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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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God bless you both, my dear.
/ All my love,
* * *
Работа с глаголом (2): come
В этом уроке есть несколько предложений с глаголом соте. Например:
This letter will come as a surprise; You came here last Christmas; When poverty comes in...; Now comes my great news;... an invitation to come to Oxbridge; We shall be coming to stay in England.
Глагол come сочетается со многими предлогами и наречиями. Вот несколько примеров:
I came across (=met accidentally) Joe Smith yesterday; I hadn't seen him for ten years.
"How did you come by (=obtain) this book?" "I came across (=found) it in a second-hand bookshop.
I knocked at the door and he cried, " Come in."
. Don't throw those small pieces of cloth away; they'll probably come in useful (=be of use) some day.
"What day does that magazine come out?" "It comes out (=is published) every Wednesday."
When does he come of age\ (=reach the age of twenty-one)
Come away from that machine or you may get hurt.
Hob didn't come down (=come downstairs) for breakfast until 10 o'clock.
My shoe-lace has come undone.
Предлоги (1)
Предлоги вместе с существительными и местоимениями образуют предложные сочетания, которые иногда выполняют функцию наречий. Например:
Не stood behind me. (Place)
1 saw him at six o'clock. (Time)
He came on foot. (Manner)
She died of a fever. (Cause)
Они могут выполнять функцию прилагательного, т.е. характеризовать существительное. Например:
Не bought a coat with a fur collar.
The girl with fair hair is Frieda's sister.
She wore a dress of silk.
Многие предлоги используются также в качестве наречий. Например:
She put the books in the bookcase. (Preposition)
Come in and rest. (Adverb)
The garage is behind the house. (Preposition)
The carriage approached; there were motor cyclists in front and cars behind. (Adverb)
She walked round the garden. (Preposition)
Go in and look round. (Adverb)
The kitten ran up the ladder. (Preposition)
The price of butter has gone up. (Adverb)
В этих примерах предлог выполняет функцию наречия, если он следует за глаголом (come in, were behind, look round, gone up). В остальных случаях предлог выполняет свою основную функцию - функцию предлога.
Предлоги, в основном, выражают время (after, before, since, till) или место (above, across, over, towards, under), но они могут выражать и другие понятия, и хотя в последующих уроках предпринимается попытка классифицировать предлоги, дать все их значения не представляется возможным. Можно утверждать, что, например, in выражает местоположение в предложениях
типа Не lives in London, предлог by выражает идею времени в предложении Не travelled by night, а предлог from в предложении She is sufferingyhw? a bad headache выражает причину, но все-таки эти понятия выражаются не просто предлогами, а предложными сочетаниями, в которые они входят: in London, by night, from a bad headache. Поэтому проще и лучше всего изучать их на конкретных примерах, которые и будут широко представлены в последующих уроках.
1. Работа со словами. Придумайте предложения: whether (also weather)', fond; hardly (How does this differ from
hard?); approval (What is the corresponding verb?); formally; confident (use also confidence and confidential)', devote (also devotion); ensure (also insure, assure, insurance, assurance)', frank (Is this the same as Frank?); congratulations; invitation (use also invite); a course of lectures (use also of course, in the course of); bridesmaid (also bride, bridegroom)
2. Дайте антонимы к следующим словам и используйте их в своих предложениях:
approval, blessing, consent, income, doubt (noun), poverty, comfortable, careful, sincere, formal, close, together, friendship
3. Выразите туже мысль другими словами:
1.1 hardly dared to hope.
2. There is very little that I can offer Frieda materially.
3. Her letter leaves us in no doubt.
4. We know beyond all doubt.
5. Thank you for being so frank about your financial position.
6. It may be difficult to make ends meet.
7. We are all longing to see you.
8. "When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out at the window."
¦ 508
4. Придумайте предложения со следующими словосочетаниями:
come down; come up; come in; come out; come by; come away; come in useful; come of age
Напишите сочинение или небольшой рассказ на одну из следующих тем:
1. It will come in useful.
2. The coming-of-age party.
3. All things come to him who waits. (Proverb)
If you are a girl, write (a) the letter that Frieda might have written to her mother; (b) a letter to Frieda from a girl friend who has just heard about her engagement.
If you are a man, write (a) the letter that Frieda's father might have written to her; (b) a letter from a man friend congratulating Jan on his engagement.
Invitations and Requests
Some general information about letter-writing-the writing of an address, the greeting and the ending-has already been given for you,1 but some other matters about letter-writing can now be considered; first of all the sending out of formal invitations, etc.
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