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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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Вы, наверное, обратили внимание, что глаголы, которые в прямой речи стояли в настоящем времени, в косвенной речи имеют форму прошедшего времени.
The only life was a life of art
I could get a good knowledge of English
My picture would hang
He wanted to retire
И это неудивительно, поскольку мы сообщаем о том, о чем говорилось в прошлом.
Глаголы will и shall имеют форму прошедшего времени would и should, соответственно. На первый взгляд кажется абсурдным образовывать форму прошедшего времени глаголов, при помощи которых образуется будущее время. Действительно, когда Олаф говорит "I know it will be pleasant in England " он подразумевает будущее время и употребляет глагол will. Но когда он говорит Педро: "I knew it would be pleasant in England ", он мысленно возвращается в прошлое и говорит о том, что было, вкладывая в слова понятие будущности. Такое использование глаголов should и would называется "будущее в прошедшем" (Future in the Past).
Мы уже говорили, что прошедшее время (т.е. "будущее в прошедшем") от will - would, а от shall - should. Следующие примеры, на первый взгляд, противоречат этому:
Direct Indirect
"I am wondering how I shall get the paint off." "You will be able to run the business." He was wondering how he would get the paint off. He said that I should be able to run the business.
Но should и would употребляются точно так же, как shall, will.
309 ¦
The only life is а r
_ становится
life of art J L
You can get a a good r
knowledge of English становится L
Your picture will hang становится [
I want to retire j] становится ?
Вы помните формы глаголов shall и will:
I shall Wfe shall
You will They will
He, she, it will А вот формы should и would:
I should We should
You would You would
He, she, it would They would В приведенных примерах I shall (1 -e лицо) становится he would (3-е лицо); you will (2-е лицо) становится Ishould (1-е лицо).
Обратите также внимание, что при переводе из прямой речи в косвенную личные и притяжательные местоимения заменяются по смыслу. Например:
Direct Indirect
Pedro said: " /want to go to Cambridge." Olaf said: "/am going into my father's office". Pedro said that he wanted to go to Cambridge. Olaf said that he was going into his father's office.
И еще одно: кавычки в косвенной речи не ставятся.
1. Замените косвенную речь прямой. Не забудьте поставить кавычки:
1. Olaf said that he was staying in England for another year.
2. Hob said that his friend was a painter.
3. My father said that I could go to England for a year or two.
4. Olaf said that his father did a lot of business with England.
5. Olaf said that he could run that part of the business.
6. Hob said that he knew a man who was a painter.
7. The teacher said that Olaf would never paint well.
8. Hob said his first impressions of England were connected with food.
9. John said that he was up at Oxford.
10. Hob said that he would do the exercises later.
11. Mr. Priestley said that he would be surprised if they were done at all.
12. Mr. Wiggins said that he would never take Grandma out for a picnic
again. l
13. Jan said he had enjoyed his holiday in Switzerland.
14. Frieda said that he must come again.
15. Timothy said that he wanted to help.
16. Hob said that that exercise had a lot of sentences.
17. Olaf said that there were only thirty.
18. Hob said that he called thirty a lot.
19. Olaf said that he could do them in a quarter of an hour.
20. The schoolmaster said that I should be able to win the race easily.
2. Замените прямую речь косвенной:
1. Hob said, "My friend is a painter."
2. Olaf said, "I am staying in England for a year or two."
3. Olaf said, "When you get to know the work of a shipping office it is most interesting."
4. OLAF: "My father does a lot of business with England."
5. OLAF: "Nothing will make me go into an office."
6. HOB: "I know a man who is a painter."
7. Hob said, "I want more breakfast."
8. The waiter said to Hob, "I will fetch some for you."
9. Hob said, "I have never eaten a bigger meal in my life."
10. Mrs. Priestley said, "I must go to the butcher's."
11. She said to Lilian, "You can come with me."
12. Lilian said, "I will go and fetch your basket."
13. Mr. Priestley said, "Sally needs some more fish."
14. OLAF: "There is no life like a painter's."
15. HOB: "I am good at painting."
16. Olaf said to him, "I never knew that you could paint."
17. HOB: "1 paint only doors and walls and windows."
18. LUCILLE: "I want to go to Germany, so that I can get a really good knowledge of German."
3. Выберите правильную форму глагола:
1.1 said that I didn't (understand, understood) this sentence.
2. The porter knew that the train (would, will, had) be late.
3. The waiter said that there (was, is, had, are) no more bacon.
4. He said that I (should, can, could) be able to get some later.
5. Mr. Priestley told that I was (speak, speaking, spoken) very well.
6. He added that it was hard to tell I (was, has, am) not an Englishman.
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