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Времена в английском языке - Шмелев В.М.

Шмелев В.М. Времена в английском языке — Казань, 2000. — 148 c.
ISBN 5-7579-0386-4
Скачать (прямая ссылка): vremenavanglyazike2000.djv
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4 - Headmaster: I won’t have girls here in slacks. If you come here tomorrow in slacks I’ll send you home.
Girl: All right, I won’t come tomorrow. I’ll get a job.
5 - Mother: I’m so grateful for the help you’ve given Jack; I hope you’ll be able to go on helping him.
Teacher: I’m afraid I shan’t/won’t be teaching him next term because I only teach the fifth form and he’ll be in the sixth.
6 - Schoolboy (in school dining hall): The last week of our last term! I wonder what we shall/will be doing this term next year.
Friend: Well, we shan’t/won’t be eating school dinners anyway. That’s one comfort.
7 - They give very good dinners at the school but my daughter won 4 eat them. She prefers to go out and buy fish and chips.
8 - Yes, you can stroke the dog; he won’t bite you.
9 - Shall we meet him at the station?- Oh, he won’t be coming by train. He never comes by train.
10 - I’ve fished that river every year for the last fifteen years.- Well, nobody will be fishing it next year. The water’s been polluted. All the fish are dead.
11 - I’ll cook any fish you catch, but I won’t clean them. You’ll have to do that yourself.
12-1 shan’t/won’t be showing any films this time. The projector’s broken down.
13 - Housewife: This time next week I shan’t/won’t be washing up the breakfast things. I shall/will be having breakfast in bed in a luxury hotel.
14-1 shan’t/won’t be wearing glasses when you see me next. I’ll be wearing contact lenses. You won’t probably recognize me.
15 - I’ll tell him the truth of course. But it won’t be any good. He won’t believe me.
16 - Customer: When you deliver my next order ...
Shop assistant: We shan’t/won’t be delivering any more orders, I’m afraid. This branch is closing down.
17 - It’ll be easy to pick her out in that bright red coat of hers. - But she won’t be wearing the red coat! She’s given it away.
18 - "No, I won’t tell you the end! Go on reading and find out for yourself!
19 - You won’t be using your car when you’re on holiday, will you? - No, but don’t ask me to lend it to you because I won’t do it.
20-1 shall/will have to be a bit careful about money when I retire because I’ll only be getting half my present salary. But of course I shan’t/won’t be paying so much tax.
21 - You can either pay the fine or go to prison for a month.- I won’t pay the fme.~ Then you will have to go to prison.
22 - He’s a clever boy but he’s lazy. He won’t work.
23-1 wonder how Jack will get on with the new secretary. - Oh, Jack won’t be working here after this week. He’s being transferred.
24 - According to the brochures this hotel prides itself on its service, but the staff won’t even show a guest to his room unless he insists. I won’t come here again.
Упр.16. (В ключе указаны пункты грамматического материала.)
1- 3; 2 - 3; 3 - 1; 4 - 1; 5 - 1; 6 - 2; 7 - 1; 8 - 3; 9 - 1; 10 - 1; 11 - 1; 12 - 1,1; 13 - 1;
14 - 3; 15 - 1; 16 - 1; 17 - 1; 18 - 1; 19 - 1; 20 - 1; 21 - 1; 22 - 3; 23 - 3; 24 -1,3; 25 -2; 26-1; 27-1; 28 -3; 29-1; 30-1.
1 - Are you going to feed 2 - Are you letting/Are you going to let/Will you be letting
3 - Will you light 4 - Are you wearing/Are you going to wear/Will you be wearing 5
- will you wear 6 - Will you come 7 - Will you have 8 - Are you having/Are you going to have 9 - Are you going to study/will you be studying 10 - Will you be speaking 11 - Will you turn 12 - Any one of the forms is possible here: ‘Will you take’ implies that the matter has not yet been decided and that the speaker is offering a choice of dates. The other forms would imply that the matter has already been arranged and that the speaker is merely asking for information 13 - Will you be listening/are you going to listen 14 - Will you help 15 - Will you be staying 16 - Will 140
^pu lend 17 - Are you meeting/are you going to meet/Will you be meeting 18 - Will jfau come 19 - Will you have 20 - will you translate 21 - Wilfyou be using/Are you libing/are you going to use 22 - Will you be going/Are you going, will you get 23 -Will you come 24 - Will you be passing/Are you going to pass/Are you passing, shall be spending/am going to spend/am spending, will you get 25 - Are you going to keep
26 - Are you travelling/Are you going to travel 27 - Are you going to repair 28 - Will you hold 29 - Are you going/Will you be going 30 - Will you kindly explain 31 -Will you recognize 32 - Are you sending/Are you going to send 33 - Will you tell 34
- Are you going/Will you be going 35 - Are you going to type/will you be typing 36 -Will you stop.
1 -1 shall/will know tomorrow. It will be in the papers.
2 - These pigeons are quite tame; they will take crumbs from your fingers.
3 - Shall I call you?- No, I will get a taxi and meet you at the station.
4 - The Head of the Department has just told me that I shan’t/won’t have any nine o’clock classes next term. So I shall/will have time to read the paper at breakfast.
5 - You can trust me; nobody shall know t;hat you are here. (I promise to keep it secret.) I won’t even tell my wife.
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