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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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3. Who will help me to move this table? Olaf...
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4. Who did that exercise correctly? Frieda ...
5. Who didn't do the exercise correctly? Hob...
5. Используйте конструкции and so ... и neither (nor)... со следующими предложениями:
1.1 will write to you.
2. Jan plays football well.
3. Olaf didn't go to the cinema.
4. Lucille won't be at the dance tonight.
5. Olaf doesn't dance well.
6. Frieda needn't do the work.
7. Pedro must do the work.
8. Jan did the work.
6. Добавьте вопросительные фразы, выражая удивление или гнев:
1.1 don't like this exercise.
2. Hob hasn't done his homework.
3. You mustn't open that box.
4. I'm very fond of chocolate.
5. I'd rather have chocolates than cake.
6.1 hate sausages.
7. We've three dogs in our house.
8. The students want a holiday tomorrow.
TROUBLE IN THE HOME There is an idea-how true it is, I don't know-that one reason why young wives, at least English ones, get annoyed is that their husbands will read their newspaper at breakfast time. And then the young wife leaves her husband and goes to her mother to pour out her sorrows. Now, here is the story of young Mrs. Macpherson. Study the pictures and then tell the story as fully as you can. These words and phrases may help you: angry (anger), bang the door, bus stop, dressing-gown, handbag, pack (verb), slippers, suit-case.
Дрок 21
The "Special" Verbs (3) The Emphatic Form
Мы уже говорили о шести особенностях "специальных" глаголов, но есть еще три. Иногда мы хотим усилить высказывание. Мы это делаем, выделяя один из глаголов в предложении. Например:
My sister will be pleased to see you.
We have enjoyed your visit.
You can sing beautifully.
Oh, 1 should like a holiday in Switzerland.
I do enjoy good music.
Если мы хотим усилить отрицание, мы выделяем слово not или never. Например:
I did "of steal the book.
They will "ever agree to that.
You ought not to do that.
Но единственными глаголами, которые можно выделять в утверждении, являются "специальные" глаголы, а выделять слова not или "ever можно лишь тогда, когда они стоят сразу же после "специальных" глаголов.
Нам иногда требуется усиление, чтобы выразить недовольство, когда мы хотим оправдаться и снять с себя ложное обвинение. Например:
"Why don't you work hard?" "But I do work hard."
"Why didn't she give " But she did give him
their promise?"
"Why haven't you tidied your room?"
him the book?" "Why won't they keep
the book."
" But they will keep their promise."
"But 1 have tidied my room."
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Вне сомнения, вы обратили внимание, какие глаголы опять выделяются.
OLAF: But suppose you stress one of the other verbs. You could do it, couldn't you?
MR. PRIESTLEY: You could, but it would give a quite different meaning. For example, if instead of saying:
"But she did give him the book", you said "But she gave him the book" your sentence would now suggest:
She didn't lend him the book, or sell him the book, nor did he steal it; she gave it to him. You are separating that action from all other actions; you are not clearing up all doubt as to whether she gave it or not. Do you see the difference?
OLAF: Oh, yes, that's quite clear. In the sentence: "But she did give him the book", the only point to be settled is "did she give him the book, or didn't she?" In "But she gave him the book", we know he has the book. The only point to be settled is how did he get it; did he buy it, borrow it, or get as a gift?
MR. PRIESTLEY: Excellent, Olaf. I couldn't have made it clearer myself. That, then, is peculiarity number seven.
Место наречий в предложении The position of certain adverbs
Одна из трудностей заключается в определении места в предложении таких наречий, как never, always, often, sometimes, generally, almost, nearly, quite и т. д.
Главное правило: они стоят непосредственно перед глаголом. Например:
I always sleep with my windows open.
He "ever pays the money he owes.
She often hears good music.
I nearly missed my train.
He quite forgot that he had a lesson at 10 o'clock.
Однако, если в предложении есть "специальные" глаголы, наречие стоит после этих глаголов. Например:
I have always slept with my windows open.
He will never pay the money he owes.
She can often hear good music.
He had nearly missed his train.
I had quite forgotten that 1 had a lesson.
MR. PRIESTLEY: That is the eighth peculiarity.
PEDRO: But don't they sometimes come before the verb? I think I have seen cases when they do.
MR. PRIESTLEY: Yes, they can. But then they have a special emphatic use, e.g.
"Jan seems very busy today." "He always is busy."
"You are early this morning." "I generally am early."
"Pedro answered that "He usually can answer the
question. " question. "
"Hob hasn't passed the "He never mil pass it."
Третье лицо единственного числа Third Person Singular
И, наконец, еще одно отличие. В настоящем времени личные глаголы третьего лица единственного числа принимают окончание s или es. Например:
I write he writes
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