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Говорите правильно по-английски - Поуви Дж.

Поуви Дж. Говорите правильно по-английски — М.: Высшая школа, 1984. — 152 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): govoritepoenglishtru1984.djvu
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eg 6. Try one of these cakes.

7. Have you tried the new shampoo?

Here try corresponds to the Russian пробовать. In this sense try can be followed by the gerund.

140 eg 8. —Гт always in a rush in the morning.

— Try getting up earlier.

This means "get up earlier and see whether you are less rushed" and can be compared with Try to get up earlier, which means Make an effort to do it. The distinction between try with the gerund and with the infinitive can also be seen from the following pairs of sentences.

9a. Try opening the window.

(=Open it and see whether you feel better.) b. Try to open the window.

(=Make an effort to open it. It's difficult to open.)

10a. He tried speaking without notes.

(=He spoke without notes to see whether the speech/lecture would be better.) b. He tried to speak without notes.

(=He did his best to speak without notes but failed.)

Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with the necessary form of want, try or attempt, or, where none of these are appropriate, change the infinitive to a finite form.

1. She .. . to stop him but he was going too fast. 2. Did you . . . to ask me something? 3. I ... to ask a question but there was no time. 4. Paul . .. to ask a question but the others shouted him down. 5. I . . . to get off the bus but. the doors closed before I could make my way to the exit. 6. The scientists . . . to prove that the disease was caused by radiation but the evidence was inconclusive. 7. In "Oliver Twist" Dickens . . . to show the appalling conditions in which many people lived at that time. 8. He ... to ring the airport to inquire about the delay but the number was engaged. 9. Janet . . . to sit down and rest but all the seats were occupied. 10. John . . . to grow tomatoes in the garden but the plants hardly produced any fruit.

Exercise 2. Read each sentence as it stands and then reword it using try, either with the gerund or the infinitive.

Model: a. Cook the mushrooms in butter and see if you like them that way.

Try cooking the mushrooms in butter, b. I did my best to explain it to her but I don't know whether she understood. I tried to explain it to her.

1. Drink your tea with milk. Youmay prefer it that way. 2. Iknow you're very busy but do your best to come tomorrow. 3. We did our best to mend the television but we didn't succeed. 4. We may not be able to help you but we'll do our best. 5. Use this shampoo and tell me what you think of it. 6. I did my best to persuade Susan not to go, but it was useless. 7. Study in the morning. You may find it easier. 8. Make an effort to imitate my pronunciation. 9. Speak French and

141 see if they understand you. 10. You'll never learn to speak French unless you make an attempt to speak it. 11. I'll change doctors and see whether I get better treatment. 12. We must do our best to find a nanny.

Exercise 3. Read the Russian sentences with their possible English translations and discuss the differences in meaning or style between the various alternatives (indicated by oblique strokes or brackets).

1. Он хотел забыть этот утренний разговор, но мысли вновь и вновь возвращались к нему.

Не wanted/tried to forget that morning conversation but over and over again the ideas came back into his mind.

2. Подсудимый заявил, что хотел начать новую жизнь, но бывшие сообщники ему помешали.

The accused declared that he (had) wanted/tried to start a new life but (that) his former accomplices had prevented him.

3. Он безуспешно пытался пробиться сквозь толпу.

Не vainly tried /at temp ted to force his way through the crowd.

4. Режиссер пытается уклониться от решения проблемы, поставленной в пьесе.

ть і. , ( tries/attempts to avoid \ (solving) the problem і he director I avQids I posed in the play.

5. Ребенок хотел помочь отцу, но только мешал ему.

The child wanted/tried to help his father, but only hindered him.

6. Президент не согласился с этим и пытался обвинить в распространении подобных утверждений представителей прессы.

The president disagreed with this and { to accuse }

representatives of the press of spreading such statements.

7. В этот вечер я хотела попасть на новый американский фильм, но билетов не было.

. г f wanted to see Ith new American film but there That evening I I tried to get .nt0 I were no tickets^

8. Директор ремонтной мастерской пытался объяснить плохое ка чество работы отсутствием квалифицированных кадров.

The manager of the repair department { JgJ^ t0 е?фЫП } the poor quality of the work by the lack of qualified workmen.

Work, Job, Position, Post, Situation

All these words can be used to denote paid employment. Work is the most general. It is uncountable in this sense and is used in such sentences as:

1. I enjoy my work.

2-{ ffit7mytSwork} very interesting/boring/tiring, etc. «3. He's looking for work.

142 4. He's out of work.

5. The principle of equal pay for equal work has now

been accepted.

Work is also used in an extended sense to mean one's place of work.
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