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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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you. 11.1 first met this man on.....1 of.....June.....2001. 12. As.....matter of.....fact, I cannot give.....answer
to.....third question. 13. Does your sister usually do.....her room in.....morning or in.....evening? 14. This
detective has already investigated.....lot of serious cases. 15. Will you wait.....little! I'll join you in.....minute.
16. We didn't take.....car and went to.....cinema on.....foot. 17......last year my brother presented to me.....
few books about.....London. 18. What were you doing.....whole day yesterday? 19. Do you know.....truth
about this man? 20. Are you going to.....mountains.....next summer? 21. This is.....best dress you have. How
many times.....year do you wear it? 22. Would you like to buy.....anything else for ... dinner? 23. This
murderer looks like ... businessman. 24. Do you work as.....secretary or as.....manager? 25. I've found one
of your gloves, but I haven't found ... other. 26.1 have never seen such.....beautiful statue. 27. We are going
to meet at.....same time tomorrow, at.... quarter... past.... two.
T. 1.2* Заполните пропуски местоимениями в объектном падеже, притяжательными местоимениями е абсолютной форме или возвратными местоимениями:
1. і am looking for my friend. I am looking for......... 2.1 am going to join my friends. I am going to join.........
3. A new film by this director didn't impress my mother. A new film didn't impress......... 4. Unfortunately, our
chief doesn't trust my colleague and me. Our chief doesn't trust......... 5. I won't tell you anything about our
family. I won't tell you anything about......... 6. These are not your gloves, these are my gloves. These gloves
are not......... they are......... 7. Furniture in your country house is much better than in our country house.
Furniture in your country house is much better than in......... 8. One of our parents' friends lives on the ground
floor in our house. A friend of.........lives on the ground fioor in our house. 9.1 don't need anybody's help. I can
do everything......... 10.1 can't explain anything to you. You will understand everything......... 11. You shouldn't
ask your mother to prepare meals for our party. We'll prepare everything......... 12. We had a nice time at the
party. We enjoyed........at the party. 13. Will you take these nice cakes. Will you help........to these cakes.
14. Has this child hurt........?
T. 1.3* Заполните пропуски предлогами:
1. Does your brother translate articles.....English.....Russian.....home or.....school? 2. Are there many cars
.....the streets today? 3. What can you see .•... this picture? 4. Are your friends.....the cinema or.....the park
noW? 5. Are your parents.....work now? 6. Will you put your gloves.....your bag! 7. Is this letter.....your
cousin or..... your colleague? 8. You needn't take this computer .....the box now. 9. Are you going.....the
theatre or.....the cinema? 10. When we came .... home, my brother was sending a fax.....his friend. 11. Why
are you looking.....me all the time? 12. We'll be waiting.....you.....5.....7 o'clock.....the office. 13. Have you
written a letter.....your friends yet? 14. Do you usually go.....your office.....bus or.....foot? 15. Do you often
stay.....home.....Sundays? 16. Do you usually listen.....the music.....your car? 17. Do you often speak.....
the phone.....our friends? 18. Do you play.....the piano or.....the violin? 19. My friend was bom.....the 21
.....December.....1983. 20. Are you going.....the country ..... May? 21. We are very busy.....college.....this
week. 22. We met.....half.....9.....the office every day.....last week. 23. We are going to stay.... the country
.... the week-end. 24. Would you like a cup.....coffee? 25. Is your friend going to leave.....Moscow.....
Murmansk? 26. Is your country house.....the railway station or far.....it? 27. Don't worry.....me! It's no doubt
that.....two-three days I'll recover. 28. Why are you laughing.....your friends? You should be proud.....them.
29.1 haven't seen your cousin.....June. Is she.....the west or.....the east? 30. What happened.....you? Are
you.....trouble? 31. My sister can't live.....her friend. It seems.....me she has fallen.....love.....him. 32. Why
is your secretary always in btack.....a widow? 33.1 recognized this writer.....once. A few years ago he worked
.....a journalist.....our office. 34. No doubt< we'll have finished this work.....the end of the month. 35. When did
your friend arrive.....Moscow? 36.....^ the way home I met a friend.....mine. 37......the way, the man who is
sitting.....you.....the table is my new colleague. 38.1 know all the people here.....the one who is sitting.....the
chief and the secretary. 39. Why are you.....my idea? -1 am not.....it. I agree.....you.
Т. 1.4 Переведите следующие даты:
1-ое января 2000 года, 15-ое сентября 1999 года, 9-ое мая 1945 года, 7-ое ноября 1917 года, 12-ое апреля 1961 года, 17-ое августа 1998 года, 9-ое января 1905 года, 22-ое июня 1941 года, 25-го октября 1861 года, 22-го января 1979 года, 14-го августа 1914 года, 20-го сревраля 1977 года, 1-го мая 1995 года, 19-го марта 1992 года, 4-го декабря 2001 года, 15-го июня 2002 года, 7-го июля 2000 года.
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