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Английский язык для экономистов - Малюга Е.Н.

Малюга Е.Н., Ваванова Н.В. Английский язык для экономистов: Учебник для вузов — СПб.: Питер, 2005. — 304 c.
ISBN 5-469-00341-8
Скачать (прямая ссылка): angliyskiydlyaeconomistov2005.pdf
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2. She acknowledges her background might not fit her profession. But she said it's helped her in the business because she breaks the mold.

3. Her clients initially came to her because of the perception that the industry was dominated by the Mafia. But the New York City Trade Waste Commission has cleaned up the industry, she said.

4. Today, clients need her help to sift through all of the options and competitors in the market.

5. That allows her clients to focus on their own businesses instead of worrying about their garbage.

E. Render the extract from the article using the active vocabulary.

Избрание индийского инженера Раджендры Пашаури руководителем группы экспертов ООН по вопросам глобального потепления вызвало беспокойство в кругах защитников окружающей среды. В WWF (World Wide Found of Nature) полагают, что в отстранении от этой должности американского ученого Ричарда Ватсона, известного своей прямолинейностью, немалую роль сыграли интересы «нефтяных и газовых компаний». 290

Appendix A

Впервые решение о назначении председателя Межправительственной группы экспертов по проблемам изменения климата было поддержано не всехми участниками голосования. В WWF опасаются «политизации» этого органа, решающего, прежде всего, научные задачи: объединение усилий ученых всего мира и ознакомление международной политической общественности с результатами проводящихся исследований. Кроме того, существуют опасения, что Межправительственная группа под давлением энергетических лобби будет готовить «приглаженные» доклады. Эти опасения подкрепляются тем, что Рад-жендра Пашаури, помимо всего прочего, возглавляет комитет в нефтяной компании Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.

«Раджендра Пашаури является также директором Tata Energy Research Institute, известного своими экологическими исследованиями, — говорит Xoce Ромеро, глава швейцарской делегации в Межправительственной группе экспертов. — Роберт Ватсон был прекрасным руководителем Межправительственной группы, благодаря своим личным качествам и прекрасному знанию досье. Раджендра Пашаури привнесет новые положительные черты в руководство группой».

Unit 13. Russia in the World Economy

A. Read the extract from the article from the BBC News Online and complete the extract with the expressions listed.

to some extent former economic growth

small export revenues renowned out of reach

controls adopted prospects governance


Russian Guru Upbeat on Economy

There is no wonder that Russia's officials and bankers are upbeat on ... (1) for the country's economy.

Russia is in many ways ... (2) its best post-communist years.

... (3) is being fuelled by high oil and gas prices, political stability, devalued currency, and structural reforms ... (4) in the last two years.

Even Boris Fedorov, Russia's ... (5) finance and tax minister, who is also a non-executive director of Gazprom and a... (6) skeptic, said things, while far from perfect, are getting better.

The fortunes of Gazprom, the world's largest gas production company, are ... (7) an acid test for those of the country's economy itself. Appendix A


More than one fifth of Russia's ... (8) come from gas. The government... (9) 38 % of Gazprom, but until recently was unable to force the company to pay taxes.

... (10) were ail-but neglected and mismanagement of the company was shocking even by Russian standards.

Under the old management, millions of dollars went missing and the ... (11) was widely seen as lax.

"The company was... (12) of the law, which is not the case now," Mr. Fe-dorov told BBC News Online.

B. After filling in the gaps read the extract once more and decide which of the statements are True and which are False and write T for True and F for False.

1. Russia's officials are very pessimistic on the prospects for the country's economy.

2. Russia is returning to its best communist years.

3. High oil and gas prices are one of the reasons for economic growth.

4. Boris Fedorov said that things are almost perfect.

5. The main Russian export product is gas.

C. Give Russian equivalents and make up your own sentences:

¦ inspection team;

¦ "comprehensive health check-up";

¦ rampant money laundering;

¦ handle economic shocks;

¦ plunge into chaos.

D. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. He has headed efforts by a new team to clean up Gazprom's murky books and banish remnants of the old management that were "milking the company."

2. He urged the company to get rid of non-gas businesses accumulated in the past.

3. Mr. Fedorov proposed that Gazprom should sell-off its media assets and avoid the involvement in politics which characterized its past.

4. Certainly some foreign investors have accused PricewaterhouseCo-opers of hiding Gazprom's financial wrongdoings in attempt to keep the contract.

5. Indeed, Russia is not longer an "insider's market," he said, comparing today's country to that of the days when the government would sell 292
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