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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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1. John, Mr. Priestley's son, invited Olaf to Oxford.
2. He met Olaf at the station.
3. He has a study, a bedroom and a kitchen.
4. They wore these old gowns so that people would think they had been at Oxford for years.
5. The college was not finished by Wolsey because he fellfrom power.
6. There are twenty-six other colleges.
1. Lewis Carroll wrote "Alice in Wonderland".
8. He wrote children's books and books on mathematics.
9. She gave orders that the next book by Lewis Carroll should be sent to her.
10. The Tutorial System is one of the things in which Oxford and Cambridge differ from other English universities.
11. You go to your tutor every week.
12. The tutor discusses your work.
13.1 should like to start a school for teaching English in Oxford.
5. Заполните пропуски недостающими репликами в диалоге между двумя студентами (Гэр дон только что вошел в комнату друга):
GORDON: Hullo, John. 1 came round to see if you were making coffee.
GORDON: Oh, thanks.
GORDON: Yes, two lumps. Oh, I see you're in the middle of an essay.
GORDON: You won't get much sleep tonight then. Nine o'clock is early for a tutorial.
GORDON: Mine's at twelve o'clock on Thursdays.
GORDON: Yes, though my tutor does talk rather a lot. It makes me late for lunch.
GORDON: You're right. I'm not often late when there's anything to eat or drink.
6. Образуйте сравнительную или превосходную степень сравнения прилагательных и наречий, данных в скобках: 1. This exercise is (easy) than the last. 2. The students hope that the gowns look (old) than they are. 3. I think Hob is the (lazy) of the students. 4. Tom ran fast, Dick ran (fast), but Harry ran (fast).
5. John's room looks (comfortable) than Gordon's. 6. Lewis Carroll's writing for children was (good) than his teaching of Maths. 7. Frieda is (lovely) than 1 thought. 8. The Union is Oxford's (famous) society.
9. That is the (bad) film I have ever seen. 10. A bus is (slow) than a train. 11. A young man sometimes wishes he were (old) than he is.
12. A young woman sometimes would like to be (young) than she is.
1. Опишите комнаты Джона Пристли.
2. Опишите в трех-четырех предложениях свои чувства перед экзаменом.
Дрок 23
The "Specials" Again (4): To Be. Can
MR. PRIESTLEY: As I told you, most of the "special" verbs are the most frequently used verbs in the language. At one time, six hundred to a thousand years ago, English was an inflected language, as Polish, Czech, Spanish and many other languages still are today. But in modern English practically all those inflections have disappeared. A regular verb, e.g. walk, has only four forms:
walk, walks, walked, walking.
An irregular verb may have five forms, e. g.
speak, speaks, spoke, spoken, speaking.
The corresponding Spanish verbs have fifty-nine. The work that the inflected forms used to do is now done by two or three of the "specials". The verb to be, for example, is used with a present participle to form the continuous tense, e.g. He is walking; she was speaking. Or it is used with a past participle to form the passive voice, e.g.
He was asked to sign his name.
You are invited to the birthday party.
These uses you have, of course, already met. But there are one or two interesting constructions or usages with the verb to be that you might note. Here is one: "When is the wedding to beV' (="When is the wedding going to take place?")
Here's another construction: "I am to have tea with Betty this afternoon." Here are some other examples and idiomatic uses of the verb to be:
My sister and her husband Jim were to come to see us this weekend, but the arrangement is off. She is to let me know if they can come next week.
I looked for Hob's homework but, as usual, it is nowhere to be seen.
That firm is all out to make money, honestly or dishonestly; they are up to no good and if they are not careful they will find they are up against the police.
And I think you'll hear another one in Hob's reply to my question: "What do you think of a holiday tomorrow, Hob?"
HOB: I am allfor it!
И последнее. Некоторые "специальные" глаголы употребляются с глаголом do1. Глагол to be, за исключением употребления в повелительном наклонении, не употребляется с ним никогда. Do иногда используется в утвердительных предложениях в повелительном наклонении. В отрицательных предложениях в повелительном наклонении используется форма Do not (don't). Например:
Do be careful what you are doing, Hob. You nearly knocked that table over.
Don't be late tomorrow; and don 7 be surprised if I tell you there's lots more to learn about these "special" verbs.
Can (Could)
Одним из "специальных" глаголов является также глагол сап. У него есть свои особенности, о которых мы уже говорили. Рассмотрим этот глагол подробнее. Глагол сап (форма прошедшего времени - could) имеет два основных значения:
(1) значение умения (т.е. знать как делать). Например:
Pedro can speak French.
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