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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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I grow strawberries in my garden. (Object)
The boy's face grew pale at the news. (Complement)
PEDRO: Can't a verb sometimes have an object and also a complement?
MR. PRIESTLEY: Yes, Pedro, it can. There are a number of verbs, e.g. make, call, find, that can take both object and complement. Here is the pattern:
Subject and Verb Object Complement
They made They are going to call He finds The boy set This toothache is nearly driving him the baby this work the bird me king. Susan. rather difficult. free. mad.
The Non-Finites (6): Gerund or Infinitive
VERBS FOLLOWED BY THE INFINITIVE OR THE GERUND Some of these are: begin, hate, learn, like, prefer, stop, forget, remember, hear, see, e.g.
The teacher said, "You can begin writing now"; and the children began to write.
Hob hates working at grammar.
HOB: "I hate to work at anything!"
At school children learn reading and writing.
I heard him coming in late last night.
I heard him come in late last night. (Infinitive without to)
I saw him work/working in the garden yesterday.
In the examples just given, it doesn't make much difference in meaning whether the gerund or the infinitive is used, but with the veibs stop, forget, remember thtxe is a difference. Thus:
" He worked for three hours and then stopped for half an hour to eat his lunch" means that he ceased work in order to eat. BUT:
"He stopped eating while he spoke to me" means that he paused in his eating while he spoke.
The verb forget with the infinitive means "fail to remember", e.g.
I am afraid that he will forget to write.
With the gerund it means "lose the memory of', e.g.
I shall never forget seeing the Swiss Alps for the first time.
The infinitive used with remember refers to a future action, e.g. Please remember to pos/this letter before four o'clock.
The gerund used with remember refers to a past action, e.g.
I remember seeing you at the Christmas party last year.
1. Работа со словами. Придумайте предложения:
claim (-noun and verb)] forest (what's the difference between a wood and aforest?); fee; hire; cargo; store (use as a noun and as a verb); legal (what is the opposite?); advocate; candidate; election (use also elect, elector); volunteer; abolish (use also abolition)', gallant; succession (What's the difference between succession and success?); burden; reinforcements; revive; exaggerated; liquor; destiny (Is this the same as destination?); resolute; reconciliation
2. Перефразируйте следующие выражения, обращая особое внимание на выделенные курсивом слова:
1. a half-faced camp; 2. all told; 3. he was considered lazy; 4. the experience that opened up the world for him; 5. the highest bidder;
6. he developed a lasting fondness for Shakespeare; 7. despite his untidiness; 8. his hatred of slavery hardened;¦ 9. slavery was becoming a burning question; 10. the prosperity of the South was built largely on cotton-growing; 11. The storm clouds had blown up dark between North and South; 12. Lincoln was an unbending foe of slavery; 13. gradually the tide turned; 14. not without opposition; 15. hard drinking; 16. the sound of a shot broke in on the play
3. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What is "the claim that Americans often make"? 2. How did teachers make a living? 3. How did Lincoln practise writing? 4. What impressed him most on his first visit to New Orleans? 5. Why was Lincoln a good advocate in court? 6. What experience as a soldier had Lincoln before the Civil War? 7. Why were the people of the South opposed to the abolition of slavery? 8. What was the cause of the Civil War in America? 9. What were the "almost unbearable burdens" that Lincoln had to bear? What did he do when faced with his many difficulties? 10. Describe the scene of Lincoln's death.
4. Определите именную часть сказуемого в предложениях:
1. Pedro is a student. 2. The milk tastes sour. 3. These roses smell
sweet. 4. The room looks clean and tidy. 5. That is quite true. 6. The exercise seemed easy but it turned out quite difficult. 7. They made Cromwell Protector of England. 8. She called him a thief. 9. Lincoln set the slaves free.
r *
1. Напишите изложение о жизни Линкольна (около 400-500 слов).
2. Напишите изложение о "великом сыне" вашей страны (около 400-500 слов).
Qpok 27
MR. PRIESTLEY: Wfell, here we are at the end of a year's work and I'm afraid this is where we say good-bye to all our students. Olaf told me this morning that he is starting work very soon with a big business firm.
MRS. PRIESTLEY: I feel sure he will do very well in business. He's a good steady fellow.
MR. PRIESTLEY: Yes. I've no doubts about him and 1 shall watch his progress with great interest. Jan and Pedro and Olaf are all coming here today for our final meeting.
MRS. PRIESTLEY: Oh, that will be nice. I'll bake some cakes for tea; I don't suppose they get home-made cakes at their colleges.
MR. PRIESTLEY: They'll like that I'm sure-and so will Hob. But I hear the students in the study. Let's join them.
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