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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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Но есть и другой тип условных предложений. Вот примеры таких предложений параллельно с предложениями "открытого условия":
А. (Open Condition) B.
If Hob works hard, he will learn grammar. I will help him if he asks me. He will do the work if he has time. I shall go for a walk if the rain stops. I shall speak if I am sure of the answer. If Hob worked hard, he would learn grammar. I would help him if he asked me. He would do the work if he had time. I should go for a walk if the rain stopped. I should speak if I were sure of the answer.
MR. PRIESTLEY: Do you notice anything about the sentences marked B, Pedro?
PEDRO: Well, the Present Tense, work, help, will, shall, has become the Past Tense, worked, helped, would, should.
MR. PRIESTLEY: Yes, quite true, but do you see anything else? Think back to our last grammar lesson. When I say: " If Hob worked hard, he would learn grammar", what do I imply?
PEDRO: Oh, I see it; you imply that he doesn't work hard. It's an "implied negative". It's like the Subjunctive!
MR. PRIESTLEY: Exactly. In fact, one of the ways of showing the Subjunctive is by using should and would. And all the other sentences are the same.
"I would help him if he asked me" implies "... but he doesn't ask me".
"... if I were sure of the answer" implies "... but I am not sure of the answer".
The "A" sentences are Open Conditionals (предложения "открытого условия"); the "В" sentences are Subjunctive Conditionals (условные предложения в сослагательном наклонении).
НОВ: I remember a fellow once said to me: "What would you do if you had Lord Moneybags' income?"
JAN: He implied that you hadn't an income as big as Lord Moneybags'.
HOB: I haven't!
LUCILLE: So what did you say?
HOB: I said, "What would Lord Moneybags do if he had an income like mine?"
MR. PRIESTLEY: I'll also tell you a story.
HOB: Oh yes, sir, please do.
MR. PRIESTLEY: Well, one day, when my daughter Margaret was quite a little girl, she came in to dinner with dirty hands. I said to her: "Margaret, what would you say if my hands were as dirty as yours when I came to dinner?" (implying, of course, that my hands were not as dirty as hers).
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LUCILLE: And what did she say?
MR. PRIESTLEY: She said: "If your hands were as dirty as mine, I should be too polite to say anything about it."
FRIEDA: Margaret certainly knew what an implied negative was!
1. Заполните пропуски глаголами в соответствующей грамматической форме:
1.1 will see John if I_to Oxford.
2.1 shall go out for coffee at eleven if my essay finished.
3. Lucille will fly to Paris if she_get a ticket.
4. If it is not too cold, I go for a swim.
5. If he behaves badly, I have a talk with him.
6. If you stir the sugar, the tea be sweeter.
7. You will win much praise if you your duty.
8. The secretary__help you if you have any difficulties.
2. Найдите в упражнении 1 придаточные предложения условия.
3. Какие из следующих предложений - предложения "открытого условия", а какие - условные предложения в сослагательном наклонении?
1. If it is not foggy tomorrow, we will come.
2. If I saw him, I would speak to him.
3.1 would play football if you asked me.
4. If you are right, then I am wrong.
5. If you gave that answer, you would be wrong.
6. If he spoke to me, I should speak to him.
7. If he asked for money, would you give him any?
8. Will you give him money if he asks for it?
Прок 12
The Past Conditional
В предыдущем уроке в придаточных условных предложениях в сослагательном наклонении вам встретились глаголы worked, helped, would, should. Интересно отметить, что, хотя они стоят в прошедшем времени, их значение относится к настоящему времени. Они означают следующее:
... if Hob worked hard Now (but he doesn't work hard Now).
... if he needed help Now (but he doesn't need help Now).
... if he had time Now.
... if the rain stopped Now.
... if I knew the answer Now.
Все эти предложения относятся к условным предложениям в сослагательном наклонении со значением настоящего времени (Present Subjunctive Conditionals).
Есть также условные предложения в сослагательном наклонении со значением прошедшего времени (Past Subjunctive Conditionals). Вот как они образуются:
"Hob would have learned grammar if he had worked hard" (but he didn't work hard-in the past, and he didn't learn grammar in the past).
"1 would have helped himif he had needed help" (but he didn't need help in the past and I didn't help him in the past).
"He would have done the work, if he had had time."
"1 should have gone for a walk if the rain had stopped."
"1 should have spoken if I had been sure of the answer."
HOB: It reminds me of an Irishman I know. A friend of his said to him: "I hear your mother-in-law has died. How long has she been dead?" The Irishman replied: " If she had lived till tomorrow, she would have been dead three months."
MR. PRIESTLEY: As you can see, we make the Past Conditional by using would (should) have and a past participle in the Principal Clause, and the Past Perfect Tense in the Conditional Clause.
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