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Возникновение биологической организации - Кастлер Г.

Кастлер Г. Возникновение биологической организации — М.: Мир, 1967. — 91 c.
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17. Linschitz H., The information content of a bacterial cell. In: Information Theory in Biology (H. Quastler, ed.), Univ. Illinois Press, Urbana, pp. 251—262, 1953,
18. McClintock В., Some parallels between gene control systems in maize and in bacteria, Am. Naturalist, 95, 265—277 (1961).
19. Miller S. L., Urey H. C., Organic compound synthesis on the primitive earth, Science, 130, 245—251 (1959).
20. Monod J., Changeux P., Jacob F., Allosteric proteins and cellular control systems, J. Mol. Biol., 6, 306—329 (1963).
21. Morowitz H. J., Some disorder-order considerations in living systems, Bull. Math. Biophys., 17, 81—87 (1955).
22. P a i g e n K., On the regulation of DNA transcription, J. Theoret. Biol., 3, 268—282 (1962).
23. Pardee А. В., P r e s t i d g e L. S., On the nature of the repressor of fi-galactosidase synthesis in Escherichia coli, Biochem. Biophys. Acta, 36, 545 (1959).
24. Q u a s 11 e r H., Chemical communication systems in the cell, Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 25, 382—395 (1963).
25. Quastler H., General principles of systems analysis. In: Theoretical and Mathematical Biology (Т. H. Waterman and H. J. Morowitz, eds.), Blaisdell, N. Y., 1964.
26. Q u a s 11 e r H., Zubay G., An RNA-protein code based on replacement data. II. Adjustment and extension, J. Theoret. Biol.,
3, 496—502 (1962).
27. Roberts R. B., Alternative codes and templates, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S., 48, 897—900 (1962).
i 28. S с h a с h m a n H. K., Adler J., R a d d i n g С. М., Lehman I. R., К о r n b e r g A., Enzymatic synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid. VII. Synthesis of a polymer of deoxyadenylate and deoxythymidylate, J. Biol. Chem., 235, 3242—3249 (1960).
29. Shannon С. E., Weaver W., The Mathematical Theory of Communication, Univ. Illinois Press, Urbana, pp. 117, 1949.
30. Steiner R. F„ Beers R. F., Polynucleotides, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 404 pp., 1961.
31. Whipple H. E„ Erdos E. G., eds., Structure and Function of Biologically Active Peptides, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 104, 1—464 (1963).
32. Woolley D. U., M e r r i f i e 1 d R. B., Anomalies of the structural specificity of peptides, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 104, 161—171
33. Yanagisawa K., Genetic regulation of protein biosynthesis at the level of the ribosome? Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 10, 226—231 (1963).
34. Zubay G., A. molecular model for protein synthesis, Science, 140, 1092—1095 (1963).
35. Zubay G., Regulation of gene action, Science (1964).
1930 Quastler Н., Weingarten Н., Koennen Fische ihre Riech-schleimhaut regeherieren? (Regeneration of the nasal mucosa in fish), Arch. Entwicklungsmech. Organ., 122, 763—769.
193) Spiegel E. A., Quastler H., Experimented und klinische Untersuchungen Blut-Liquor-Schranke (Influence of X-rays and diathermy on the hemoencephalic barrier, Wien. Med. Wochschr., 81, 1059—1061.
1932 Quastler H., Steigerung der Messgenauigkeit bei Messung kleinster Sichtbarer Grossen mit dem Schraubenmikrometerokular (Increased precision in microscopic measurements), Z. Wiss. Mikroskopie, 49, 195—207.
1936 Quastler H., Ueber den Aggregatzustand der Erythrozyten (The physical state of erythrocytes), Wien. Klin. Wochschr., 49, 244—245.
1937 Hoche 0., Quastler H„ Zur Diagnostik und Therapie abge-kapselter intrapulmonarer Tumoren (Intrapulmonary tumors). Arch. Klin. Chir., 188, 567—578.
Quastler H., Die Wirkung herdferner Bestrahlungen in der Rontgentherapie tuberkuloser Lymphome (Indirect irradiation in the X-ray therapy of tuberculous lymphomas), ist Congr. Austrian Radiol. Soc., Strahlentherapie, 58, 688—693.
Quastler H., Erfahrungen mit der Niedervolttherapie auf Hautkrebsen (Low voltage therapy of skin cancers), Strahlentherapie, 59, 182—185.
1942 Chilko A. J., Quastler H., Delayed metastases in cancer of the breast, Am. J. Surg., 55, 75—82.
Quastler H., Roentgenoscopic localization of foreign bodies, Am. J. Roentgenol. Radium Therapy Nucl. Med., 48, 107—109.
1943 Quastler H., Depth dose measurements in contact roentgen therapy on a biological test object (rabbit’s -skin), Am. J. Roenb genol. Radium Therapy Nucl. Med., 50, 669— 676,
1945 Austin V. Т., Quastler Н., Idiopathic (?) hypopro-thombinemia, Report of a case, Am. J. Med. Sci., 210, 491—500. Qua stler H., Note on cholecystography with Priodax: Dosage and gastrointestinal effects, Radiology, 45, 190—191.
Quastler H„ Studies on roentgen death in mice. I. Survival time and dosage, Am. J. Roentgenol. Radium Therapy Nucl. Med., 54, 449—456.
Quastler H., Studies on roentgen death in mice. II. Body weight and sensitivity, Am. J. Roentgenol. Radium Therapy Nucl. Med., 54, 457—461.
Quastler H., Clark R. K., Biological evaluation of 20 million volt roentgen rays. I. Acute roentgen death in mice, Am. J. Roentgenol. Radium Therapy Nucl. Med., 54, 723—727.
1946 Quastler H., The use of the betatron in cancer therapy: A preview, Cancer Res., 6, 483—484 (Abst.).
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