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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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Mr. Priestley will se/the examination paper.
Winter has set in (=begun) early this year.
Come on, set to work(=begin in earnest).
What you said has set me thinking (=caused me to think).
The Non-Finites (3): Participles
There are two participles, the present participle and the past participle. The present participle ends in -ing, e.g. walking, reading. The past participle of regular verbs ends in -ed; the past participle of irregular verbs has a variety of endings.
The present participle is used in the continuous tenses of verbs, e.g.
He is writing a letter. I shall be going away tomorrow.
The past participle is used to make the perfect tense, e.g.
He has written me a letter. Pedro had studied English before he came to England.
It is also used to form the Passive Voice, e.g.
The tree was blown down by the wind.
All the tickets for the concert have been sold.
Participles (both present and past) are partly verbs and partly adjectives and are often used exactly like adjectives, e.g.
an exciting story; disappointing news; he is a good-looking man
broken bottles; a well-cut suit; the workers were tired
Misrelated Participles
In using a participial phrase, i.e., a phrase with a participle in it, take care that the participle is correctly related; it ought to be related to the subject of the verb in the sentence, e.g.
{ \
Walking through the park, / saw some lovely flowers.
(The person walking was /. Participle correctly related.)
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Walking through the park, the flowers looked beautiful.
(It was not the flowers that were walking. Participle wrongly related.)
Running into the house, the boy banged the door. (Running refers to the boy. Participle correctly related.) -
Running into the house, the door banged after the boy.
(Running does not refer to the door. Participle wrongly related.)
1. Работа со словами. Придумайте предложения: immortal (use also mortal, mortality)', hero (what is the feminine
form ?); endurance; stage; sledge; pony; range; glacier; dash (noun and verb); blizzard; crawl (noun and verb); hurricane; enterprise; appeal (noun and verb); explorer (use also explore, exploration)
2. Образуйте сложные предложения при помощи соотносительных местоимений или союзов:
1. Scott and his companions were three friends. They did not fail one another.
2.1 do not regret this journey. It has shown our courage.
3. We have given our lives for this enterprise. It is for the honour of our country.
4. I could tell a tale of courage. It would stir the heart of every Englishman.
5. The rocks were on the sledges. The rocks had been brought back from the Pole.
6. The body of Captain Oates is buried here. He willingly walked to his death.
7. They expected the provisions there. They did not find them.
8. Scott wrote in his diary, "Things have come out against us."
3. Используя конструкцию too+инфинитив, измените следующие предложения:
• Образец: They were so weak that they could not battle against the blizzard.
They were too weak to battle against the blizzard.
1. The ponies were so tired that they could not pull the sledges.
2. The snow was so deep that the sledges could not go over it.
3. The blizzard was so fierce that they could not continue the journey.
4. The food was so short that they could not have a proper meal.
5. The rest of the party were so loyal that they would not leave Evans and save themselves.
4. Придумайте предложения со следующими словосочетаниями:
set off; set foot on; set out; set sail; set something right; set something in order; set on Are; set fire to; sunset; set one's teeth; rain set in; setback; set aside; set about; set an example; set one's heart on; set an examination paper; set a person thinking; set a person at his ease; set to music; set free; set one up; set up in; set to work; setup; set up as; well set up
5. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. How many men continued the journey from the foot of the glacier?
2. How do we know what happened on that last stage?
3. When he got to the South Pole why was Scott "bitterly disappointed"?
4. Why did Oates walk out of the tent into the blizzard?
5. How near to safety were they when they died?
6. What did Scott think that this journey had shown?
7. "In that last painful march they had not forgotten that they were scientists as well as explorers." What proof is there of this statement?
Напишите сочинение на одну из следующих тем:
1. What benefits are to be gained from Polar exploration?
2. Heroes of peace.
Qpok 24
The American Scene (1)
A Letter from Lucille
Apartment 109,
1717, Fifth Avenue, New York.
5th April, 19-
Dear Mr. Priestley,
The address is rather a surprise, isn't it? Yes, I'm actually in America; I've been here for three months, but I've been so busy going about "seeing America" that I have hardly had any time for writing letters. All the same, I haven't been lazy, I've been keeping a "journal". I know you will find this hard to believe after the way I so often wasted my time when you were my teacher, so, to prove what I say I am sending the journal to you, under separate cover. I saw and heard so many things that interested me that I wanted to write them down while the impressions were still fresh in my mind. I hope that what I have written may interest you and my old friends Frieda, Pedro, Jan, Olaf and Hob. I often think about you and hope we shall all have a meeting again before very long.
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