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Возникновение биологической организации - Кастлер Г.

Кастлер Г. Возникновение биологической организации — М.: Мир, 1967. — 91 c.
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Quastler H., Approximate estimation of information measures, in: Information Theory in Psychology (H. Quastler, ed.),
pp. 124—139, Free Press, Glencoe, 111.
Quastler H., Information theory terms and their test psychological correlates. In: Information Theory in Psychology
(H. Quastler, ed.), pp. 143—171, Free Press, Glencoe, 111.
Rose F. G., Quastler H., Rose S. М., Regeneration of X-rayed salamander limbs provided with normal epidermis, Science, 122, 1018—1019.
1956 Austin М. K-, Miller М., Quastler H., Five- to eight-day radiation death in mice, Radiation, Res., 5, 303—307.
В о u r g i n R. C., Krumins R., Quastler H., Radiation-induced delay of pupation in Drosophila, Radiation Res., 5, 657—673.
Quastler H., Studies of human channel capacity. In: Information Theory (C. Cherry, ed.), pp. 361—371, Academic, New York; Butterworths, London.
Quastler H., The nature of intestinal radiation death, Radiation Res., 4, 303—320.
Quastler H., A. Primer on Information Theory, 66 pp., Office of Ordinance Research, Ordinance Corps, U. S. Army, Durham, N. C.
Quastler H., Modes of acute radiation death, Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, 11, 121—124.
Quastler H.( Austin М. K., Miller М., Oral radiation death, Radiation Res., 5, 338—353.
1957 Quastler H„ The complexity of biological computers, IRE Trans Electron. Computers, 6, 192—194.
Quastler Н., Labyrinth damage by X-irradiation, Radiation Res., 7, 444 (Abst.).
1958 A n s 1 о w W. P., Jr., Quastler H., et al., The use of mathematics in biology; summary of a group discussion. In: Homeostatic Mechanisms, Brookhaven Symp. Biol., 10, 259—262. Hughes W. L., Quastler H., et al., Cellular proliferation in the mouse as revealed by autoradiography with tritiated thymidine, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S., 44, 476—483.
Jaroslow N., Quastler H., Antigenic specificity In: Symposium on Information Theory in Biology (H. P. Yockey, R. L. Platzman, and H. Quastler, eds.), pp. 211—217, Pergamon, London.
Lewis Y. S., Quastler H., S v i h 1 a G., Ultraviolet microscopy of x-irradiated intestine, J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 21, 813—823. Quastler H., A primer on information theory. In: Symposium on Information Theory in Biology (H. P. Yockey, R. L. Platzman, and H. Quastler, eds.), pp. 3—49, Pergamon, London. Quastler H., The domain of information theory. In: Symposium on Information Theory in Biology (H. P. Yockey, R. L. Platzman, and H. Quastler, eds.), pp. 187—196, Pergamon, London. -
Quastler H., Information theory in radiobiology, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci., 8, 387—400.
Quastler H., Sherman F. G., Brecher G., Cron-k i t e E. P., Cell renewal, maturation and decay in the gastrointestinal epithelia of normal and irradiated animals, Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, 2nd Intern. Conf., Geneva, 22, 202—205. Sherman F. G., Brecher G., Cronkite E. P., Quastler H., DNA synthesis, cell duplication and migration in the small intestine of normal and irradiated mice, Federation Proc.,
17, 148 (Abst.).
1959 Cronkite E. P., Quastler H., et al., Dynamics of hemopoietic proliferation in man and mice studied by HMhymidine incorporation into DNA. In: Prpgr. Nucl. Energy. Ser. VI, Biol. Sci. (Proc. 2nd Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1958; J. G. Bugher, J. Coursager, and J. F. Loutit, eds.),
2, 92—105, Pergamon, New York.
Quastler H., Storage and actuation of genetic information: the information theory approach, Lab. Invest., 8, 480—494. Quastler H., Information theory of biological integration, Am. Naturalist, 93, 245—254.
Quastler H., Cell renewal and acute radiation damage, Radiology, 73, 161—165.
Quastler H., Some aspects of cell population kinetics. In: The Kinetics of Cellular Proliferation (F. Stohlman, ed.), pp. 218—222, Grune and Stratton, New York.
Quastler H., The description of steady-state kinetics. In: The Kinetics of Cellular Proliferation (F. Stohlman, ed.), pp. 431— 433, Grune and Stratton, New York.
Quastler Н., Preface. In: Proc. isjt Natl. Biophysics Conf., Columbus, Ohio, 1957 (H. Quastler and H. J. Morowitz, eds.), pp. vi—viii, Yale Univ. Press, New Haven.
Quastler H., Quality of radiation and selectivity of biological effects. In: Proc. ist Natl. Biophysics Conf., Columbus, Ohio,
1957 (H. Quastler and H. J. Morowitz, eds.), pp. 704—714, Yale Univ. Press. New Haven.
Quastler H„ В e n s t e d J. P. M„ Laraerton L. F„ Simpson S. М., Effects of dose-rate and protraction: A symposium. II. Adaptation to continuous irradiation: Observations on the rat intestine, Brit. J. Radiol., 32, 501—512.
Quastler H., Sherman F. G., Cell population kinetics in the intestinal epithelium of the mouse, Exptl. Cell. Res., 17, 420—438.
Quastler H., Zucker М., The hierarchy of modes of radiation death in specifically protected mice, Radiation, Res., 10, 402—409.
1960 Cattaneo S. М., Quastler H., Sherman F. G., DNA synthesis in irradiated hair follicles of the mouse, Radiation Res.,
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