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Английский язык для экономистов - Малюга Е.Н.

Малюга Е.Н., Ваванова Н.В. Английский язык для экономистов: Учебник для вузов — СПб.: Питер, 2005. — 304 c.
ISBN 5-469-00341-8
Скачать (прямая ссылка): angliyskiydlyaeconomistov2005.pdf
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2. In fact, there are some similarities between the problems that have befallen Enron, Global Crossing and other US companies and the problems underlying the Asian financial crisis of 1997-1998. Appendix A


3. "There was a very strong moralistic streak from the advanced countries, and the United States in particular," Krugman recalled of the debate surrounding the Asian crisis.

4. Horst Kohler, managing director of the International Monetary Fund, also drew7 applause when he called for an end to agricultural subsidies in the United States and Europe that hurt developing countries.

5. "I hope this Doha process is not a process where the two elephants, Europe and the United States, make a deal, and in the end, the developing world is left out," he said.

E. Render the extract from the article using the active vocabulary.

За последние два года действия правительства президента Владимира Путина, агрессивно проводившего реформы во многих областях, в том числе налоговую, земельную, пенсионную, судебную и трудовую, превзошли даже самые оптимистичные ожидания. Самым слабым звеном в цепи реформ оставался банковский сектор. Без радикальных изменений, которые бы трансформировали систему приоритетов в этой сфере экономики, российский банковский сектор будет создавать угрозу стабильному долгосрочному экономическому росту. На прошлой неделе Путин отправил в отставку главу Центрального банка России, что является благоприятным сигналом.

Замена Виктора Геращенко, работавшего главой Центрального банка с советских времен, на Сергея Игнатьева, первого заместителя министра финансов, свидетельствует о том, что банковская реформа не снята с повестки дня. Вчера новое назначение одобрила Госдума. Однако это лишь начало.

Бюрократический корпус ЦБ России, один из самых раздутых аппаратов среди центральных банков мира — это 86 ООО человек. Если этим людям дать возможность, они будут продолжать в советском стиле предпочитать форму содержанию. Геращенко испытывал извращенное чувство гордости, игнорируя регулирование банковского сектора (в 2000 г. он как-то раз даже гордо заявил, что не читал правительственную программу реформ, которая имеет отношение к банковскому сектору). Настроения среди бюрократов ЦБ не сулят ничего хорошего реформе банковского сектора.

Unit 11 ¦ Globalization

A. Read the extract from the article from the CNN Money website and complete it with the expressions listed. 286

Appendix A

marred heading off surged predict simmering retaliation policies taking hold clamp down




G7 Sees Global Recovery

World finance leaders ... (1) economic growth, but say risks from oil markets remain.

Washington (Reuters) — Finance chiefs from the world's wealthy nations agreed on Saturday that a global economic recovery is ... (2) as they unveiled a plan for ... (3) debt crises like the one crippling Argentina.

In a closing statement stressing determination to... (4) on groups that fund attacks such as those that leveled the World Trade Center and damaged the Pentagon, Group of Seven finance chiefs vowed to do whatever is necessary to sustain a ... (5) in activity in the face of risks like costlier energy.

But the unity they strove to present was ... (6) over the course of the meeting bv public displeasure from European officials over hefty US steel duties. Europe has put the wheels in motion for ... (7) against some US goods.

"Economic recovery from the slowdown is under way, supported by appropriate and proactive ... (8) that were in part a response to the tragic events of Sept. 11, but downside risks remain, including those arising from oil markets," the one-page communiquii said.

World oil prices have ... (9) in recent months, largely because of the turmoil in the Middle East. A ... (10) rise could send costs and prices higher in the industrial economies of the Gl — the United States, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Japan.

European officials still were ... (11) after the meeting about trade issues, specifically US steel import tariffs.

B. After filling in the gaps read the extract once more and decide which of the statements are True and which are False and write T for True and F for False.

1. Finance chiefs try to do everything to prevent debt crises.

2. G7 is determined to fight against international terrorisms.

3. European officials take measures against some US goods.

4. Oil markets do not pose a threat to the world economic recovery.

5. Events in the Middle East caused a decrease in world oil prices.

C. Give Russian equivalents and make your own sentences:

¦ press the point;

¦ investment-grade sovereign debt; Appendix A


¦ deficit on current account;

¦ swift and unsettling swings;

¦ severe burden.

D. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. As officials mulled the economic future, tens of thousands of protesters marched peacefully through nearby streets, raising their voices against everything from globalization to Israeli military actions in the West Bank.
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