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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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13. 25 Продолжите данные предложения с выражением on the one hand, on the other hand:
1. On the one hand it's a good idea, on the other hand......... 2. On the one hand I agree with him, on the other
hand......... 3. On the one hand he lied to me, on the other hand......... 4. On the one hand they laugh at her,
on the other hand......... 5. On the one hand he is right, on the other hand.........
13. 26 Дополните следующие предложения (2 варианте}:
что наш сосед - владелец этой новой замечательной машины что у него было достаточно денег, чтобы купить новую машину что вы постараетесь обдумать эту идею что время летит очень быстро что идет дождь
что мы имеем в виду разные вещи что ты сможешь занять мое место что это девушка его мечты что ты болен
13.27*Заполните пропуски данными существительными по смыслу с предлогом like:
a legend, a student, a child, a sea, salmon, a palace, a schoolgirl, my sister, my aunt, all people, all artists, e.g. My sister swims............... - My sister swims like a fish.
1. This girl cries............... 2. Our manager looks............... 3. This house is ............... 4. You can't cook
............... 5. You don't eat meat .„............ 6...............he wears black. 7...............he is afraid of death.
8. Our secretary makes mistakes............... 9. This story is............... 10. This fish is............... 11. This
river is...............
13. 28 Переведите следующие предложения, используя взаимное местоимение each other:
1. Моя подруга рассказала мне, что ее соседи очень помогают друг другу. 2. Мой друг спросил меня, любят ли друг друга моя кузина и ее муж. 3. Я думал, что мы поймем друг друга. 4. Как могло случиться, что мы ждали друг друга в разных местах. 5. Как могло произойти, что они не узнали друг друга. 6. Мой друг сказал, что мы не видели друг друга целую вечность. 7. Наша секретарша и менеджер не разговаривают друг с другом. 8. Почему вы кричите друг на друга? 9. Мои родители всегда волнуются друг о друге. 10. Что твоя сестра и ты рассказали друг другу? 11. С одной стороны, вы любите друг друга, с другой стороны, вы часто обижаете друг друга. 12. Почему эти люди не здороваются друг с другом?
13. 29*Зеполните пропуски в следующих предложениях наречиями anyway, outdoors, at once:
1. ft seems to me our lawyer and our manager don't like each other............, they don't speak much.
2.1 understood it..........that you wanted to look like your elder sister. 3. Is it raining..........? 4. Yesterday we
came home late and went to bed........... 5. We haven't got enough time to wait for anybody. Let's go..........
6. Do you mean we can have tea..........? 7. Our colleagues didn't catch my idea..........., they didn't agree with
me. 8.1 would like to answer your questions........... 9. You can put on a T-shirt. It isn't cold......... 10. Don't
hurry. I am waiting for you........... 11.1 don't know if this man is a thief or not.............he has stolen a watch.
12. We met at the railway station and recognized each other.........
13. 30*Заполните пропуски предлогами:
1. It seems .....me that this man is not going to part .....his comfortable apartment. 2. My colleague didn't
agree.....my condition......the contrary, he said.....me that he would never agree.....me. 3......тару waiters
this man wore a black suit, but I recognized him.....once. 4.1 am waiting.....your answer. Will you think my idea
.....again and let me know.....it. 5. This new house.....the bank.....the river looks.....a palace. 6. Don't pull
me.....the sleeve! Do you mean I am.....trouble? 7. My friend's grandmother was born.....the 21.....November
.....1936f and she died.....the 15.....February.....2001. 8. It's a nice day today. You should stay outdoors.....
much.....you can. 9. It was late..... night when we got home.....last. 10......first I was going to shake hands
.....my old school-friend, but then I noticed that he was talking.....a beautiful lady and I went......
It seems to me It seemed to him
13. 31 Поставьте диалоги из текста в косвенную речь.
13. 32 Придумайте ситуации с данными словами и словосочетаниями, используя косвенную речь
1.(He said), to go for a walk, torain, outdoors, to notice, to recognize, at once, to come to smb's mind, to catch an idea, on the one hand, to ask, to agree, to have enough time, to thank, to part. 2. (She told me), to lose, to be in trouble, not to have enough money, like ail poor people, to have a dream, to be ill, to move, to sell, to meet, to understand each other, to feel happy, to marry.'
13. 33 Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту:
1. Who was sitting on the bank of the river? 2. What were the students speaking about? 3. Who came up to them? 4. What did a little old man wear? 5. What did the old little man show to the students? 6. What kind of watch was it? 7. What did the elder student think? 8. Was Theophan surprised when the old man told him that he could become the owner of the watch? 9. Did Theophan have enough money to pay for the watch? 40. Was Theophan glad when the old man said that he would give him the watch as a present? 11. Why did the elder student pull Theophan by the sleeve? 12. What was the condition on which Theophan could take the watch? 13. Did Theophan like this condition? 14. Why did he agree on this condition at last? 15. How did it happen that Theophan forgot to wind up the watch? 16. How did Thyrza feel when Theophan told her that it was their last meeting? 17. What was the weather like when Theophan left his bride? 18. Did he notice anybodyofi the road? 19. Did Theophan recognize the old man at once? 20. What did the little old man ask him about? 21. What did Theophan answer him? 22. On which condition could his time be twenty four hours prolonged? 23. Why did Theophan agree on his second condition? 24. What was Thyrza doing as Theophan came to her next day? 25. What did she tell him about? 26, Why couldn't Theophan tell his bride the truth? 27. What is the idea of this sad story?
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