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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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Need you go before eleven o'clock? Yes, I must. (NOT Yes, I need.)
Подобно другим "специальным" глаголам, он может употребляться в конструкции neither do I (только в отрицательной
453 ¦
конструкции; его нельзя использовать в утвердительной конструкции and so do Г). Например:
Jan needn't come here tomorrow; neither need I.
После него могут стоять наречия never, sometimes, often и др. (но не перед ним). Например:
I needn't always get up at seven o'clock.
Ниже приведены примеры использования обоих глаголов: смыслового и "специального".
FULL VERB: Не sent me the money he owed me; so I didn 'tneed to write to him for it. (You gatherfrom this sentence that I didn't write.)
"SPECIAL": He sent me the money he owed me; so I needn 'thave written. (You gather from this sentence that I did write.)
FU LL VERB: We had plenty of bread; so I didn't need to buy a loaf. (I didn't buy one.)
"SPECIAL": We had plenty of bread; so I needn't have bought a loaf. (I did buy one.)
FULL VERB: John went to the station with the car to meet Lucille; so she didn't need to walk to the house. (She didn't walk.)
"SPECIAL": John went to the station with the car to meet Lucille; so she needn 't have walked. (She did walk.)
1. Напишите следующие предложения в отрицательной форме:
1. His hair needs cutting.
2. They need a holiday.
3. Henry needed a new bicycle.
4.1 need this book for my work.
5. You needed the help that I gave you.
2. Закончите следующие предложения, образуя разделительные вопросы:
1. You needn't write to him.___?
2.1 needn't come tomorrow._______?
3. He needn't work on Sunday._____?
4. They needn't waken me so early._____?
5. We needn't answer all the questions.____?
3. Ответьте на вопросы, вставляя в пропуски need или must:
1. Who needn't work for his living? I__.
2. Who needn't catch the early train home? George______.
3. Need you go so soon? Yes, I____.
4. Needn't George go to London tomorrow? No, he________.
5. Need George go to London tomorrow? Yes, he________.
4. Объясните, чем значение предложений (а) отличается от значения предложений (Ь):
1. (a) I didn't need to leave the door unlocked; John had a key.
(b) I needn't have left the door unlocked; John had a key.
2. (a) She didn't need to tell me the time of the train; I knew it already.
(b) She needn't have told me the time of the train; I knew it already.
3. (a) He didn't need to take a taxi; it is only five minutes walk to the house.
(b) He needn't have taken a taxi; it is only five minutes walk to the house.
Напишите короткий рассказ "A friend in need, is a friend indeed".
Дрок 31
Wales and the Welsh
(Extractfrom Jan's Diary)
...What a beautiful country Wales is, and how interesting its people are. We have been here nearly a fortnight now and Mr. Evans has taken us, on foot or in his car, round this countryside which he knows like the back of his hand and loves more than he can ever love any place outside heaven. In fact I shouldn't be surprised, if, when he gets to heaven, he thinks that Wales was practically as good. He and his father and his grandfather, and I don't know how many other generations, have always lived in this little village in North Wales and he knows every man, woman and child for miles around. In fact it almost seems as if everyone in the village is named either Evans or Jones or Hughes, which can lead to some difficulty if you ask for "Mr. Jones's house". Even if you ask, for example, for John Jones, it is almost as bad, for there are probably half a dozen of them. The Welsh people get over this quite well. They don't say just "Mr. Jones", they say "Jones the Milk" (that is the Jones who sells milk) or "Jones the Post (that's Jones the postman) or "Jones the Bank". So our Mr. Evans being the schoolmaster of the village is "Evans the School".
(A) "But you see," said Mr. Evans, "it's quite natural that you have all these Evanses here; we are all related. No one has a deeper love of his home and family than the Welshman, and he doesn't generally go far away from his home. The Englishman has spread his empire to the four corners of the earth; there are probably as many Scotsmen in Canada as there are in Edinburgh; there are more Irishmen in New York than in the whole of Ireland. But the Welshman has never been an empire-builder-in fact, he hasn't been able even to unite his own country. Throughout its whole history Wales has always preferred to live in small groupings. The Romans built cities in England and Wales; the English built great castles, and towns grew round them. But the Welsh would have nothing to do with Roman city or English town.
The Welsh are countrymen, not townsmen.1 The family is the centre of Welsh life; this village-like any village here-is just an extended family; and so, as I said, naturally you get a lot of Evanses there.
(B) For that he would give his life; that is home and 'Wales' to him. The love that he has for that could never be beaten down by Roman or Saxon or Englishman. Until you realize that, I don't think you can understand the character of the Welsh and the spirit of Wales. That was what made us fight against the English; not because we ever wanted to conquer England but because we wanted to keep our homes free, our religion free and to keep the Welsh way of life. That is why the story of King Arthur is a living story with us. When the light of Christianity that the Romans had brought to England was put out by the heathen Saxons who invaded the country, it was Arthur who battled against them, and it was the Welsh who kept Christianity alive in these islands. Have you noticed-I am sure you must have done-the number of Welsh place names that begin with 'Llan'-Llanberis, Llandudno, there are hundreds of them in Wales? Well, in those dark days of the early Saxon occupation of England, Christianity still lived on among the Welsh, and specially chosen men, the first Celtic saints, went from place to place teaching the Christian faith, preaching, organizing little groups of believers, and starting centres of worship. These centres were called llans (the word is generally translated church), and the llans often took the name of the saint who started them or some other holy name; for example, Llandudno was the llan started by St. Tudno.
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