb, am, is, was. The form were is generally only used for the plural. But in the sentences I have just given you, were is not plural, but Subjunctive. That one construction if I were, if you were, if he were, if they were, etc., is practically the only example we have in modern English of the Subjunctive Mood expressed by the form of the verb.
1. Заполните пропуски глаголами (сослагательное наклонение):
1. Long_____our Queen reign.
2. If I _ you I would accept the offer.
3. If Hob___here, we could start the lesson.
4. He wished that he_____see his children again.
5. If they__rich they could buy a new car.
6. He is going to Italy so that he__get well again.
2. Укажите, в каком наклонении (изъявительном, повелительном или сослагательном) стоят выделенные курсивом глаголы:
1. Are you coming?
2. Hurry up!
3. He is always late.
4. May I live to see the day when he is early.
5. Don't drop that cup.
6. He wished that he might get all the sentences right.
7. To whom must I give the money?
8. On August 3rd I start my holiday. May that day come quickly.
3. Назовите "подразумеваемое отрицание" в следующих предложениях:
1. If you were Henry what would you do?
2. If I were a bird I wouldn't sing in a cage.
3. If George were here he would tell us the answer.
4. Напишите пять предложений с придаточными условия с "подразумеваемым отрицанием".
Дрок 11
В уроке, где говорилось об обстоятельственных придаточных предложениях, вам встретились придаточные предложения типа: Olaf will pass his examination if he works hard.
We will help you if you need help.
I cannot drink coffee unless it is well made.
Эти предложения означают:
"If Olaf works he will pass his examination; if he doesn't, he probably won't pass." "If you ask us we will help you; if you don't ask us, then we won't help you." "If the coffee is good I can drink it; if it isn't, well, I can't." "Olaf may work hard-or he may not; you may ask for help-or you may not."
Такие предложения называются предложениями "открытого условия" (open condition). Обратите внимание на конструкцию "открытого условия". Глагол придаточного предложения условия стоит в простом настоящем времени, глагол главного предложения - в простом будущем времени.
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