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Английский язык для экономистов - Малюга Е.Н.

Малюга Е.Н., Ваванова Н.В. Английский язык для экономистов: Учебник для вузов — СПб.: Питер, 2005. — 304 c.
ISBN 5-469-00341-8
Скачать (прямая ссылка): angliyskiydlyaeconomistov2005.pdf
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2. The G7 ministers said that, in the future, agreements by emerging market countries to borrow money should include debt restructuring provisions that will clarify what happens if payment problems arise.

3. This represented at least a partial victory for US officials who have been pushing for a "market-based approach" to handle economic difficulties more smoothly in future than has been the case with Argentina.

4. US Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill, host of the G7 ministers' meeting, said that Argentina is "still a key concern" and urged authorities to work with the IMF to craft a comprehensive and workable reform plan.

5. There are clearly positive signs of an economic recovery in the United States, but the imbalances in its current account are worrying, and they should be addressed soon.

E. Render the extract from the article using the active vocabulary.

To, что события 11 сентября положили начало новому этапу в международных отношениях, не было неожиданностью. Это произошло не внезапно. Скорее, теракты заставили даже романтиков столкнуться с проявлениями жестокости, которые уже стали новой реальностью.

Появление супертехнологий, позволяющих небольшим группам наносить такой ущерб, который в прошлом мог быть исключительно делом рук национальных армий, усугубило процесс глобализации, устраняющей барьеры на пути осуществления международных сделок. Все это в конце прошлого века определило уровень глобальной зависимости государств друг от друга.

90-е годы двадцатого века были годами потерянных возможностей. Празднуя победу в холодной войне, Запад замкнулся в себе. Россия пережила несколько кризисов, пытаясь трансформироваться в демократическое общество. Расширение НАТО стало ответом на обеспокоенность некоторых центральноевропейских стран по поводу своей безопасности, однако оно привело к ухудшению отношений с Россией и никак не способствовало предотвращению новых угроз, которые 288

Appendix A

начали появляться на горизонте. Индия и Пакистан открыто провели испытания ядерного оружия и провозгласили себя ядерными державами. Десятки стран занимались разработкой биологического оружия, ракет и даже ядерного оружия. Сочетание невнимательности, традиционного мышления и неадекватной реакции лишило мир зрелой способности контролировать развитие событий, подрывая тем самым мировой порядок и ослабляя действия международных договоров и деятельность международных организаций, в том числе ООН.

Unit 12, Economics and Ecology

A. Read the extract from the article from the CNN Money website and complete the extract with the expressions listed.

trash costs garbage consulting firm track

analyzing waste removal expenses consumer

advocacy recycled trash output business

environmental protection combines environment

Turning Trash into Cash

Young entrepreneur studies garbage in successful consulting ... (1).

New York — Elana Amsterdam, a 29-year-old New Yorker who studied European history at Columbia University, spends her days ... (2) trash.

Her lifelong interest in the ... (3) inspired her to found Ecosav, a ... (4) that produced $ 700,000 in revenues last year.

"We work with companies to reduce their ... (5)," said Amsterdam, the company's president, on CNNfn's "Business Unusual."

With clients such as Williams-Sonoma Inc., Barneys New York, Polo Ralph Lauren, and the "21" Club, Ecosav helps companies cut their ... (6) by 50 to 70 percent.

"This is a great business for me because it... (7) two interests I have — the economy and ecology," she said.

Amsterdam starts by studying a company's ... (8). Then she sifts out items that can be ... (9), such as newspapers, cardboard and white office paper.

"Companies typically don't closely... (10) what they're throwing away," Amsterdam said.

Amsterdam was tending bar after graduating from college in 1989 when she first got the idea for the company. She noticed that the trash she brought outside each night was filled with recyclable bottles. Appendix A


Later, she lobbied for ... (11) and ... (12) for the New York Public Interest Research Group and interned at the New York City Department of Sanitation.

B. After filling in the gaps read the extract once more and decide which of the statements are True and which are False and write T for True and F for False.

1. Elana Amsterdam's job is a trash analyst.

2. She founded Ecosav because she has been interested in the environment for last five years.

3. Her aim is to help companies spend more on their waste removal.

4. Elana studied economics and ecology at New York university.

5. The idea for the company struck her when she worked in a bar.

C. Give Russian equivalents and make up your own sentences:

¦ endangered species;

¦ socio-economic pressures;

¦ brink of extinction;

¦ conservation programmes;

¦ habitat.

D. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. After stints at the Environmental Defense Fund and a waste management consulting firm, she founded Ecosav in 1993.
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