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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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............... When I pay for lunch, I always give him...............2. When I saw my school friend at...............my
first..............was that something had happened to him. During............ I came up to him and he told me that
he had lost his job and his girl-friend had left him. 3. This young..............lives without any...............He
spends time in.............., talks a lot about.............................or music, and he invites a lot of..............to his
12. 32 Заполните пропуски следующими обстоятельствами времени по смыслу: once, twice, three (four, five... times) a day / a week / a month I a year
1.1 have meals..................... 2. This magazine appears..................... 3.1 wash my hands.....................
4.1 can afford caviar.....................5. This girl changes her clothes.....................6. This baby eats.."...................
7. We have English lessons.....................8. Usually we travel.....................9. We have guests.....................
10. We buy food.....................
12. 33 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты к следующим словам и словосочетаниям:
На спектакле; во аремя антракта; маленькая квартира; через некоторое время; знаменитые художники; я не мог сказать женщине нет; первое впечатление; для какой-либо практичекой цели; я был шокирован; не может быть!; а наше время; семги не было в меню; я немного упал духом; я не мог позволить себе икру; что бы вы хотели?; я немного побледнел; вы будете чувствовать себя гораздо лучше; больше ничего; это не было важно для меня; вы все еще голодны?; два раза в день; потом случилась ужасная вещь; немного позже; легкая еда; ни пенни в кармане; наконец.
12. 34 Дополните следующие предложения с наречиями perhaps, surely, else:
1. There is no salmon on the menu. Perhaps,............ 2. We have a small apartment. Perhaps.............
3.1 can't afford caviar. Perhaps............... 4. You friend phones you many times a day. Surely,......... 5. Your
brother enjoys art. Surely,.........8. Ask somebody else to...........9. What else........? 10. Who else.........?
11. Where else.........? 12.1 don't know anybody else............
12. 35 Переведите следующие предложения:
1. Когда начался спектакль, моим пераым впечатлением было, что я его уже где-то раньше видел. 2. Во время антракта я был шокирован, потому что я встретил самого знаменитого художника нашего времени. 3. У тебя гораздо больше одежды, чем это необходимо для какой-либо практической цели. 4. Когда я увидел так много гостей а нашей маленькой каартире, я упал духом. 5. Моя тетя говорит, что она всегда наслаждается искусством и литературой. - Не может быть! Она прочитала не более двух книг в своей жизни. 6. Вы будете чувствовать себя гораздо лучше, если будете следовать моему примеру. 7. Почему ты такая бледная? Тебе следует два раза а день ходить на прогулку. 8. Я рад, что вы узнали меня наконец! Несколько месяцев назад я нашел документы, которые аы потеряли. 9. Если мы не успеем на этот поезд, случится ужасная вещь. Мы не приедем на занятия вовремя. 10. Возможно, я скажу аам правду через некоторое время. Но не сейчас. 11. Что еще вы хотите заказать?
12. 36 Составьте ситуации со следующими словами и словосочетаниями:
1. to go to a restaurant, to study a bill of fare, to have on a menu, to ask a waiter, to order...., to afford, to enjoy, to be still hungry, to eat everything except..... to pay a bill, to give a tip.
2. to go to the theatre, to enjoy a play, to catch one's eye, to recognize, to be shocked, to hurt, to forgive, to meet during an interval, to shake hands, to talk about art and literature, to some time.
3. to have a small apartment, to have a birthday party, to cook light meals, to invite friends, however, to appear, to be shocked, so many guests in a Small apartment, to encourage, to feel better.
12. 37 Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту:
1. Was it difficult for the author to recognize the woman whose eye he had caught at the play? 2. What did the author do during the interval? 3. Did he remember the luncheon he had had in Paris together with the lady twenty years before? 4. Where did the author live twenty years ago and why was he so poor? 5. Why did the lady write to him? 6. On the way to which country was the lady going to spend some time fn Paris? 7. At which restaurant was she going to have luncheon with the author? 8. What kind of restaurant was foyot's? 9. Why couldn't the author afford lunch at Foyot's at that time? 10. Why couldn't he say no to a woman? 11. At what \irne did Uney mee\ a\ FoyOt'sl 12. How oW was Dne ¦woman'? \Ъ. impression oi her \eeSh тйй Yhe author have? 14. Why was the author shocked when the waiter brought a menu? 15. How did the woman encourage him? 16. What did the author order for his guest? 17. Why did his heart sink? 18. What did the lady usually drink at luncheon? 19. Why did the author get pale when he ordered half a bottle champagne for her? 20. What did the lady talk at lunch about? 21. What was the author thinking about when the waiter-brought him a mutton chop? 22. Why did the lady want to try asparagus? 23. Why wasn't the author sure that he could pay the bill at Foyot's? 24. What did the author order after the lady had finished her meal? 25. What was the thing the lady absolutely believed in? 26. How many times a day did the lady usually eat? 27. What was a terrible thing which happened then? 27. Why could the lady enjoy a peach and the author couldn't? 28. What did the author understand after he had paid the bill? 29. How much money did he have when he walked out of the restaurant? 30. Which advice did the lady give him as they shook hands? 31. What kind of revenge has the author had at last?
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