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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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GRAN DPA: A brick wall on one side, and a factory on the other.
TIMOTHY: I want my dinner. I'm hungry.
GRANDMA: Can't you stop the boy talking, Nellie? He's done nothing but complain ever since we started.
MRS. WIGGINS: James, James, stop! This field here. The very place we've been looking for.
GRANDMA: With a lovely big tree to keep the sun off.
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GRANDPA: And it looks dry enough. Any dampness and my rheumatism will be back.
TIMOTHY: At last! At last!
(The car stops)
MR. WIGGINS: I'll go and unstrap the picnic basket. It's in the back of the car.
GRANDMA: Now for a cup o'tea.
TIMOTHY: I say, look at all these flies coming towards us. GRANDMA: They're all over the car.
MRS. WIGGINS: Where have they come from?
GRANDMA: I hope they don't bite.
TIMOTHY: Ow! Ow! They do!
GRANDMA: Oh, dear! We'll get bitten to death. I wish we weren't going to eat our lunch here.
MR. WIGGINS (returning from the back of the car): Don't worry.
We're not!!
GRANDMA We're not? Not going to eat
G RAN D PA our lunch here ?
MR. WIGGINS: No! We've forgotten to bring the picnic basket.
MR. PRIESTLEY: Well done, Olaf. That was quite a good little play.
I think we all want to hear more about the Wiggins family.
OLAF: I have written another play about them.
MR. PRIESTLEY: Good. You can read that to us in the next lesson. Hob, I'm sorry but I'm afraid we must leave your story, too, until then. I'm sure it will be interesting.
HOB: It is!
В Уроке 21 вам встретились примеры разговорного английского. В Уроке 32 есть еще ряд примеров, иллюстрирующих особенности разговорной речи. Например:
(1) Отсутствие части предложения (подлежащего или сказуемого). Например:
No fear of getting sunburned here (= There is no fear ...). Anything damp (= If I stand or sit on anything damp) and my rheumatism comes back.
Not too easy (= That will not be too easy).
Over there by the river.
No, Nellie, not there (- we do not want to stop there).
A brick wall on one side, and a factory on the other.
Quick, stop the car (= Be quick and ...).
(2) Восклицательные предложения:
Oh, good! Cows! You and your rheumatism! At last! at last!
(3) Замена сказуемого глаголами do и is:
They do (= They do bite).
We're not (- We're not going to eat our lunch here).
(4) Разговорные идиомы:
I could do with a cup of tea (= I want; I should like).
A field that will do nicely (= that will suit our purpose).
Now let's see (= let us consider what is required).
Anything red makes 'em wild (= makes them wild).
You'll have to wait, my boy.
A nice cup o'tea (use of nice; o' for of).
I say, look at these flies. (Isay here has practically no meaning; it is just an exclamation that is used to draw attention to something, to express surprise, or just to open a conversation.)
Вы также заметили, что эти предложения короче других, встретившихся в этой книге.
Фонетическая тренировка
M [i] l"J [o:] La] [з:]
lean liquid socks sort duck burst
bean syringe watch raw drunk worth
M [ei] [эи] [au] [Э1] [еэ]
put gain stone loud joint pear
full famous boat pouch poison dairy
1. Придумайте предложения со следующими словами: field, neck, wild, worry, sunburnt, cellar, damp, knees, scenery,
factory, strap, basket
2. Вставьте предлоги:
1. I could certainly do a cup of tea.
2. There's a field_the left; but there are cows_the field.
3. I expect there are a few bulls_those cows.
4. The cow___the gate has an unfriendly look__its face.
5. There are plenty of good places_this road.
6. We are looking somewhere no cows, no sun and no trees.
7. We are coming the end the wood.
8. Look all these flies coming us.
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3. Допишите следующие предложения, образуя разделительные вопросы:
1. It's half-past twelve,_____?
2. You could do with a cup of tea,________?
3. That field will be all right,______?
4. You've had a cup of tea,________?
5. You haven't had dinner yet,________?
6. You didn't see that bull,_______?
7. There's no shade at all here,______?
8. We are looking for a place for lunch,______?
9. Timothy will have to wait,_________?
10. The basket is in the back of the car,_____?
4. Объясните значение выделенных курсивом слов и словосочетаний:
1. "Well, all keep your eyes open."
2. "I could do with a cup of tea."
3. "This field will do nicely."
4. "Drive on until we are clear of the trees."
5. " Unstrap the basket."
6. "The very place we've been looking for."
7. "The sun beating down on me."
8. "A nice stretch of grass."
Опишите (устно или письменно):
The Picnic lunch.
Контрольная работа № 3
1. Напишите следующие предложения в страдательном залоге:
l. Susan closes the window. 2. Lucille drives the car. 3. The postman will bring the letters. 4. The guard waves the flag. 5. Somebody made this plate in 1760. 6. That dog will bite the postman. 7. Shakespeare wrote many plays.
2. а) Напишите утвердительные, вопросительные и отрицательные формы глагола to write в прошедшем продолженном времени.
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