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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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мама уже постирала нашу одежду
они уже поменяли деньги в банке
эта сумка с продуктами весит 10 килограммов
11. 28 Замените в следующих предложениях глагол to have на конструкцию have got в значении «иметь». Обратите внимание, что эта конструкция употребляется только в значении настоящего времени.
e.g. I have many friends. - I have got (I've got) many friends.
1.1 have two brothers and one sister. 2. We have a nice country house. 3. My father has a good job. 4. My friend has a good car. 5. Do you have a car? 6. Do you have a dog? 7. Does your colleague have a bride? 8. Does your brother have a good computer? 9. Do you have any questions? 10. I don't have any good English-Russian dictionary. 11.1 don't have a watch.
11.29*Переведите данные существительные и заполните пропуски по смыслу. Обратите внимание на употребление артиклей.
a legend, a poem, an author, a memory, a talent, an army, a soldier, a prison, a fine, a secret, an idea, a square, a palace, a world, a sea, a star, a mountain, a stone, an animal, a weight.
1. We have read a beautiful old........at classes recently. 2. My sister has got a good.........she knows a lot of
........by heart. 3. Who is........of this book? 4. My aunt has got ........for poetry. 5. When my uncle was 18
years old, he became........ and went to...........6. What happened? Why did the policemen throw this old man
into......... 7. If we park our car in a wrong place, we'll have to pay......... 8.1 can't tell you the truth because
it's......... 9.1 don't want to lie to you. I've got a good.......: we'll speak about it tomorrow. 10. How can we get
to the Red........? 11. Kings usually live in......... 12. There are 193 countries in......... 13. Do you usually
have a rest at........or in........? 14. There are a lot of.........in the sky tonight. 15. Why are you throwing........
at........? 16. What is........of your bag?
11. 30 Подберите к данным прилагательным соответствующие существительные:
rich, poor, high, low, easy, difficult, usual, unusual, talented, proud, original, favourite.
a man, a woman, a family, a house, a palace, a voice, a mountain, a question, an answer, a text, a book, a poem, an author, an idea, a journal, a philosopher, an author, a legend, a job, an animal, a talent, a school, clothes, a table, a window.
11. 31 Выберите пары антонимов из данных прилагательных:
young, difficult, usual, rich, high, weak, hot, possible, happy, sad, next, poor, big, thick, easy, long, funny, strong, impossible, unhappy, interesting, last, thin, unusual, old, cold, small, short, uninteresting, low.
11. 32 Заполните пропуски существительными, обозначающими стороны света. Обратите внимание на употребление предлогов.
In the east (west, south, north); to the east (west, south, north); from the east (west, south, north)
1. There are a lot of families with 5-6 children................. 2. There is a car in every family................. 3. There
are warm seas.................4. There is no grass................. 5. Next summer we are going.................6. If you
want to see exotic fiowers, birds and animals, you should go................. 7. If you want to visit old universities,
you should go................. 8. If you want to have a lot of adventures, you should go................. 9. Our
neighbours have just come................. 10. My unde has brought nice presents................. 11. In spring birds
usually return to our places ................. 12, Our new specialist has come .................
11. 33 Дополните предложения с наречием however в функции вводного слова:
e.g. This man has got no talent. However,.........................
This man has got no talent. However, he writes books.
1. My sister doesn't like to fly. However...................... 2. My friend has lied to me. However,.....................
3. My colleague doesn't respect his chief. However,..................... 4. Our secretary has got no ideas. However,
.„.................. 5. My neighbour doesn't want to go to the army. However,..................... 6, My brother decided
to study at the university. However,.....................7. We decided to go to the mountains this summer. However,
................. 8. My grandfather knows a lot of old legends. However,..................... 9. Yesterday I repeated
the address of the new club twice. However,..................... 10. My sister says that she doesn't like to chat.
11. 34 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты к следующим словам и словосочетаниям:
На востоке; он также гордился (был горд) талантом к поэзии; вам не следует думать; он не мог написать и слова; повторять наизусть; автор стихотворений; он повторял стихотворение слово в слово; так называемый поэт; платить штраф; жизнь стала серой и неинтересной; двое очень талантливых людей; одна из его жен; два раза; три раза; об этом знал только король; оплатить вес стихотворения золотом; ему в голову пришла идея; кроме того; это было легко для нее; высоко в горах; особый способ; добро пожаловать во дворец; низким голосом; моря омывали подножье гор; высоко в небе; опубликовать стихотворения.
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