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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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PEDRO: Well, that was honest enough, but rather hard on you.
OLAF: Oh, I didn't mind. I told him that I knew he was right.
PEDRO: So you went to your father's office then?
OLAF: Yes. My father was very pleased and said he wanted me to spend a year there to get a good knowledge of the organisation of the business. "At the end of a year," he said, "you can go to my friend, Mr. Priestley, to learn English well." You see, we do a lot of business with England. He added that when I knew English well, he would arrange for me to go into an English firm to learn English business methods.
PEDRO: So I suppose that some day you will be managing a shipping business in Stockholm.
OLAF: Well, my father said that in nine or ten years' time he wanted to retire, and he hoped that by that time I should be able to run the business.
PEDRO: That sounds fine.
1. Придумайте предложения со следующими словами и словосочетаниями:
at any rate; discuss; knowledge; degree; company; artist; fame;
office; organisation; method; manage; firm; plan; damage; get round;
remove; down to; portrait; arrange; fisherman
2. Образуйте вопросительные предложения:
1. I shall be here for another year. 2. I'm going to Cambridge.
3. Yes, I spent a year in Paris and a year in Germany. 4. So that I could
get a good knowledge of the language and the people. 5. Oh, yes, I enjoyed very much. 6. He has a shipping office. 7. Because I thought it would be a terribly dull business. 8. Oh, they were nice about it, and let me take lessons. 9. He thought I should never be a painter. 10. Because we do a lot of trade with England. 11. He says in nine or ten years.
3. Поставьте слова в правильном порядке:
1. you in England are staying how much longer?
2.1 here for another year shall be at any rate.
3. when you leave here to do what are you going?
4. your stay here you have enjoyed?
5. with my father all this before I left home I discussed.
6. pleasant it would be I knew, but such interesting people I should meet I didn't think.
7. that my picture in the British Museum would hang he said after long were forgotten Rubens and Rembrandt.
4. Замените одним словом следующие словосочетания. Все необходимые слова есть в уроке. В скобках дана первая буква слова и количество букв.
1. trade and the getting of money (b_____________).
2. not interesting (d____).
3. a lot of money: wealth (f__________).
4. to make up one's mind (d___________).
5. to be unable to make up one's mind (h______________).
6. house or room used as a place of business (o_________).
7. to give up one's work when one is old (r________).
8. to get pleasure from (e______).
9. to have in mind, not to forget (r___________).
10. arrangement so that all parts work together well (o_____________
305 ¦
5. Ответьте на вопросы к картинкам, используя следующие слова:
bag, bottle, fence, full, empty, beak, milkman.
Picture 1. What is the woman carrying in her right hand? Where do you think she is going? Do you think she will be away from home for an hour or two or a day or two? What
makes you think that? What is she holding in her left hand? What can you see near the door-step? Is that milk bottle full or empty?
Picture 2. Who are watching her? Where are the birds?' Where is she putting the note? What do you think she has written on it? What has she done with her bag?
Picture 3. What is one of the birds doing? What is the other one doing?
Picture 4. What is the bird doing now? What is it carrying in its beak? How do you know that the bottle is empty? Has the artist made it clear to you?
Picture 5. What is this man? What is he carrying? How many bottles of milk has he left on the door-step? Is it a full bottle or an empty one? What has he done with the empty bottle? Where are the birds? What are they doing?
Picture 6. Where are the birds now? What are they doing? Why did they take away the note?
Напишите рассказ "The Birds That Liked Milk".
Direct and Indirect Speech (1)
Мы можем передать речь какого-либо лица двумя способами. Можно передать ее буквально. Например:
Pedro said: "I want to go to Cambridge."
Это прямая речь (Direct Speech).
С другой стороны, вместо того, чтобы точно воспроизвести высказывание Педро, мы можем передать его следующим образом: Pedro said that he wanted to go to Cambridge.
Это непрямая или косвенная речь (Indirect or Reported Speech). В Уроке 2 вам встретились оба способа. Вот эти примеры:
Direct Indirect
1. "I want to go to Cambridge." 2. "The only life for me is a life of art." 1. Pedro said that he wanted to go to Cambridge. 2. Olaf said that the only life for him was a life of art.
Indirect Direct
1. He said that he wanted me to spend a year in Paris and a year in Germany so that I could get a really good knowledge of French and German. 2. He said that my picture would hang in the British Museum long after Rubens and Rembrandt were forgotten. 3. He said that in nine or ten years' time he wanted to retire, and by that time I should be able to run the business. 1. Pedro's father said: "1 want you to spend a year in Paris and a year in Germany so that you can get a really good knowledge of French and German." 2. He said: "Your picture will hang in the British Museum long after Rubens and Rembrandt are forgotten." 3. He said: "In nine or ten years' time I want to retire, and by that time you will be able to run the business."
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