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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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1 The pictures - (разг.) кино
2 Как уже говорилось, Хоб не очень-то вежлив.
¦ 110
Прошедшее время правильных глаголов Past Tense of Regular Verbs
Форма прошедшего времени правильных глаголов образуется путем прибавления к форме настоящего времени суффиксов -ed или -d. Такие примеры встречались в Уроке 21:
Shakespeare liked London, (like + ed = liked)
I stayed in a quiet place, (stay + ed = stayed)
Ниже представлен список всех правильных глаголов, встретившихся в уроках 1-21.
Во всех этих глаголах суффикс прошедшего времени -ed про-
износится как [id].
Present Past Present Past
act acted end ended
consist consisted repeat repeated
count counted taste tasted
need needed wait waited
depend depended want wanted
Во всех этих глаголах суффикс прошедшего времени -ed произносится как [d].
Present Past Present Past
agree agreed learn learned
answer answered love loved
bathe bathed listen listened
believe believed live lived
bum burned manage managed
clean cleaned move moved
close closed nail nailed
study studied1 open opened
please pleased stay stayed
play played carry carried1
question questioned telephone telephoned
remember remembered show showed
1 Обратите внимание на замену у на i
Во всех этих глаголах суффикс прошедшего времени -ed про-
износится как [t]-
Present Past Present Past
box boxed dress dressed
cook cooked finish finished
cross crossed help helped
dance danced smoke smoked
kick kicked talk talked
look looked thank thanked
place placed work worked
practise practised
1. Вставьте пропущенные слова:
1.1 want to hear your_.2. When a man is______of London he is_
of life. 3. In London there are too many_and too much_. 4. But
on the other__there are good libraries and_. 5. At one or other of
the theatres there is always a Shakespeare_. 6. I like to get_of
London and walk in the___. 7. My home is a little_in Switzerland
___the mountains. 8.1 don't like bright musical_.
2. Назовите:
1. Три шумные вещи. 2. Три тихие вещи. 3. Два шумных места.
4. Два спокойных места.
Составьте предложения.
3. Назовите шесть предметов, которые вам нравятся, и шесть, которые вам не нравятся.
4. Расскажите, о чем говорили персонажи в Уроке 21:
Mr. Priestley, Jan, Frieda, Lucille, Olaf, Hob
5. Придумайте предложения со следующими словами: noise, library, museum, home, place, among, a play, sand, except,
bus, dead, gaiety, dance, enjoyable
¦ 112
Дрок 22
"Lucille's Idea of Life"
HOB: I say, Pedro, you are a judge of cigarettes, aren't you? Just try one of these and tell me if they are good. (Pedro takes one and begins to smoke it.)
PEDRO: Why do you want to know? I didn't know you were interested in cigarettes, good or bad.
HOB: Oh, it's not for me. You see, it's Uncle Albert's birthday next week, and as he likes good cigarettes I am going to send him a hundred of these. 1 can't think of a better present than a hundred cigarettes like this. Can you?
PEDRO (having now smoked one of them): Yes. Fifty cigarettes like this.
HOB: What do you mean-aren't they good?
PEDRO: Hob, they're terrible. Honestly, I don't remember ever smoking a worse cigarette than that. Where did you get them?
HOB: I saw a notice yesterday in a shop near the place where I live. It said: "The best cigarettes in London."
PEDRO: If these are their best cigarettes, what are their worst ones like?
Look here, Hob. I bought a lot of cigarettes last week. Let me give you a box of them to send to your Uncle Albert. I don't say they are the best cigarettes in London but they are better than these.
HOB: Oh, thanks; that's very good of you. Are your cigarettes very expensive?
PEDRO: Well, they are not the most expensive in London.
OLAF enters
OLAF: I say, does either of you want a ticket for a dance? A friend sent me two tickets, but I don't want to go.
PEDRO: Why not? Don't you dance?
OLAF: I am the world's worst dancer.
HOB: I don't think you can be worse than 1 am.
OLAF: Well, Pedro, what about you? Will you take the tickets?
PEDRO: Thank you very much. I will go if you are quite sure you don't want the tickets.
OLAF: Want them! If you can go there for me, you are my best friend.
PEDRO: I wonder if Lucille will go with me; she loves dancing, and I don't suppose she will want to work tomorrow night.
HOB: Lucille work! "If your work interferes with your pleasure, give up the work"-that's Lucille's idea of life.
Lucille has too much money and too little sense. Now, I've too little money and too much sense. My Uncle Albert says, "Often the more money you have, the less sense you have."
PEDRO: You are rather hard on Lucille. Do you think she ought to go to fewer dances?
HOB: Yes. She goes to too many dances and too few English lessons. She ought to go to fewer dances and more English lessons.
OLAF: And what about you?
HOB: Oh, I'm the most sensible person here-and Lucille is the least sensible. I go to too few dances-and to too many English lessons.
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