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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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Mr. Priestley's Study
MR. PRIESTLEY: Oh, Hello Jan! It's very nice to see you again, and you, Frieda, and you, Pedro, and you, Olaf.
PEDRO: Thank you, Mr.Priestley, it's very nice to be back here again.
JAN: It certainly is; we all feel as if we had come home again.
OLAF: But, of course, there's going to be a new home for you. Frieda tells me you are going to be married, soon.
JAN: Yes, in six weeks time.
OLAF: That's fine. I'm sure you will be very happy. I'm very glad you've decided to go ahead even if it,does mean being hard up for a year or two.
PEDRO: It's a great pity you can't get rid of that white elephant of factory that you own.
JAN: Yes, I wish someone would buy it, or even rent it.
PEDRO: Oh well, you may get a buyer some time. I see Hob isn't here yet. He had some bright idea about it, hadn't he?
JAN: So he said, but that was quite a long time ago, and I've heard no more about it. In any case, what could he do ?
FRIEDA: I wish Lucille could have come too, then when Hob comes we should all be here.
(Enter Hob excitedly.)
HOB: Jan, he will buy it for ?20,000! He's just told me.
JAN: What on earth are you talking about? Who'll buy what?
HOB: Uncle Albert will buy your factory. I told you I had an idea about it. Well, I talked to him and explained it was just the sort of place he needed. He wasn't sure about it at first but he's just got the contract to supply the whole British Army, Navy and Air Force with sausages. Moreover, every passenger in every dining-car on every train on all the British Railways is going to have the chance at every meal to get Hobdell's sausages. So a new factory, all ready-built, with four square miles of land round it for the pigs is exactly what he needs.
JAN: But I told you there is no railway line near it.
HOB: That doesn't matter. British Railways will build one.
JAN: And there isn't a good road there.
HOB: That doesn't matter either. As they are to get the sausages, the British Government will make one. Now, will you sell it to him for ?20,000?
JAN: Will I? You bet I will! What do you say, Frieda?
FRIEDA: Hob, you are the fairy godmother that makes all dreams come true.
PEDRO: My congratulations, Hob! You certainly deserve them.
HOB: I've done a bit of good business for myself too. Uncle Albert is going to put me in the new factory to learn the business of making and selling Hobdell's sausages.
MR. PRIESTLEY: Well done, Hob. I'm sure you'll make a success of that. I can see every pound of sausages going out with a joke on the wrapping.
HOB: That's an idea! Well, Jan and Frieda, that's my wedding present to you. You know it's a funny thing that when a fellow hasn't any-
thing in the world to worry about he goes and gets married. However, I wish you all good wishes, , and, as the fairy godmother in the theatre says on these occasions as the curtain falls, " Bless you, my children."
a [ei], [э] артикль
abbreviation [э,Ьгш'с1Дэ)п] сокращение ability [s'biliti] способность able ['eibl] способный abolish [s'bDliJ] отменять about [s'baut] приблизительно; о above [э'Ьлу] над abroad [s'brad] за границей absent ['aebssnt] отсуствуюший absent-minded ['absent 'maindid] рассеянный absolute ['sebsslirt] абсолютный absolutely ['aebsalu:tli] абсолютно absurd [ab's3:d] абсурдный accent [aeksnt] ударение accept [sk'sept] принимать accident ['aeksidsnt] случай accompany [Э'клшрэш] сопровождать according [s'kadirj] согласно account [s'kaunt] счет accuse [s'kjutz] обвинять ache [eik] болеть achieve [s'tjitv] достигать across [s'kbs] через act [sekt] акт action ['sekfn] действие activity [aek'tiviti] активность actor ['akts] актер actress ['sektis] актриса actually ['aektju(s)li] действительно, на самом деле add [aed] прибавлять addition [s'difn] добавление address [s'dres] адрес administrative [sd'mmistretiv] административный admiration [,sedms'reif(s)n] восхищение admire [ed'mais] любоваться admit [sd'mit] допускать adopt [s'dopt] усыновлять advanced [sd'vainst] передовой, продвинутый
advantage [ad'vainticfc] превосходство adventure [sd'ventfs] приключение advertisement [bd'v3:tismsnt] объявление advice [sd'vais] совет advocate ['sedvskst] адвокат advocate [ aedvskeit] выступать в защиту affair [s'fes] дело affection [s'fekfn] привязанность afford [a'fad] позволять
afraid [s'freid] бояться after ['сийэ] после afternoon [ afta'nim] полдень afterwards ['aiftewsdz] позже again [s'gein], [s'gen] снова against [s'genst] против age [eicfe] возраст agent ['eicfcsnt] агент agitated ['aecfeiteitid] взволнованный ago [э'дэи] тому назад agony ['aegsnij агония agree [s'git] соглашаться agricultural [(aegn'kAltf"r3l] сельскохозяйственный ahead [s'hed] впереди air [еэ] воздух alike [s'laik] одинаковый alive [s'laiv] живой all [o:l] все
allow [э'1аи] разрешать almost ['o:lmsust] почти alone [э'1эип] одинокий along [s'lorj] вдоль
alphabetical [(aelfs'betikl] алфавитный
already [o:l'redi] уже
also ['otlssu] также
altar ['altal алтарь
alter [o:ltsj изменять
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