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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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4. Просьбы или приказания в косвенной речи передаются с помощью глаголов to tell, to ask, to order и инфинитивной конструкции (в отрицательной форме с частицей not):
e.g. My sister told me, «Close the wlndow!» My sister told me to close the window.,
My sister told me, «Don't close the window!» My sister asked me not toclose the window.
5. Приветствия в косвенной речи передаются с помощью глаголов to greet приветствовать, здороваться и to welcome приветствовать:
e.g. Не said to us, «Hallo!» He greeted (welcomed) us.
c) Будущее неопределенное время в прошедшем (Future in the Past) употребляется для выражения будущего времени с точки зрения прошедшего времени. Future in the Past образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола would / should и инфинитива без частицы to:
e.g. I knew that ту sister would come home late. She said that she wouldn't follow my advice.
(after Raphael)
It was a wonderful evening in the summer of 1793. Two students of the University were sitting on the bank of the river speaking about the bride of a younger of them, Theophan Gusht.
As they spoke, a little old man came up to them. He wore a black suit and a conical hat. His eyes were large and
«Good evening to you,» said the little old man. «What do you think of this?» and he took a golden watch with diamonds from his pocket.
«He must be a thief and has stolen this watch,» thought the elder student.
«It seems to me you like my watch,» said the little man to the younger student. «Perhaps, you would like to become its owner?»
«Its owner!» said Theophan and he thought what a good present it would be for his bride Thyrza on their wedding day.
«Yes,» repeated the old man, «its owner -1 would like to part with it. How much will you pay for it?» «How much?» thought Theophan. Anyway, he didn't have enough money to pay for this beautiful watch with diamonds.
«Well then, you won't buy my watch?» Theophan shook his head.
«But» said the old man again addressing Theophan, «if I give you this watch - a free present - you won't say no, perhaps.»
«Do you really,» exclaimed Theophan, «do you really say so! Oh, God! How can I thank you?»
«It doesn't matter,» said the man, «you are welcome to have it. But there is, however, one condition.*
«A condition - what is it?»
The elder student pulled Theophan by the sleeve. «Don't take his present,» he whispered, «lefs go away, I don't believe him.» And he walked on.
«The condition on which you take this watch,» said the old man, «is that you wind it up every night, for a year, before sunset.»
«A serious condition, really,» laughed the student, «give me the watch.»
«0r,» continued the old man, «if you once forget to wind it before sunset you will die within six hours after the watch stops.»
«I don't like this condition,* said Theophan. «I must think it over.»
«On the one hand,» he thought, «it's an awful condition, but on the other hand there is nothing easier than rewind the watch once a day before the sunset.»
After some time he turned to the old man and said: «Give me the watch -1 agree on your condition.))
«You have to wind it up before sunset for a year or die within six hours,» he said and disappeared.
Time flew quickly. The day but one before the happy day of wedding had come. Theophan went to visit Thyrza. In the evening they went out into the garden. How strong was their love! They looked at each other and whispered, and looked and whispered again and again. Like all lovers they didn't notice the time. Then Thyrza looked in the sky and said: «How beautiful is the sunset!»
«The sunset!» repeated Theophan. «The sunset! So it was my last day! We have met for the last time!»
«Dearest Theophan, what do you say? Met for the last time! Oh, no, it cannot be the truth.»
«Yes,» said Theophan. «Tomorrow I will die!»
She couldn't speak, she couldn't move, she got as pale and cold as a marble statue, and as beautiful as a sculptor's dream. Theophan took her home and sent for a doctor.
It was late in the night when he left his bride and went home. There was a strong wind outdoors and it was raining heavily, so Theophan couldn't see anything before him. But suddenly he noticed somebody on the road. It was a little old man, and the student recognized him at once.
«Do you remember me?» asked the man.
«Perfectly,» answered Theophan.
«That's good -1 thought you could forget me. What time is it?»
«I don't know. But I know that I will die soon.»
«Does she know about it? You understand whom I mean.»
«Old man!» exclaimed Theophan. «I understand that I have broken the agreement. I understand that I must die. But my hour hasn't come yet. Just leave me! I would like to die alone!»
«But you love your bride, and you want to be with her, don't you? Then listen. Your time can be twenty four hours prolonged if you send the watch to Adrian Wenzel, the goldsmith, to sell it. If within this time somebody buys your watch he will take your place, and you will be free. But decide it quickly - you don't have much tJme.»
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