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Практический курс английского языка - Камянова Т.

Камянова Т. Практический курс английского языка — М.: Дом Славянской Книги, 2005. — 384 c.
ISBN 5-85550-177-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): praktichkurseng2005.djvu
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(it is) no doubt [daut] - без сомнения, несомненно to keep an eye on smth - присматривать to commit [ka'mrt] a crime - совершить преступление to lose consciousness ['konjbsnis] - потерять сознание
15.1 Поставьте следующие глаголы в форму Passive 3 лица ед. и мн. числа группы Indefinite:
e.g. to correct - it is (they are) conrected; it wasfthey were) conected; it (thay) will be corrected to invite - he is (they ere) invited; he was (they were) invited; he (they) wilt be invited
to read, to write, to call, to give, to take, to meet, to visit, to ask, to answer, to build, to drive, to promise, to employ, to prolong, to open, to dose, to forget.
15.2 Поставьте общие и специальные вопросы к данным предложениям:
e.g. Mistakes are usually corrected by our teacher at classes. Are mistakes usually corrected by your teacher at classes? Yes, they are. Mistakes are usually corrected by our teecher at classes. No, they aren't Mistakes aren't usually corrected by our teacher at classes. What Is usually corrected by your teacher at classes? Where are mistakes usually corrected by your teacher? Whose mistakes are usually corrected by your teacher? What kind of mistakes are usually corrected by your teacher? By whom are mistakes usually corrected?
1. The bank is opened from 9 o'clock in the morning till 6 o'clock in the evening. 2. My cousin is employed at the bank as a secretary. 3. My parents are often invited by their friends to the country. 4. These contracts are usually prolonged by managers. 5. My brother was driven to school by our neighbours yesterday. 6. My steter was promised a new dress last week. 7. Last Monday my colleagues were asked to move to another room.
8. Children were told yesterday to learn this poem by heart. 9. A driving licence will be returned to my friend tomorrow. tO. This matter will be discussed by my colleagues next Tuesday. 11. A new cinema wfti be called «Glory».
15.3 Поставьте следующие предложения в Passive:
e.g. My dog always meets me when I come home. - I am always met by my dog when I come home.
1. This picture doesn't impress me at all. 2. My sister doesn't leave me alone. 3. My colleagues don't invite me to parties. 4. My friends don't trust me. 5. We don't use this old computer. 6. My parents don't advise me to buy an old car. 7. Colleagues didn't respect my uncle. 8. This doctor didn't examine my brother last week. 9. My neighbours didn't bother me yesterday. 10. We didn't get certificates last Friday. 11. My friend didn't phone me yesterday. 12. Your colleagues won't return this book to you. 13. Your sister won't bring yoa flowers. 14. Our managers won't discuss this matter next week. 15. Your parents will present to you a car on your birthday. 16. Your friends won't recognize you in this dress.
15.4 Переведите следующие предложения, используя Passive группы Indefinite:
1. Этот ресторан часто посещают знаменитые художники. 2. Этот человек хорошо известен в нашей стране. 3. Меня часто просят подвезти кого-нибудь домой. 4. Мне кажется, что наша дверь не закрыта. 5. Ко мне часто обращаются друзья с разными вопросами. 6. Эти дискеты обычно используются нашими программистами. 7. Эту пищу не едят даже собаки. 8. Вчера вечером наш разговор был продолжен.
9. К сожалению, мои друзья не последовали этому совету. 10. Эту мебель вчера передвинули в другую комнату. 11. В прошлое воскресенье мои друзья не дозвонились до меня по телесрону. 12. По моему мнению, детектив вчера совсем не имел ввиду наш договор. 13. Когда я был в беде, мои друзья подбодрили меня. 14. Эти истории были вчера рассказаны нам одним знаменитым банкиром. 15. Эта улица называлась Кропоткинская, теперь она называется Пречистенка. 16. Новая книга этого писателя будет называться «Другая жизнь». 17. Вскоре имя этого писателя будет всем известно. 18. В следующем году мой дядя продаст этот дом. 19. Завтра мама постирает наши брюки и майки. 20. Я уверен, что вскоре этого человека все будут любить и уважать. 21. Нам дадут достаточно денег на хороший компьютер. 22. В следующем году нашего соседа заберут в армию. 23. Здесь будет построен новый дом.
15. 5 Поставьте следующие глаголы в форму Passive 3 лица ед. и мн. числа группы Continuous:
e.g. to correct - It Is (they are) being corrected; it wasfthey wera) being corrected to іпШе - he is (they are) being invited; he was (they were) being invited
to translate, to discuss, to build, to visit, to look through, to think over, to explain, to examine, to cook, to show, to watch, to receive, to play, to sing.
15.6 Поставьте общие и специальные вопросы к данным предложениям:
e.g. Mistakes are being corrected by our teacher at classes now. Are mistakes being corrected by your teacher at classes now? Yes, they are. Mistakes are being corrected by our teacher at classes now. No, they aren't Mistakes aren't being corrected by our teacher at classes now. What is being corrected by your teacher at classes now? Where are mistakes being corrected by your teacher now? Whose mistakes are being corrected by your teacher now? What kind of mistakes are being corrected by your teacher now? By whom are mistakes being corrected now?
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