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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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3. What work does the bursar of a college do?
4. Do you believe the story of the boar and Aristotle? Give a reason for your answer.
5. Why does Great Tom sound 101 times every night?
6. What reminded Olaf of Charing Cross?
7. What does a quarrel between "town" and "gown" mean?
8. Which road is closed to traffic early in September? Why?
9. What is the difference between St. Giles and many other Oxford streets?
3. Заполните пропуски словами since, for или till:
1. The custom has continued______ 1254.
2. That must wait____1 see you again.
3. The singing of the Latin hymn has gone on________more than 350
4. Preparations for the fair can't be made______five o'clock in the
5 . nearly 500 years the money was paid.
6.1 didn't get to bed____midnight.
7.1 haven't been to Norway______six years.
8. Don't move_____I say so.
9. I've been waiting here____four o'clock.
10. He has been teaching_____twenty-nine years.
4. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной форме, ожидая получить а) информацию, Ь) положительный ответу "Да", с) отрицательный ответ "Нет":
Образец: John is up at Oxford.
a) Is John up at Oxford?
b) John is up at Oxford, isn't he?
c) John isn't up at Oxford, is he?
1. That is Magdalen tower.
2. Cranmer was burnt to death at the stake.
3. Olaf thought the students' gowns were ragged.
4. He wants to go to Oxford again.
5. You have done sentences like this in Book II.,
6. Mr. Wiggins fell off the ladder.
7. Hob can't understand Latin.
8. A party of Americans is visiting Oxford.
9. The lawns of St. John's garden are beautiful.
10. You would enjoy a visit to Oxford.
11. Olaf ought to play more tennis.
12. You shouldn't have done that.
1. Опишите (письменно или устно) три любопытных старинных оксфордских обычая.
2. Найдите дополнительные сведения о знаменитых людях: Samuel Johnson, Sir Christopher Wren, Shelley, Sir Anthony Eden Напишите о них небольшие рассказы (100-150 слов).
3. Вы были когда-нибудь в Оксфорде? Если да, скажите, что вам .больше всего понравилось. Если нет, скажите, что бы вы
больше всего хотели там увидеть.
Контрольная работа № 2
1. Употребите глаголы в скобках в соответствующей грамматической форме:
1. Не should be there by now, if he (go) straight home.
2. You should (hold) the ladder steady, and I shouldn't have fallen.
3.1 shouldn't think of asking you to (wash) the dishes.
4.1 shouldn't (like) Mr. Priestley to see this exercise.
5. The train should be here by now, but it (be not).
6. The train would be here by now, if it (be not) foggy.
7. They should have mended your watch by now, unless the spring (have) broken.
8. He said he would sit there as long as he (want) to.
9. Would you mind (help) me with this bag?
10. If he (do) that again, I should have knocked him down.
2. В предложениях из упражнения 1 замените should на ought, но там, где это возможно.
3. Придумайте предложения со следующими словосочетаниями:
take it easy; till late at night; for help; nothing I should like better; worth waiting for; do without; as a matter of fact; in due course
4. Напишите следующие предложения в отрицательной форме. Там, где возможно, используйте краткую форму глагола:
1.1 was very happy to see him. 2. He hit the ball hard. 3.1 will give a tip to the waitress. 4. You must leave the paper on the ground. 5. He ought to wash his neck. 6. That Italian speaks English well. 7. You need a haircut.
5. Поставьте наречия, данные в скобках, на соответствующее место:
1. Не brings home an evening paper, (usually)
2. He has brought home an evening paper, (sometimes)
3. "You are up early." "I am up early." (always)
4. He can hear the news from Moscow on his wireless, (often)
5. Why do you remember that I don't take sugar in my tea? (never)
6. Закончите следующие предложения:
1. Hob's story could be true, but_____
2.1 felt very strongly that___
3. It has been nice____
4. It will be two hours before___
5. There was hardly any applause______
6.1 don't suppose______
7. You mustn't______
8. A dozen times a day_____
7. Замените can и could на to be able в соответствующем времени:
1. Can you hear me properly? 2. I can't hear what you're saying.
3. He could play the violin beautifully. 4. You can do this lesson easily.
5. That family can all sing well. 6. He couldn't remember my name.
7. I can drive a car.
8. Заполните пропуски недостающими репликами в диалоге Хоба и Олафа в комнате мистера Пристли:
НОВ: I say, Olaf, there's still five minutes before Mr. Priestley comes. Can you help me with last night's exercise?
HOB: Oh, thanks.
HOB: I've got it here.
OLAF: (looking in Hob's book):_______
HOB: I expect you're looking in the wrong place. I know, I'll start again. You just say the answers and I'll write them down.
HOB: Oh, I don't think he'll mind. After all, he wants us to get them right.
425 ¦
HOB: The trouble was there was a good TV programme last night, and I didn't get much time for them.
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