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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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At this moment three men came in. They were a police inspector Rice, a constable and a doctor.
«Nice to see you,» said Poirot. «We are going to have our omelettes upstairs. I hope you'll join us after you examine everything here.»
The omelettes have been wonderfully prepared by Pat. After some time inspector Rice and his people appeared. Donovan and Jimmy were asked how they had found a dead body.
«Okay,» said inspector Rice at last. «Newspapers will soon inform everybody about this crime. There is no real secret about the matter. WeH1 the dead woman is Mrs. Grant, a woman of thirty five. The porter had identified her. She was sitting at the table, and she was killed with an automatic pistol by someone who was sitting opposite her at the table. She fell forward, and that's how blood came on the tabte. The pistol was found under the body on the floor, but there are no fingerprints on tt»
«What's about Mrs. Grant's maid?» asked Poirot.
«It was her day off. She only had to bnng post in the evening. She opened the door with her key and put letters on the table. Then she left. She didn't notice anything. She thought Mrs.Grant had gone to bed. But there is something we found in the pocket of the dead woman's dress. It is a note which says:
«Who could be this J.F.?» asked Pat.
«We know his name, « said the inspector. «It is written on the handkerchief we found in the bedroom - John Fraser. So we know the name of the man we have to look for.»
«I don't think it will be easy to find him,» said Poirot. «By the way, may I also examine the Hat?» «Why, certainly, Mr.Poirot. Anyway, we have to go,» said the inspector.
Poirot went down. Donovan and Jimmy followed him. The detective went straight to the kitchen and began to examine everything there. Suddenly he stopped. There was a small bottle in his hand. «Неге,» he said. «I found what I was looking for.»
Donovan took the bottle from him, opened it and held it to his nose. At the next moment he feil down.
«What did he do?» cried Poirot. «Please, Jimmy, will you bring me some brandy from the sitting room.»
When Jimmy returned to the kitchen, Donovan was sitting on the chair. He had just recovered,
«I think I'll go home,» he said. «I don't feel all right.»
«Surely,» said Poirot. «Thafs the best thing you can do.»
«Well, Mr.Poirot,» said Jimmy as Donovan had left. «What's next?»
«There is nothing next. The case is finished.*
«That liroe bottle you found? You know now who this John Fraser is?»
«Yes, this little bottle. But John Fraser - it's only a name. There is no such a person as John Fraser. It's Donovan who committed the crime. I used the bottle with ethyl chloride, because I had to examine his pockets.When he lost consciousness, 1 took from his pocket two things that I knew would be there. This key - the key from Pat's flat was one ot them. The other -1 asked myself all the time why the murderer hid the body behind the curtain. He needed some more time. TW which moment? ТИ the post was being brought by the maid. He was waiting for a letter. It was the other thing I found in his pocket*
Poirot opened the envelope that he held in his hand. There was a marriage certificate between Donovan Bailey and Ernestine Grant xlated eight years ago. She got it back from her advocate.
«Oh, my God,» said Jimmy. «Donovan was married. But at the same time he loved Pat» «He did,* said Poirot. «/And that was the motive of this murder.»
to lock - запирать(ся) на замок to switch on I off - включать I выключать to hide (hid, hidden) (from) - прятать(ся), скрывать(ся) to touch [іл#] - (при)касаться, трогать Io run (ran, run) - бежать, бегать to keep (kept kept) - хранить, сохранять to murder ['ггшіз] - убивать, совершать убийство to investigate - расследовать to join - объединяться), присоединяться) to prepare [рп'рєз] - готовить(ся), приготавливать(ся) to inform (of) - сообщать, уведомлять to kill - убивать to look for - искать
to hold (held, held) - держать, задерживать to recover ' приходить в себя, выздоравливать Adjectives
1,2,3... этаж
round [raund] - круглый, округлый simple fstmpl] - простой, несложный dead [ded] - мертвый, умерший such - такой same - тот (же) самый
Adverbs forward ['fa-wad] - вперед
Prepositions through [6nx] - через, сквозь opposite ['opazit] - напротив
Nouns a floor [fb:] - пол, этаж a ground / first / second I... floor a key [kt] - ключ
a porter - привратник, швейцар, носильщик a noise [noiz] - шум, грохот an armchair - кресло a curtain [kxtn] - занавеска an envelope ['envalsup] - конверт a note - записка blood [bkd] - кровь a body [ЪэаЧ] - тело, труп a case - случай (в т.ч. мед.), дело (судебное) a tablecloth - скатерть a crime - преступление a fingerprint ['ftngspnnt} - отпечаток (пальца) a maid - служанка, прислуга a day off - выходной день a handkerchief [ 'haerjksgrf] - носовой платок a murderer - убийца Expressions by the way - между прочим fortunately - к счастью
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