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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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1. A very serious matter is being discussed by our colleagues now. 2. A film with Madonna is being shown on TV at the moment 3. A fax to England is being sent by our secretary now. 4. Our students are being examined in room 205 now. 5. Nice meals are being cooked by my mother in the kitchen now. 6. This song was being sung by my sister the whole day yesterday. 7. Business letters from London were being received by us all the time last week. 8. Football was being played by our colleagues from 5 till 7 on Saturday. 9. These programs were being used in our work all the time last year. 10. New poems were being read to us the whole evening yesterday
15.7 Поставьте следующие предложения в Passive:
1. We are listening to a new song by Sting now. 2.1 am translating the second article from English into Russian at the moment 3. My sister is learning new words now. 4. These people are selling hot dogs in the next street now. 5. We are choosing presents for our friends at the moment. 6. Our manager was carrying a heavy bag all the day yesterday. 7. My colleagues were looking through these magazines the whole day yesterday. 8. We were speaking English all the time during the lesson the day before yesterday. 9.1 was cooking fish when my brother came home. ' **
15.8 Переведите следующие предложения, используя Passive группы Continuous:
1. Сейчас мы обдумываем наш новый договор. 2. Сейчас мой коллега везет нашего гостя на вокзал 3. Сейчас нас ждут наши коллеги. 4. Сейчас врачи осматривают нашего дядю. 5. Сейчас эти блюда готовят на кухне. 6. Весь день вчера мои друзья задавали мне вопросы вроде этого (подобные этому) 7. Мои коллеги всю ночь обсуждали мнение начальника о нашей работе. 8. Вчера с утра до вечера мой брат играл в компьютерные игры. 9. Вчера в полдень меня навещали мои друзья. 10. Вчера а 9 часов вечера нам давали совет, как произвести впечатление на девушек. 11. В прошлом году наши соседи все лето строили новый дом.
15.9 Поставьте следующие глаголы в форму Passive 3 лица ед. и мн. числа группы Perfect:
e.g. to correct - It has (they have) been conrected; it (they) had been conected; it (they) will have
been corrected
to invite - he has (they have) been invited; he (they) had been invited; he (they) wiil have
been invited
to show, to break, to lose, to give, to take, to call, to build, to choose, to find, to wake up, to get, to greet, to forgive, to steal, to buy, to sell, to pay, to catch, to change.
15.10 Поставьте общие и специальные вопросы к данным предложениям:
e.g. Mistakes have been already corrected by our teacher. Have mistakes been corrected by your teacher yet? Yes, they have. Mistakes have been already corrected by our teacher. No, they haven't. Mistakes haven't been corrected by our teacher yet. What has been already corrected by your teacher? Whose mistakes have been already corrected by your teacher? What kind of mistakes have been already corrected by your teacher? By whom have mistakes been corrected?
1. The children have been already woken up. 2. The bill has already been paid by my colleagues. 3.1 have been promised a new dictionary by my father lately. 4. My favourite pen has been stolen by somebody from the table. 5. Drinks have been just ordered by us. 6. By € o'clock my uncle had been already examined by the doctor. 7. By the evening our friends had been already reached by us on the phone. 8. A new job had been found by my fnend by the end of the year. 9. A new car had already been bought by our neighbours by the end of the month. 10. New pictures will have been shown to us by this artist by the beginning of the year. 11. By the beginning of the next month this book will have been published by my father. 12. A new apartment will have been chosen by our colleagues by the week-end.
15.11 Поставьте следующие предложения в Passive:
I. We have grown beautiful flowers in our garden. 2. My mother has given me advice to part with my boy-friend. 3. We haven't moved furniture in another room so far. 4. I haven't cooked dinner so far. 5. Our neighbours haven't greeted us 6.1 haven't eaten black caviar since 1999. 7. They had received our letter by the week-end. 8. By the end of the year they had absolutely forgotten this sad story. 9. By the evening my sister had learnt a poem by heart. 10. By the beginning of the year we will have already changed our apartment for a better one.
II. By the end of the month we'll have already left this office. 12. By the week-end they will have already finished a translation of this book.
15.12 Переведите следующие предложения, используя соответствующие грамматические формы Passive групп Perfect, Indefinite и Continuous:
1. Ребенка уже взвесил доктор. 2. Наши коллеги только что довезли нас до автобусной остановки. 3. Мой друг никогда меня не обидел. 4. Эта пьеса не произвела на нас никакого впечатления. 5. Недавно одному из моих друзей этой фирмой была предоставлена работа. 6. Лососина уже заказана нашими коллегами. 7. К вечеру игра была закончена. 8. К концу недели все файлы были проверены. 9. К утру письмо было нами написано. 10. К полудню эти удостоверения будут выданы всем журналистам. 11. К началу следующей недели водительские права будут вам возвращены. 12, К следующей среде эти словари будут куплены. 13. Этот рассказ называется «Не сердись!». 14. Если моя сестра не придет домой слишком поздно, необходимые книги будут найдены. 15. Вчера весь вечер мой брат повторял новые слова. 16. Меня не пригласили на вечеринку. 17. Мне сказали вчера, что вы уже приехали. 18. Меня спросили вчера, хорошо ли я провел время у моих друзей. 19. Моего брата спросили, почему он не угощается мороженым. 20. Детям велели проплыть сегодня на 200 метров больше, чем вчера. 21. Нам велели не беспокоить родителей. 22. Здесь ничего не слышно. 23. Эти письма будут отправлены моим братом завтра. 24. Этот перевод мы делаем сейчас. 25. Когда меня навещали мои коллеги, мой друг дозвонился до меня и сказал, что рано или поздно он приедет.
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