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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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ANDREW: Suppose we put the back and one side into position and I will hold them there while you nail them together.
MR. PRIESTLEY: I don't think we should nail them together. The makers of the hen-house have sent a small bag of nuts and bolts. We should bolt them together.
ANDREW: Oh yes, that's right. Look, there's a hole here for the bolt to go in. Now I'll hold the side and end together while you push the bolt through the hole. Oh! look out!
(There's a crash as the side falls down.)
Sorry, Uncle Charles, the wind caught that side and I couldn't hold it. I hope it didn't hurt your foot.
MR. PRIESTLEY: Oh, it's nothing much; I probably lamed for life, but never mind. I think, Andrew, it would be better if /held the side and you pushed the bolt through the hole.
ANDREW: Right ho! Here it comes.-You see it?
MR. PRIESTLEY: Yes. That's all right. Now you come to this side, put the nut on and screw it up tight with the spanner... Good. Now we'll put on the other side in the same way. Push the bolt through the holes, put the nut on and screw it up.
ANDREW: We are getting on well, aren't we, Uncle Charles; we can put the front on now. I'll go inside and push the bolt through and you can screw the nut on.
-... It doesn't seem to go through very well.
(That's probably because they are putting it through from the wrong side; the nut ought to be on the inside!)
I'll get a hammer and knock it through.
MR. PRIESTLEY: All right, but be careful what you do.
ANDREW; Oh, I know how to use a hammer. (Knock)... It's going... (Knock)... (Crash!)
MR PRIESTLEY: Now what's happened?
ANDREW: Oh, I'm sorry, Uncle Charles; the hammer slipped out of my hand and went through the window. I'm afraid the glass is no use now.
MR. PRIESTLEY: Oh, well, it's no use crying over spilt milk. I'll go to the shop tomorrow and ask them to cut me another piece of glass.
ANDREW: We'll put the roof on now. I'll stay inside and see that it fits properly. You just nail it on, don't you; I don't see any holes for bolts. Here's the hammer and you've plenty of nails outside. You should drive some nails in here ... (Knock, knock)... Good!... now some more nails all round here (Knock, knock, knock).-That's very good ... just one or two more and the roof will be on (Knock, knock, knock). Oh, splendid, that's the job done. I'll come out now and see what it looks like from outside....
Hey! I say, how do I get out? The door's locked.
MR. PRIESTLEY: Well, unlock it; isn't the key inside?
ANDREW: No; isn't it outside?
MR. PRIESTLEY: No; the makers must have forgotten to send me a key!
* * *
(I think at this point we'd better go away and leave them to it.)
1. Придумайте предложения со следующими словами и словосочетаниями:
million; attend; in spite of; grave (adj.); wreck; threaten; tax; minister; beggar; fry; merrily; practical; confidence; leave it at that; tools; saw (noun)] saw (verb); screw; nuts and bolts; screwdriver; lame; spanner
2. Объясните значение следующих выражений:
.1. It's по use crying over spilt milk.
2. We are getting on well.
3. They could hardly believe their ears.
4. Between you and me.
3. Заполните пропуски необходимыми по смыслу словами:
1.1 wish I__a million pounds.
2.1 don't think that I_recognize a happy man___if I saw one.
3. Once_________there was a king__was ill.
4. There is___one thing that can____you.
5. The king sent servants to find the of a man _ was happy.
6. They had no____. Nobody seemed to be______.
7. As they home they noticed a beggar by the roadside.
8. He was sausages over a little , and he merrily as his
supper was_____.
9. They thought that at last they had_what they were looking_____.
10. They were wrong. The beggar______no shirt.
4. Поставьте вопросы к следующим предложениям, используя слова:
Where? How much? Did you? What? Why? Have you? How old? When? How many?
1. I'd buy a motor-boat and a big car.
2. No, I've never heard a story about a happy man's shirt before.
3. It's just five to four.
4. Because ten new hens are coming tomorrow.
5. He is eleven years old.
6. I am going to North Wales this year.
7. No, I looked up, but it had flown away.
8. He was singing and frying sausages.
9. He said there was only one thing that could cure him.
10. Mr. Priestley had ordered ten new hens.
11. No, he didn't succeed in unlocking the door.
12. Because the makers had forgotten to send a key.
5. Объясните назначение следующих предметов:
a hammer, a nail, a screwdriver, a lock on a door, a fiying-pan, a saw
Напишите рассказ на следующие темы:
1. The happy man's shirt.
2. Mr. Priestley, Andrew and the hen-house.
Sentences and Clauses
Дадим сначала несколько определений, и прежде всего определение предложения (sentence).
Предложением называется группа слов, образующих законченное по смыслу высказывание. Оно обычно выражает следующее: 1) утверждение, 2) вопрос, 3) команду или просьбу. Например:
I am teaching you English.
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