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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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5. The prince buried Gelert at this spot.
6. Edward I built a great line of castles.
7. Mr. Evans is pointing out the stone figures.
8. The English are paying money to the Welsh.
9. Edward I had conquered Wales.
10. Olaf has written this little play.
11. Edward chose a baby to be their ruler.
5. Замените следующие словосочетания одним словом из этого урока. В скобках дано количество букв в слове: a short journey (4); to show that a thing is true (5); the edge of a country next the sea (5); mountain top (4); small river (6); to look after
(5); very large (8); a baby's bed (6); to go towards (8); to go into (5); shot by archers (6); wanting something which another possesses; fearing that another will take what one has, and therefore hating him (7); someone who steals (5); not speaking or making a noise (6); sad at not seeing one's hopes come true (12); stretching for a long way; wide (9); producing much; fruitful (17); having no clothes or covering (4); quickly; in a hurry (7); to protect (7)
1. Напишите рассказ о Ллевелине и его собаке Гелерте.
2. А вы ходили в горы? Если да, то расскажите об этом.
"A mountain summit white with snow Is an attractive sight, 1 know,
But why not see it from below!"
Вы согласны с автором этих строк? Что выдумаете об альпинизме?
The "Special" Verbs (7): Ought
Следующий "специальный" глагол - ought. Вопросительная форма с этим глаголом образуется при помощи инверсии, а отрицательная при помощи not. Например:
Не knows he ought to pay the money.
Ought he to pay the money?
He ought not (oughtn't) to pay the money, ought he?
You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
(1) Главное значение этого глагола - идея обязанности, долга. Это его единственная форма. У него нет форм инфинитива, причастия, перфектных форм. В третьем лице единственного числа отсутствует окончание s.
Для выражения прошедшего времени этот глагол употребляется с перфектной формой смыслового глагола, т.е. ought (oughtn't) to have + past participle. Например:
I ought to have written that letter yesterday (with the implication "but I didn't write it").
You oughtn 7 to have gone to the football match, Hob ("... but you did").
You ought to have done your homework last night ("but you didn't").
He ought to have told me that before ("but he didn't").
(2) Глагол ought может иметь значение вероятности. Например:
If Lucille left home at nine o'clock, she ought to be here any minute now.
There's a fine sunset; it ought to be a fine day tomorrow.
Considering all the work you have done, you oughtn 7 to fail your examination.
(3) Для образования будущего времени глаголы shall или will не употребляются. Идея будущности в предложении выражает-
443 ¦
ся словом или сочетанием слов, относящихся к будущему. Например:
Jan's team ought to win the match tomorrow.
Your suit ought to be ready next Thursday.
You ought to write to her as soon as you can.
(4) Глаголы should и ought взаимозаменяемы практически во всех случаях и имеют в сущности одно и то же значение.
If you owe the money you (should; ought to) pay it.
Lucille left home at 9 o'clock; she (should; ought to) be here any minute now.
You (shouldn't; oughtn't to) have spent all that on a dress.
Внимание: после глагола ought всегда стоит частица to; с глаголом should она всегда опускается.
Вот, пожалуй и все, что можно сказать о глаголе ought.
1. Замените should на ought:
1. You should work harder.
2. It's six o'clock, she should be here by this time.
3. You should have done the work instead of going to the cinema.
4. He shouldn't have been late for that important meeting.
2. Измените предложения так, чтобы они относились к прошедшему времени:
1. You ought to get here by nine o'clock.
2.1 suppose I ought to pay the money.
3. How much time should I spend on this exercise ?
4. Mr. Priestley ought to tell you about this before you do the exercise.
5. You shouldn't leave my book out in the rain.
6. He ought not to speak like that.
Frieda Tells a Story: King Arthur
(Extractfrom Frieda's diary)
...I asked Mr. Evans today about King Arthur. His name kept coming up, at Snowdon, in his story about Caernarvon and when he told us about the great Roman city that had been discovered after months of digging in Monmouthshire1 at Caerleon, "that's Camelot, where King Arthur held his Court" he said.
"Was King Arthur a real person, or is it all a story?" I asked.
MR. EVANS: Oh, yes; there was a real Arthur, an Arthur who fought the Saxon invader and won a great battle at Mount Badon in AD. 500. But around this shadowy human figure, fighting among the mountains of Wales or on the wild cliffs of Cornwall (where you can still see the ruins of Arthur's castle), has grown up a great collection of romantic stories that run like a brilliant thread through the pattern of English literature from the early Anglo-Saxon and Norman writers, through Chaucer and Malory to Tennyson. These old stories tell us of Arthur's miraculous coming, of how he became King and gathered together a brave company of knights-the Knights of the Round Table.
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