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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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Future Continuous Passive (не употребляется) Present Perfect Passive Тле mistakes have already been corrected. Ошибки уже исправлены. Past Perfect Passive The mistakes had been corrected by 6 o'clock. Ошибки были исправлены к 6 часам.
Future Perfect Passive
The mistakes will have been corrected by the week-end. Ошибки будут исправлены к концу недели. Для того, чтобы указать, кем было произведено действие, употребляется предлог by с существительным или местоимением^ объектном падеже. Для того, чтобы указать, посредством чего было произведено действие, употребляется предлог with:
e.g. This book was written by Jack London. Эта книга была написана Джеком Лондоном. We'll be invited to the party by them. Мы будем приглашены на вечеринку ими.
We were shocked with this news. Мы были шокированы этой новостью.
They have been impressed with this film. Этот фильм произвел на них впечатление.
(after Agatha Christie)
There were four of them standing outside the locked door of Patricia Garnett's flat. «It's no good that [can't find my key,» said Pat. «It's not in my bag. What shall we do now?» «Look once more, Pat,» said Donovan Bailey. «It is somewhere there.» «Hasn't the porter got another key of your flat?» asked Jimmy Faulkener.
Pat shook her head. There were only two keys. One is inside the flat, the other should be in her bag.
«It's a pity your flat isn't on the ground fioor,» said Mildred Hope, the other girl.
«But it is on the fourth floor. By the way, is there a coal-lift there?» asked Donovan.
«It's an idea,» said Jimmy. «Let's try it. I hope I can join you.»
«Surely. I think you both don't weigh much more than a ton of coal,» said Pat.
Donovan and Jimmy got into the coal-lift and with an awful noise they moved upstairs. Fortunately, the back door to the kitchen wasn't locked, and they stepped out into the darkness of Pat's kitchen.
«Will you switch on the lightf» cried Jimmy to Donovan. /
«I have tried already. But there is no light in the kitphen. Wait a moment! I'll try it in the sitting-room.»
But there was no light in the sitting-room too. It was strange. Besides, everything seemed to be in different places. Then the light came, and the young men saw that it wasn't Pat's sitting-room. They were in a wrong flat. There was much more furniture there: a (arge round table in the center, big armchairs, heavy curtains on the windows. On the table there were some letters.
«Mrs. Ernestine Grant,» read Donovan on the envelope. «Oh, help! Do you think she has heard us?»
They switched off the light and returned through the back door to the coal-lift.
«It's good that Mrs. Ernestine Grant sleeps so well,» said Jimmy.
They moved in a coal lift upstairs and reached the back door of Pat's kitchen. It was also not locked, so in another minute they were opening the front door to giris waiting outside.
«WeVe had an adventure,* said Donovan, and he told the girls what had just happened.
«I am glad she didn't catch you,» said Pat. «She is an angry thing, this lady. I got a note from her this morning -she wanted to see me some time - something she wanted to tell me about. I am sure, it's my piano. I think people who don't like pianos shouldn't come and live in flats. Oh, Donovan, you've hurt your hand. It's alt Over in blood. Go and wash it up. Have you hurt it badly?»
Donovan looked athis hand in surprise: «But і haven't hurt it. Anyway I didn't notice, it.»
He washed his hand up. it was absolutely all right.
«It's strange,» said Jimmy. «There was a lot of blood on it. But surely, Donovan, it came from that flat.» Do you think we should go down again? We won't say anything to girls. We'll be back soon.» They got into the lift again and moved downstairs.
«Look,» said Jimmy as they entered a sitting room. «There is something behind the curtain.* There Was a woman's body on the floor hidden behind the curtain. It was no doubt that she was dead. «Don't touch anything here till the police соте,» said Jimmy to Donovan. «We'll do it like this. Please, run upstairs and phone the police from Pat's flat, and I will stay here and keep an eye on things.» «What happened?» asked Pat as she opened the door to Donovan.
«It's all right, Pat», said Donovan. «Only a woman downstairs is dead. It seems she has been murdered.» «Perhaps, I can help you?» said a voice behind Donovan. «I am Hercule Poirot. Do you know this name?» «Oh,» said Pat. «The great detective? And will you really help to investigate this case?» «Certainly,» said Poirot. «Please, call the police. And I will go downstairs.»
«The police will be right now,» said Donovan as he came down. «But we shouldn't touch anything here.» «We will not touch anything,* said Poirot. «We will look, that's all.»
«What I cant understand, sir, is this,» said Donovan. «I didn't come up to the window - how did btood come on my hand?»
«My young friend, the answer is very simple. What colour is the tablecloth? Red, isn't*? No doubt, you put your hand on the table, didn't you? This means it was at the table that the crime was committed. Then the body was moved.»
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