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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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absolutely ['aebsalir.tW] - абсолютно surely - наверняка
Prapositionen beside - около, рядом except [ik'sept] - кроме, исключая
a play - игра, пьеса, спектакль an interval - пауза, перерыв, антракт an apartment [э 'patment} - комната, квартира a restaurant ['restsran] - ресторан an artist [ 'atist} - художник an impression [im 'prefn] - впечатление a purpose [ 'parpes] - цель a waiter - официант a bill of fare (a menu) - меню a bill - счет, документ salmon(pl) - лосось, семга caviar [ kaevia:] - икра а guest [gest] - гость а heart - сердце a meal - еда,
a (mutton) chop - (баранья) отбивная art - искусство
literature [Чпэгф] - литература asparagus - спаржа Ice-cream - мороженое a basket - корзине a peach - персик a tip - чаевые a revenge [n'verufe] - месть a stone - мере веса - 14 фунтам = 6,34 кг Expressions to catch an eye - поймать взгляд to be shocked - быть шокированным (you) don't say sol - да ну!, не может быть! nothing else - больше ничего ту heart sank - я упал духом twice a day / a weak / a month / a year -
два раза в день / в неделю I в месяц I в год to follow smb's example - следовать примеру to shake hands (with smb) - пожать руку (кому-л.) at last - наконец
12.1 Образуйте степени сравнения от следующих прилагательных:
short, long, small, tall, strong, weak, warm, cold, dean, rich, poor, high, low, new, few, pice, large, big, hot, sad, thin, happy, funny, heavy, busy, good, bad, many, much, little, old, far, interesting, difficult, expensive, beautiful, talented, careful.
12.2* Заполните пропуски прилагательными в сравнительной степени и переведите предложения:
1. This room is ..........than that one (large). 2. This soldier is ..........than his friends (young). 3. This stone js
..........than that one (heavy). 4. These mountains are.........". than those ones (high). 5. My colleague's car is
..........than my car (good). 6. Your plan is..........than my plan (good). 7. This house is..........than that one
(bad). 8. These dictionaries are..........than those ones (bad). 9. These trousers are..........than Arose ones
(bad). 10.1 have written..........articles than you have written (many). 11. You have answered..........questions
than I have answered (many). 12.1 have got..........work than you have got (much). 13. You have got..........
free time today than I have got (much). 14. We have bought..........books than our friends have bought (few).
15. We've paid..........money for lunch than our friends have paid (little). 16. I've had..........coffee today than
you've had (little). 17. You will get..........information in an hour (far). 18. My..........sister is two years..........
than I am (old, old). 19. This idea is...............than that one (interesting). 20. This author is...............than
that author (talented), 21. This exercise is...............than that one (difficult). 22. These T-shirts are.......
..........than those ones (expensive).
12.3* Заполните пропуски прилагательными в сравнительной степени, дополненными словами much, a lot, far, a little, a bit для указания степени различия:
1. The sky is...............than it was yesterday (clean). 2. The weather is...............than it was yesterday (good).
3. My colleagues are...............this week than they were last week (busy). 4. This way to the rathvay station is
...............than that one (short). 5. This dictionary is...............than that one (bad). 6. I've got..,............
friends than you've got (many). 7. I've been to Europe...............times than you've been (many), 8. I've got.....
..........work than my colleague has got (little). 9. My sister remembers by heart .............L poems than I
remember (few). 10. This magazine is....................than that one (interesting). 11. This car is....................
than that one (expensive). 12. This poet is ....................than that poet (talented).
12.4 Заполните пропуски прилагательными в сравнительной степени, дополненными данными мерами различия:
2 kilometers, 5 kilograms, 10 centimeters, 5 centimeters, 20 centimeters, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years,
2 times, 3 times, S times.
1. Our street is....................than your street (long) 2. This bag is......................than that bag (heavy). 3. My
brother is....................than me (tall). 4. This skirt is....................than that one (short). 5. My father is..........
..........than my mother (old). 6. My brother is....................than me (young). 7. My friend is....................than
me (old). 8. My hair grew....................than before (long). 9. Our garden is....................than your garden
(large). 10. Clothes in this shopping center are.........................than at the market (expensive)., 11. Your new
idea is.........................than the last one (interesting).
12. 5* Заполните пропуски прилагательными в превосходной степени:
1. It's...........day I've ever had (happy). 2. It's...........news I've ever heard (sad). 3. It's ......film I've ever
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