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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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OLAF: In what ways are they different from all the other verbs? MR. PRIESTLEY: In nine ways.
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I. Прежде всего они образуют вопросительную форму путем инверсии, т.е. глагол ставится перед подлежащим. Например:
Affirmative Interrogative
She was there. They can speak English. They ought to finish the work. Was she there? Can they speak English? Ought they to finish the work?
Это невозможно сделать с любым обычным глаголом; в таких случаях, как вам известно, используется вспомогательный глагол do (does, did). Например:
Affirmative Interrogative
He speaks English. I write quickly. He finished his work. Does he speak English? (Not "Speaks he English?") Do I write quickly? (Not "Write I quickly?") Did he finish his work? (Not "Finished he his work?")
II. Эти глаголы образуют отрицательную форму не так, как другие глаголы. Она образуется лишь добавлением not (в разговорной речи употребляется п't). Краткая отрицательная форма является отличительным свойством этих глаголов (например: isn't, haven % oughtn't и др.). Только эти глаголы способны на такое сочетание с not. Вот еще несколько примеров:
Affirmative Negative
She was there. They can speak English. You ought to finish the work. She was not (wasn't) there. They cannot (can't) speak English. You ought not (oughtn't) to finish the work.
Нельзя сказать (хотя когда-то это и было возможно) "Не speaks not English". В этом случае необходимо использовать do и not. Например:
Affirmative Negative
He speaks English. I write quickly. He finished his work. He does not (doesn't) speak English. I do not (don't) write quickly. He did not (didn't) finish his work.
III. Мы уже рассматривали вопросительные фразы в разделительных вопросах:
It's time for dinner, isn't if!
You would do that, wouldn't you?
He can speak Russian, can't he! или другой тип:
They mustn't do that, must they?
He can't speak Russian, can he!
He speaks Russian, doesn't he?
Вы обратили внимание на то, что мы не говорим "Не speaks Russian, speaks he?"
Единственными глаголами, которые можно использовать в вопросительных фразах, являются глаголы: be, have, can, do, shall, will, may, must, need, ought, dare, used to.
PEDRO: Excuse me, but aren't there two meanings to some of these question phrases according to the tone of voice that you use?
MR. PRIESTLEY: Yes, that's quite true; for example, if I want information or confirmation of an opinion I say the question phrase with a rising intonation like this:
"It's raining, / isn't it?" (You see, I'm not quite sure whether it's raining or not and I want confirmation. The answer might be: "No, the rain's stopped now.")
"Your name's Brown, / isn't it?" (I am not quite sure that his name is Brown. The answer might be "No, it's Smith.")
"We needn't pay the money, / need we?" (Here again I'm doubtful whether I need to pay or not.)
Then there's the other form with a falling intonation. In this case you are not asking for information. The "question" is just a conversational remark.
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"It's a nice day, \ isn't it?"
(I know quite well it's a nice day, and I know I'll get an answer like, "Yes, very nice.")
"Your name's Brown, \ isn't it?" (and I am sure I'll get an answer like, "Yes, it is.")
But whichever meaning I want to express, the only verbs that can be used are: be, have, can, do, shall, will, may, must, need, ought, dare, used to.
These verbs are sometimes called auxiliary (that is "helping") verbs because they help other verbs to form their different tenses (e.g. He was walking. I shall go. They have written) or moods (e.g. Long may she reign) and the passive voice (e.g. The work is done by machinery). But be and have are not always auxiliaries. (See Lesson 23.)
HOB: I can tell you a story with a lot of auxiliaries. Here it is:
Jack, an old sailor who had spent many years in the Navy, was walking along a country road when he came to a farm-house. The farmer was standing at the door and Jack said, " I have been walking all day looking for work. Will you give me a job?"
"Have you ever done any farm-work?" said the farmer.
"No," said Jack. "I have been a sailor all my life, but I will do any job you like to give me."
"All right," said the farmer. "I'll give you a chance. Do you see that flock of sheep scattered over the hillside?"
"Yes," answered Jack.
"Well," said the farmer. "Get them all through that gate and into the yard."
"Right," said Jack. "I'll do that."
About an hour later the farmer went to the yard. Jack was leaning on the gate wiping his forehead.
"Did you get them all in?" said the farmer.
"Yes," said Jack. The farmer looked and sure enough all the sheep were gathered in the yard and the gate was shut. And then the farmer saw a hare running round among the sheep. The sailor saw what he was looking at.
"Yes," he said, "that little fellow there gave me more trouble than all the rest put together."
1. Придумайте предложения со следующими словами и словосочетаниями:
band; out-and-out; rebel; tone; insist; confirmation; go their own way; in this case; whole-hearted; doubtful
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