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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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"Everyone knows the story of how Christianity was brought to England by St. Augustine. (It's quite a good story, as English stories go, though not to be compared with the Welsh ones.) But not so many people realize that there was a cathedral in Wales, the Cathedral of St. David, that was built in A.D. 550, forty-seven years before St. Augustine came to Canterbury. And the Welsh are still, as they always were, a deeply religious people."
1 Mr. Evans is speaking more of North Wales (where he has always lived) than of South Wales. There, the coal and iron industries, and the position of the ports of Cardiff, Swansea and Newport, have led to the growth of big cities and towns and more "mixed" population.
I hardly needed to be told that. Every village seems to have two or three "Chapels"-usually extremely ugly buildings-and on Sunday a great silence falls over the village. No shops are open, no work is done, no games are played. The men that I had seen during the week in rough working clothes come out now dressed in formal black with white collars to go to the chapel. The chapels are crowded and the whole congregation is a choir, for these Welsh people can certainly sing. The sermon, listened to by a deeply interested and highly critical congregation, lasts an hour.
"I know you think our chapels are ugly," said Mr. Evans, voicing my unspoken thoughts , "but for us Welsh a church is above all else a place for worship, not an exercise in beautiful architecture. Besides, the Welsh have always been a poor people and could never afford magnificent churches. But it is in those chapels that our religion, our Welsh language and all the things that make us proud to be Welshmen have been kept alive."
Oh yes, they are a great people.
1. Придумайте предложения со следующими словами и словосочетаниями:
like the back of his hand; Heaven; generations; natural; empire; unite; throughout its history; have nothing to do with; passionate; occupation; organize; holy; not to be compared with; realize; cathedral; religious; congregation; ugly; formal; critical
2. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. There are many people with the same name in a Welsh village. How do the Welsh get over this difficulty?
2. Why haven't many Welshmen gone abroad?
3. Why are Welsh chapels often ugly?
4. Why was Mr. Evans not worried by the ugliness of some of the chapels?
5. How long does the sermon usually last?
6. How does Mr. Evans earn living? What is he called by his neighbours?
3. Выберите правильное слово:
1. We have (be, been, are) here nearly a (fortnight, two weeks).
2. Nearly (all, everyone, every) in the village seems to be (either, neither, both) Evans or Jones or Hughes. 3. There are probably as (much, more, many) Scotsmen in Canada (than, as, also) there are in Edinburgh. 4. All Welshmen have a (good, deep, high) love for (his, their) home. 5. The (town, house, family) is the centre of village (live, life). 6. When the Saxons (fought, invade, invaded) the land, it was the Welsh (who, by whom, whose) kept Christianity alive.
4. Используя приведенные ниже словосочетания, а также собственные слова, составьте законченные предложения:
1. Jan found_____beautiful country __interesting people. 2. many
trips____on foot____the countryside. 3. don't often leave_because
____their homes_____everything else. 4. what made us fight_____to
conquer______homes free. 5. quite______good story_as English stories
____not to be compared. 6. large crowds______at the stations-the
Queen. 7. those sandwiches____restaurant_____expensive. 8. Hob____
5. Поставьте краткие вопросы к следующим предложениям:
1. Yes, you may. 2. At six o'clock. 3.1 left it on the table. 4. No, I
can't. 5.1 hope to go tomorrow. 6. Only one of your sentences is right.
7. Yes, he must. 8. It's raining hard. 9. He's a schoolmaster. 10. No sugar, thank you. 11. It costs four and six. 12. No, they don't. 13. Very well, thank you. 14. Very much, thank you. 15.1 feel much better today.
1. Расскажите, как в вашей стране появилась религия.
2. Прочитайте снова отрывки (А) и (В) и напишите небольшое изложение (200 слов).
Дрок 32
The "Special" Verbs (9): Dare, Used (to)
MR. PRIESTLEY: There are three specials that we haven't already studied and I want to finish two of them off today. The first of them is dare. As you can see from these examples, it can form its interrogative and negative, its "question phrases" and "short answers" like the other specials.
Dare you climb that tree?
Dare1 he go and speak to her?
How dare you say such a thing?
You daren't climb that tree, dare you? Yes, I dare.
He daren if go and speak to her.
I have never dared to do that.
But dare can also form its negative like the usual verbs, i.e. with do(did) not.
She didn't dare to say a word.
He doesn't dare to answer my letter.
We didn't dare to ask if we could have a holiday.
Note that in these cases the to of the infinitive of the verb that follows dare is not omitted.
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